Computer Organization and 8085 microprocessor notes


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Unit I

CPU Organization

1. Introduction

The CPU is made up of 3 major parts:

1. Register set2. Control unit (CU)3. Arithmetic and logic unit (ALU)

Register set stores intermediate values used during the execution of the program.

ALU executes the microperations. CU generates the control signal related to microoperation. CU controls the transfer of information among the registers and selects which operation to be performed by ALU.

Computer Architecture can be defined as computer structure and behaviour as seen by the programmer that uses machine language instructions. This includes instruction formats, addressing modes, instruction set and the general organization of CPU registers.

The design of CPU involves choosing hardware for implementing the machine instructions. Assembly language Programmer must be aware of the register set, memory structure, the type of data supported by the instructions, and the function that each instruction performs.

Q) Explain about General Register Organization (OR) What is microprogrammed control?

Intermediate values like pointers, counters, return addresses, temporary results and partial products during multiplication are stored in registers rather than in main memory. Accessing intermediate values is faster when they are kept in registers. The registers communicate with each other for direct data transfers, while performing microoperations. Hence it is most efficient if we connect them through a common bus system. A bus organization of seven CPU registers is as shown below:

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The above diagram consists of 7 registers which are connected to 2 multiplexers (MUX) to form Bus A and Bus B. The select lines (SELA and SELB ) are used to select the registers to input data to ALU through Bus A and Bus B.

The ALU performs arithmetic and logical microoperations and generates output. One copy of the output is stored in the register .

The combined value of SELA( 3bits), SELB( 3bits), SELD( 3bits), OPR (5 bits) (i.e, 3+3+3+5= 14 bits ) is called control word.

SELA and SELB selects input registers,

SELD selects the output register.

OPR selects the operation to be performed by ALU.

Encoding of register selection fieldsBinary Code SELA SELB SELD

000 Input Input None

001 R1 R1 R1

010 R2 R2 R2

011 R3 R3 R3

100 R4 R4 R4

101 R5 R5 R5

110 R6 R6 R6

111 R7 R7 R7

Encoding of ALU operationsOPR


Operation Symbol






Transfer A

Increment A

Add A + B

Subtract A – B

Decrement A






Example of micro operation

The following statements demonstrate the sequence of steps that are used to perform microoperation.

For Example to perform the operation R1 ¬ R2 + R3 , the sequence of steps will be

[1] MUX A selector (SELA): Here BUS A ¬R2

[2] MUX B selector (SELB): Here BUS B ¬R3

[3] ALU operation selector (OPR): Here 00010 is fed through OPR to perform addition by ALU.

[4] Decoder destination selector (SELD): Selects the register that must store the output. This is decided by the SELD input given to 3x8 decoder .Here Output generated after the execution of micro operation is loaded into R1 .


Symbol: R2 R3 R1 ADD

Control word: 010 011 001 00010

Microoperatio Symbolic Designation Control Word

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R1← R2 - R3 R2 R3 R1 SUB 010 011 001 00101

R6 ← R6 + 1 R6 — R6 INCA 110 000 110 00001

R7 ← R1 R1 — R7 TSFA

001 000 111 00000

A memory unit that stores control word is known as control memory. By reading consecutive control words, we can generate desired sequence of micro operations. This type of generating control words is known as Micro programmed control.

Q) Explain about stack organization ? (or) What is stack and how stacks are organized in system architecture.Ans:

Stack: set of memory location in which data values are accessed using Last In First Out Technique (LIFO) is called Stack. Stacks are

1. Very useful feature for nested subroutines, nested interrupt services.2. Also efficient for arithmetic expression evaluation3. Stack Pointer (SP) register holds the address of memory location containing top most data item.4. Only PUSH and POP operations are applicable

Stacks can exist as a standalone unit (Register Stack) or can be implemented as part of main memory (Memory Stack)

i) Register Stack organization: Stack can be organized as a collection of finite number of memory words or registers. Below figure shows the organization of a 64-word register stack.

Here DR is a data register used to store the data popped from top of stack. DR register also holds the data to be pushed onto the stack. Stack Pointer (SP) register holds the address of memory location containing top most data item. FULL and EMPTY are one bit registers or Flags. FULL is set to 1 when the stack is full and EMPTY is set to 1 when the stack is empty. The first item stored in the stack is at address 1. The last item is stored at address 0. If SP reaches 0, the stack is full, so FULL is set to 1

In 64-word stack, the SP contains 6 bits because 26=64 .The first item stored in the stack is at address 1. The last item is stored at address 0. When SP=63 and ← SP+1 , the result is 0 as 111111+1=1000000 in binary. But SP =0 as SP can hold 6 least significant bits(LSB). Also when SP=0 and SP← SP−1 then 000000-1=111111 therefore, SP=63.

ii) Memory Stack Organization

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A portion of main memory is used as stack and processor register as SP. Below figure shows portion of main memory divided into 3 segments -program, data and stack segments. The initial value of SP is 4001 and the stack grows with decreasing addresses.

Thus the first item stored in the stack is at address 4000, the second item is stored at address 3999, and the last address that can be used for the stack is 3000.

A new item is inserted with push operation as follows

- PUSH operation: SP ¬ SP - 1

M[SP] ¬ DR

An data item is deleted using pop operations as follows

- POP operation: DR ¬ M[SP]

SP ¬ SP + 1

Most computers do not provide hardware to check stack overflow (full stack) or underflow (empty stack). Limit checking must be done in software using 2 processor registers. One register to hold upper limit (i.e, 3000 in this case) and another to hold lower limit.

Stack Organization is good for evaluating arithmetic expressions. Common arithmetic expressions are written in infix notation.

A + B

Infix notation

+ A B

Prefix or Polish notation

A B +

Postfix or reverse Polish notation

Evaluation of Arithmetic Expressions: Any arithmetic expression can be expressed in parenthesis-free Polish notation. The reverse Polish notation is very suitable for stack. In reverse polish notation operands are declared first and then the operators. Multiplication and division are performed before addition and subtraction. The following diagram represents evaluation of arithmetic expression using stack.

The above expression is evaluated from left to right. The operands are pushed onto the stack and the arithmetic operations are performed on the top 2 elements of the stack, the result is again pushed back onto stack.

Q) Convert the expression from infix to post fix or reverse polish notation

Ans: Consider the expression (A + B) * [C * (D + E) + F]

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we must first perform the arithmetic inside the parentheses (A + B) and (D + E). So, AB+DE+

Next we must calculate the expression inside the square brackets.

The multiplication of C * (D + E) must be done prior to the addition of F since multiplication has precedence over addition. So, AB+DE+C*F+

The last operation is the multiplication of the two terms between the parentheses and brackets

The converted expression is A B + D E + C * F + *

The expression can be converted to reverse Polish notation, without the use of parentheses, by taking into consideration the operation hierarchy.

Q) What are the common fields found in an instruction?

Ans: The bits of the instruction are divided into groups called fields. The most common fields found in instruction formats are:

1. operation code field (op-code field) that specifies the operation to be performed.

2. An address field that has a memory address or a processor register depending on mode field.

3. A addressing mode field that specifies determines how the address field is to be interpreted (to get effective address or the operand)

Q) Explain about the most common processor organizations. (or) What are 1-address , 2- address, 3-address and zer-address instructions. (or) Explain about various types of instruction formats.


Most common fields in instruction are op-code field, address field and addressing mode field. The number of address fields in the instruction format depends on the internal organization of CPU. Most computers fall into one of the 3 types of CPU organizations. They are

1. Single register (Accumulator) organization2. General register organization3. Stack organization

1. Single register (Accumulator) organization: Accumulator is the only general purpose register. Example : ADD X /* AC ¬ AC + M[X] */ One address instructionhere AC is the accumulator and M[X] is the memory word located at address X. Since the instruction has one address field, ADD X is a one –address instruction

2. General register organization employs two or three address fields in their instruction format. Each address field may specify a processor register or a memory word. Any of the registers can be used as the source or destination for computer operations.ADD R1, R2, R3 /* R1 ¬ R2 + R3 */ADD R1, R2, R3 is three address instruction as it has 3 register address fields R1,R2 and R3. First address field R1 is destination and remaining address fields(R2 and R3) are sources.ADD R1, R2 /* R1 ¬ R1 + R2 */MOV R1, R2 /* R1 ¬ R2 */ADD R1, X /* R1 ¬ R1 + M[X] */the above 3 instructions are 2 address instructions as they have 2 address fields.

3. Stack organization: All operations are done using the hardware stack. have PUSH and POP instruction which require an address field. Thus the instruction

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PUSH X /* TOS ¬ M[X] */will push the word at address X to the top of the stack. The stack pointer is updated automaticallyThe instruction ADDin stack consists of an operation code only with no address field. Hence ADD is a zero address instruction.This operation will pop the top 2 data items from the stack, adds them and pushes the sum into the stack

Q) Write a program to execute X = (A + B) * (C + D) using zero, one, two, three address instructionsAns:

Three-Address Instructions

ADD R1, A, B R1 ← M[A] + M[B]

ADD R2, C, D R2 ← M[C] + M[D]


X, R1, R2 M[X] ← R1 * R2

The advantage of the three-address format is that it results in short programsThe disadvantage is that the binary-coded instructions require too many bits to specify three addresses

Two-Address Instructions

The first symbol listed in an instruction is assumed to be both a source and the destination where the result of the operation is transferred

One- Address Instructions


ADD B AC ¬ AC + M[B]



T M[T] ¬ AC


ADD D AC ¬ AC + M[D]

MUL T AC ¬ AC * M[T]


T is the address of a temporary memory location required for storing the intermediate result

Zero Address instruction

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MOV R1, A R1 ¬ M[A]

ADD R1, B R1 ¬ R1+M[B]

MOV R2, C R2 ¬ M[C]

ADD R2, D R2 ¬ R2 + M[D]



R1 ¬ R1 * R2

MOV X, R1 M[X] ¬ R1



ADD TOS ¬ (A + B)



ADD TOS ¬ (C + D)

MUL TOS ¬ (C + D) * (A + B)


TOS stands for top of stack

Q) Explain the different Addressing modes with an exampleAns: Addressing modes are used to find the mode of accessing address of operand for processing the instruction. The most common addressing modes are: 1. Implied Addressing mode. 2. Immediate Addressing Mode. 3. Register Addressing Mode 4. Register Indirect Addressing Mode 5. Auto-increment or Auto-decrement Addressing 6. Direct Addressing Mode 7. Indirect Addressing Mode 8. Relative Addressing Mode 9. Indexed Addressing Mode 10. Base Register Addressing Mode1. Implied addressing Mode: In this mode the operands are specified implicitly in the definition of the instruction.

For example, CMA "complement accumulator“The operand is the accumulator register and the contents of accumulator are complimented and the complimented result is again stored in accumulator.Zero-address instructions in a stack-organized computer are implied-mode instructions since the operands are implied to be on top of the stack.2. Immediate addressing Mode: In this mode the operand is specified in the instruction itself. In other words, an immediate-mode instruction has an operand field rather than an address field. For example, MVI A, 50 A←50This instruction stores the constant value 50 in accumulator register.3. Register Addressing Mode: In this mode the operands are in registers that reside within the CPU.For example, Add R1,R2 R1← R1 + R24. Register Indirect Mode:In this mode the register contains the address of operand in memory i.e, the instruction specifies the registers in CPU, these register contains the address of operand.For example: LDA (R1) AC ← M[R1]5. Auto increment or Auto Decrement mode:This mode is useful to access table of data in memory. When the address stored in the register refers to a table of data in memory, it is necessary to increment or decrement the register after every access to the table.

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This mode is similar to register indirect mode except that the register is incremented or decremented after the value of memory is accessedAn example for Auto-increment, LDA (R1)+ – AC ← M[R1] – R1 ← R1+1

An example for Auto-decrement, LDA -(R1) – R1 ← R1-1 – AC ← M [R1]6. Direct addressing modeThe operand resides in memory and its address is given directly in the address field of the instruction. — For example, LDA 4002 AC ← M[4002] here 4002 is the value in address field of instructionIn this mode the effective address is equal to the address part of the instruction. Here Effective address is address of operand.7. Indirect addressing mode:In this mode the address field of the instruction gives the address where the effective address is stored in memory. — For example, LDA @4002 AC ← M[ M[4002] ]here 4002 is the value in address field of instruction8. Relative Address Mode: In this mode the content of the program counter is added to the address part of the instruction in order to obtain the effective address. — For example, LDA $ 40 AC ←M[PC+40] here 40 is the value in address field of instruction9. Indexed Addressing Mode: In this mode the content of an index register XR is added to the address part of the instruction to obtain the effective address. — For example, LDA add(x) AC ← M[XR+address field value]Index register is a special CPU register that contains an index value which is automatically incremented after its contents are accessed. The address field of instruction defines the beginning address of array in memory.10. Base Register Addressing Mode: In this mode the content of a base register is added to the address part of the instruction to obtain the e ffective address. This is similar to the indexed addressing mode except that the register is now called a base register whose values are not automatically incremented.

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Unit II 8085 MicroprocessorQ) What is 8085 microprocessor? Explain the operations performed by 8085 MPU.Ans: The 8085 MPU is programmable logic device which consists of registers, flip flops and timing elements. Depending on internally designed instructions, the 8085 MPU can communicate with peripheral devices and can process the data depending on the logical design known as Architecture. Categories of functions performed by microprocessor are

1. Microprocessor initiated operations: Memory Read and Memory Write operations are performed when the microprocessor wants to read or write data from memory. I/O Read and Write operations are performed when input is accepted from input device (peripheral) or output is transmitted to output device (peripheral). To communicate with peripheral or memory, the MPU needs to perform the following steps

1. Identify the peripheral or memory location (with its address)2. Transfer binary data3. provide timing or synchronization signals

The above tasks are performed with the help of 3 buses which are together called system bus. The 3 buses are

1. Address Bus2. Data Bus3. Control Bus

1. Address Bus: To identify a peripheral or memory location, it is provided with binary address. The address bus is used to carry address bits through A0 ¿ A15address lines. Using 16 bit addresses, we can give unique addresses to 216 memory locations. Hence 8085 MPU has 64K memory (216=26∗210=64 K ¿ . Address bus is unidirectional i.e, address bits flow from MPU. 2. DataBus: Once the required memory location is identified, the data in that memory location must be read into MPU. Data bus is used to carry the data through 8 data lines identified by D0 ¿ D7 . Since each memory location in 8085 can store only 8 bit data, it has. Data bus is bidirectional to allow reading and writing to memory or peripherals.

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Categories of functions performed by 8085

Microprocessor Initiated Operations

Memory Read

Memory Write

I/O Read

I/O Write

Internal data operations

Store 8 bit data

Perform Arithmetic and logical operations

Check conditions

Control Instruction Execution

Store data temporarily

External operations





3. Control Bus:Control bus provides timing and synchronization signals. Control bus is unidirectional Microprocessor uses control bus to process data, that is what to do with the selected memory location. Some control signals are Read, Write and Opcode fetch etc. Various operations are performed by microprocessor with the help of control bus. This is a dedicated bus, because all timing signals are generated according to control signal. It carries synchronization signal which acts as an handshake signals between the microprocessor and peripheral devices.8085 Bus Architecture is as follows

memory Read operation is as shown below

2.Internal data operationsi) To store 8 bit data coming through data lines into MPU, we need registers. The 8085 has six general purpose 8-bit registers B, C, D, E, H, L . These registers can be combined as register pairs BC, DE and HL

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to perform 16 bit operations. The 8085 programmable registers are as shown below. These are called programmable register as they are accessible to the programmer

ii) Accumulator register also known as register A is part of ALU. This register can store 8 bit data and also the result of operation.iii) ALU includes five 1-bit flag registers that are set to 1 or reset to 0 according to data conditions in the accumulator.iv) Program counter (PC) is a 16 bit register that stores the address of memory location that contains next byte to be fetched. This helps to sequence the execution of instructionsv) Stack Pointer (SP) is a 16 bit register that stores the beginning address of memory stack.

3. Peripheral or Externally initiated OperationsExternal/Peripheral devices can initiate the following operations1. Reset: When Reset pin is activated, all operations are stopped and PC is reset to 0. The buses are tri-stated and the program execution begins at zero address.2. Interrupt: When interrupt occurs, the MPU is interrupted and asked to execute service routine (emergency instructions). After completing the execution of service routine, the MPU starts executing the instructions that it was executing before the interrupt.3. Ready: is used by microprocessor to check whether a peripheral is ready to accept or transfer data.4. Hold: Hold signal is used in Direct Memory Access( DMA). External devices will request the control of buses through HOLD signal.

Q) Memory ClassificationAns: The primary memory is of 2 types

1. Random Access Memory (RAM)2. Read only memory (ROM)

ROM: ROM is a non- volatile memory. Data in the ROM is not lost when the power is switched off.ROM can also be accessed randomly. Functional representation of ROM memory cell is as shown below

Types of ROM: ROM comes in following varieties

1. Masked ROM: contents are programmed by the manufacturer. The contents cannot be modified later.

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2. Programmable ROM (PROM): can be programmed just once by "blowing" the fuses. Hence they are also known as one-time programmable (OTP) devices.

3. Erasable Programmable ROM(EPROM):   Once programmed, an EPROM can be erased by exposing it to strong ultraviolet light source for certain amount of time. It will erase the entire EPROM.

4. Electrically Erasable Programmable ROM(EEPROM):   An EPROM usually must be removed from the device for erasing and programming, whereas EEPROMs can be programmed and erased by special programming signals. EEPROM can be erased one byte at a time. Reprogramming does not require special equipment and is flexible but slow. Used in printers.

5. Flash memory: Also called Flash BIOS or flash memory. Erased and reprogrammed in blocks.RAM RAM is a volatile memory. Data in the RAM is lost when the power is switched off. The cpu can access any random location in memory directly, hence it is called random access memory.Types of RAM:RAMs are of 2 types

1. Static RAM (SRAM) :  SRAM chips does not need to be refreshed. Very fast ,Very expensive , than DRAM. Access time of SRAM is 25 nanoseconds.

2. Dynamic RAM(DRAM): need to be refreshed. Access time is 60 nanoseconds.

Secondary memory is used to store data permanently. The secondary storage devices store huge volumes of data. Various secondary storage devices are Floppy Disk, Hard Disk, CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, Magnetic tape etc.In microprocessor controlled oven, programs that run oven are permanently stored in ROM. Data such backing period, starting time and temperature are entered in RAM through the keyboard.

Q) Draw the pin diagram of 8085 and explain each pin in detail.Ans: The intel 8085A also known as 8085 is an 8-bit general purpose microprocessor. The microprocessor has 40 pins. All the signals provided to the pins are classified into 6 groups

1. Address Bus2. Data Bus3. Control and status signals

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Primary Memory


memory (R/W M)

Static R/W M (SRAM)

Dyanmic R/W M(DRAM)

Read only memory (ROM)

Erasable Memory

1) EPROM2) EE-PROM3)Flash memory

Permanent Memory

1) Masked ROM2) PROM

Secondary memory/ Back up storage memory

Semi- random access

1) Floppy Disk2) Hard Disk3) CD-ROM4) DVD-ROM

Serial Access

1) Magnetic tape2) Magnetic Bubble3) CCD

4. Power Supply and frequency signals5. Externally initiated Signals and 6. Serial I/O

The Below figure shows the 8085 Pin diagram.

1. Address Bus: The 8085 has 8 lines, A8−A15 used as higher order address bus. These are unidirectional.2. Multiplexed Address/Data Bus: The lines, AD0−AD7 are bidirectional and are used as lower order address bus as well as data bus.3. Control and Status Signals:

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There are 2 control signals ( RD and WR )and 3 status signals (IO / M , S1 , S0¿ and one special signal (ALE) i) ALE - Address Latch Enable : This is a positive going pulse generated every time the 8085 begins

an operation. Control Signals: ii) RD – This is read control signal (active low). This signal indicate that the data

must be read and must be placed on the data bus iii)WR - This is Write control signal (active low). This signal indicate the data

must be writtenStatus Signals: iv) IO / M – When this signal is high, it indicates I/O operation;

when it is low, it indicates memory operation. v) S1∧S0- These signals are used to identify various operations.

4. Power Supply and Frequency Signalsi) V cc : +5 V power supplyii) V ss: Ground iii) X1 , X2 : These are also called crystal inputs and are used to generate clock signals internally.iv) CLK OUT - Clock output: this signal can be used as system clock.

5. Externally initiated signals including interrupts:i) The 8085 has 5 interrupt signals that can be used to interrupt a program exection. They are INTR - Interrupt Request, Restart interrupts RST 7.5, RST 6.5, RST 5.5, TRAP

Interrupt type Maskable interrupt Vector Address Trigger PriorityTRAP No 0024 H (4.5*0008H) Edge and level Triggered 1RST 7.5 Yes 003C H (7.5*0008H) Edge Triggered 2RST 6.5 Yes 0034 H (6.5*0008H) Level Triggered 3RST5.5 Yes 002C H (5.5*0008H) Level Triggered 4INTR Yes Non-Vectored Level Triggered 5

ii) INTA – Interrupt acknowledgement (active low) is used to acknowledge an interrupt.iii) RESET ∈¿¿: When signal on this pin goes low, all operations are stopped and PC is reset to 0.iv) RESET OUT: This signal can be used to reset other devices when the MPU is reset.v) READY: is used by microprocessor to check whether a peripheral is ready to accept or transfer HOLD: Hold signal is used in Direct Memory Access( DMA). External devices will request the control of buses through HOLD signal. MPU will give the control of buses by sending HLDAvii) HLDA – Hold acknowledgement is used to acknowledge the HOLD request.

6. Serial I/O : The 8085 has 2 signals to implement serial transmission i) SID – Serial Input Deviceii)SOD – Serial Output Device.

Q) What is instruction cycle, machine cycle and T-state?Ans: Instruction cycle is the time required to complete execution of one instruction.Machine Cycle is the time required to complete one operation.T-State is the subdivision of operation performed in one clock period.

Q)What are the 3 major phases in instruction cycle. How a microprocessor performs these steps? (or)

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Q) Explain Microprocessor communication and Bus Timings. Ans: The 3 major phases in instruction cycle are

1. Fetch the instruction from memory2. Decode the instruction3. Exexute the instruction

1. Fetch the instruction : The instruction is fetched from memory. For example:The steps and timing diagram when the instruction code 0100 1111 (4FH – MOV C,A) stored in memory location 2005H is being fetched are as shown in the below diagrams.Step 1: The program counter places 16 bit memory address 2005H on the address bus.

At T1, the higher order memory address 20H is placed on address lines A8−A15

ALE signal goes high and the lower order memory address 05H is placed on AD0−AD7 lines.IO/ M signal is low indicating instruction code must be fetched from memory.

Step 2: The control unit sends the control signal RD to enable memory chip. RD is sent during T2.Step 3: The instruction byte (4FH ) at memory location 2005H is placed on data bus.

Instruction byte (4FH ) is placed on AD0−AD7 lines at T2 when RD goes high the AD0−AD7 are disabled.

Step 4: The instruction byte (4FH ) is placed in instruction decoder and the contents of accumulator are copied into register C. This is done during T4.

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Decoding and Executing an instruction: is as shown in the below figure.To decode and execute the instruction (4FH – MOV C,A) the following steps are performed.i) The contents of the data bus (4F) are placed in instruction register (IR¿ and decodedii) The contents of accumulator (82) are transferred to the temporary register in ALU.ii) The contents of the temporary register are transferred to register C.

Q) Explain how the bus AD0−AD7 is demultiplexed and how control signals are generated?Ans: The high order address is placed on the address bus and is held for 3 clock periods, The low order address is lost after the first clock period, this address needs to be held so we need to use a latch. ALE is high only in first clock period and ALE signal will enable (G) pin of the latch.The address AD7 –AD0 is connected as inputs to the latch 74LS373 and lower order address is passed through A0−A7 output lines of latch. When ALE goes low, latch is not enabled and the instruction code passes through D0−D 7 lines.The OC –Output control –of the latch is grounded

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Generating Control signals To generate memory read ( MEMR), memory write ( MEWR), read from input device ( IOR), write to ouput device ( IOW ) control signals from RD ,WR and IO/ M we need a circuit as shown in the figure.

Truth table for bubbled NAND gates is

Inputs Output of bubbled NAND gate0 0 00 1 11 0 11 1 1

IO / M RD WR Control Signal generated

0 0 1 MEMR0 1 0 MEWR1 0 1 IOR

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1 1 0 IOW

To demultiplex and generate the necessary control signals, the 8085 microprocessor requires a latch and logic gates to build the MPU as shown in the below figure.

Q) Explain the Architecture of 8085 with a neat diagramAns: Below figure show the Functional Block Diagram of the 8085. It includes

1. Arithmetic and logic unit (ALU)2. Timing and Control Unit3. Instruction Register and Decoder4. Register Array5. Interrupt Control 6. Serial I/O Control

1. ALU: ALU includes the accumulator, temporary register, the arithmetic and logic circuits and flag register. The result of operation is stored in accumulator. Temporary Register:-It is a 8-bit register which is used to hold the data on which the accumulator is computing operation. It is also called as operand register because it provides operands to ALU.8-bit Flag register consists of 5 flags which change according to the result stored in accumulator.

1. Sign(S) flag2. Zero(z) flag3. Auxiliary carry(AC) flag4. Parity(P) flag5. Carry(C) flag

The bit position of the flags in flag register is as shown            

i) Sign Flag: Used for indicating the sign of the data in the accumulator. The D7 bit always decides the sign of the number. This flag is used in signed numbers.

if D7 bit in the result is 1: the result is negative and Sign Flag=1if D7 bit in the result is 0: the result is positive and Sign Flag=0

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ii) Zero Flag: is 1 if the result is 0iii) Auxiliary carry(AC) flag: is 1 if there is carry out of 3rd bit . This flag is used only internally for Binary coded Decimal (BCD) operations and not available to programmer.iv) Parity(P) flag: is 1 if the number of 1’s in the result is even

is 0 if the number of 1’s in the result is oddv)Carry(C) flag: Is set if there is a carry or borrow from arithmetic operation

2.Timing and Control Unit: It provides timing and control signal to the microprocessor to perform the various operation. It has 2 control signals RD ,WR and 3 status signals ¿ M , S1∧S0. It provides clock to external circuits by CLK OUT and provides clock to internal circuits byX1∧X2 . This unit also controls externally initiated signals (RESET I N ,RESET OUT , HOLD¿and provides acknowledgements (HLDA ¿.

3. Instruction Register (IR¿ and Decoder: IR is a 8-bit register. When an instruction is fetched from memory, it is stored IR register. Decoder decodes the instruction in I R register.

4. Register Array: W, Z are 8-bit temporary registers and are used to hold data during arithmetic/logic operation. They are not used by programmer. There are six general purpose 8-bit registers B, C, D, E, H, L . These registers can be combined as register pairs BC, DE and HL to perform 16 bit operations. 5. Interrupt Control: There are 6 interrupt pins in this unit. Generally an external hardware is connected to these pins. These pins provide interrupt signal sent by external hardware to microprocessor and microprocessor sends acknowledgement for receiving the interrupt signal. Generally INTA is used for acknowledgement.

6. Serial I/O Control: There are two pins in this unit. This unit is used for serial data communication.

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Example 1:1011 0101

+ 0110 1100---------------

Carry 1 0010 0001

Example 2: 1011 0101

- 1100 1100---------------

Borrow 1 1110 1001

Q) Instruction Set ClassificationAns: 1. Data Transfer (Copy) Operations:

These operations simply COPY the data from the source to the destination. The data in the source is not changed. The various types of data transfer (copy) are listed belowType ExamplesBetween registers Copy the contents of register B into register D Data Byte to a register or memory location Load Register B with data byte 32H

Between a memory location and a register From the memory location 2000H to register BBetween an I\O Device and the accumulator From an input keyboard to the accumulator

2. Arithmetic Operations :a) Addition(ADD, ADI): Any 8-bit number or the contents of a register or the contents of a memory

location can be added to the contents of the accumulator and the result is stored in the accumulator.b) Subtraction(SUB, SUI): Any 8-bit number or the contents of a register or the contents of a memory

location can be subtracted from the contents of the accumulator. The result is stored in the accumulator. Subtraction is performed in2’s compliment notation. Negative result is also expressed in 2’s compliment notation.

c) Increment and Decrement : The 8-bit contents of any memory location or any register can be directly incremented or decremented by 1. These operations can be performed in any register or in a memory location. No need to disturb the contents of the accumulator.

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3. Logical Operations: These instructions perform logic operations on the contents of the accumulator. a) AND , OR, Exclusive OR: Any 8-bit number or the contents of a register or the contents of a

memory location can be logically ANDed , ORed or Exclusive-ORed with the contents of accumulator. The result is stored in the accumulator.

b) Rotate: Rotate the contents of the accumulator one position to the left or right.c) Compare: Any 8-bit number or the contents of a register or the contents of a memory location can be

compared for equality, >,< with the contents of accumulator.d) Compliment: 1’s complement the contents of the accumulator.

4. Branching Operations: alters the sequence of program execution either conditionally or unconditionally.a) Jump: Conditional jump instructions jump to new location only if certain conditions (Zero flag or

Carry flag) is set or reset. Unconditional jump instructions jump to new location no matter what.b) Call, Return and Restart: These instructions change the sequence of program either by calling

subroutine or returning from a subroutine. Conditional Call and Return instructions also can test condition flags.

5. Machine Control operations: These instructions control machine functions such as Halt, Enable and disable interrupt or do nothing.

Q) Instruction formatEach instruction has two parts. The first part is the task or operation to be performed. This part is called the “opcode” (operation code). The second part is the data to be operated on called the “operand”. The operand (data) can be specified in various ways. It may include 8-bit or 16-bit data, an internal register, a memory loacation or 8-bit or 16-bit address. In some instructions operand is implicit.

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Instruction Set Classification

Data Transfer (COPY) Operations

Between registers

Data Byte to a register or memory location

Between a memory

location and a register

Between an I\O Device

and the accumulator

Arithmetic Operations



Increment or decrement

Logic Operations

AND, OR, Exclusive-





Branching Operations


Call, Return and Restart

Machine Control



Enable/ Disable Interrupt


Q) Explain the instruction set supported by 8085Ans: Since the 8085 is an 8-bit device it can have up to 28 (256) instructions. However, the 8085 only uses 246 combinations that represent a total of 74 instructions. Most of the instructions have more than one format.The following notations are usedR = 8085 8-bit register (A, B, C, D, E, H, L)M = Memory register , it contains data at address present in HL register Rs = Source Register (A, B, C, D, E, H, L)Rd = Destination Register (A, B, C, D, E, H, L)Rp = Register Pair (BC, DE, HL, SP)[ ] = Contents of

1. Data transfer instructions

Mnemonics Tasks Addressing mode

Instruction Size


MOV Rd, Rs Copy data in Rs into Rd. [ Rd ] ←[Rs ]

Register 1- byte MOV B, C

MOV R, M Copy data from M into R[R ¿←[HL ]

Register Indirect

1-byte Instruction: LXI H, 2034H

[HL] = 2034H, [2034] = 58H & [B] = C5H

Instruction: MOV B,MAfter execution: [B] = 58H

& M = 58 H

MOV M, R Copy data from R into M. [ HL]← [R ¿

Register Indirect


MVI R, 8-bit data Load 8-bit data into R.[ R ] ←8-bit data

Immediate 2-byte MVI C, 05H

LXI Rp, 16 bit data Loads 16-bit data into Rp.[ Rp ] ←16-bit data

Immediate 3-byte LXI B, D500 H

[B] =D5H & [E]=00H

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LDA 16-bit address Load accumulator with data at given 16-bit address.

[ A ] ← [16-bit address]

Direct 3-byte LDA 9580 H


After execution: [A] =05H

STA 16-bit addre Store the data in accumulator at given 16-bit address.

[16-bit address] ←[A ]

Direct 3-byte STA 9580 H

[A] =05H

After execution: [9580]=05H

LDAX Rp Load accumulator with the data present in address stored in Rp

[A ]←[Rp ]

Register Indirect

3-byte Let B = 35H & C = 45H & 3545 location has 22H

Instruction: LDAX B A = 22H

STAX Rp Store the data in accumulator at address contained in Rp.

[Rp ]←[ A]

Register Indirect

3-byte Let B = 35H & C = 45H & A = 22H Instruction: STAX B 3545 location has 22H

OUT 8-bit port address

Write the data in accumulator to output device that has 8-bit port address

Direct 2 byte OUT 07H

IN 8-bit port address

Accept data from input device that has 8-bit port address and store it in accumulator

Direct 2 byte IN 02H

LHLD 16 bit address

Load HL register with 16bit address. L ← data stored in 16-bit address.H ← data stored in 16-bit address+1

Direct 3 bytes Let [C050] = 28 H & [C051] = 66 H

Instruction: LHLD C050H After execution: [H] = 66H & [L] = 28 H

SHLD 16 bit address

data in 16-bit address ← Ldata in 16-bit address+1 ← H

Direct 3 bytes

XCHG [H] ↔ [D][L] ↔ [E]

Register 1 byte

2. Arithmetic instructions:In ADD R, ADD M, SUB R, SUB M, ADI, SUI all the flags are affected.Mnemonics Tasks Addressing

modeInstruction Size


ADD R Add the contents of R with contents of accumulator. Result is stored in accumulator. [A]← [ A ]+[R ]

Register 1 byte Let [C] = 05H , [A] =03H

Instruction: ADD CAfter execution:[A] =08H

ADD M Add the contents of M with contents of accumulator. Result is stored in accumulator. [A]← [ A ]+[ HL]

Register Indirect

1 byte [HL] = 2034H, [2034] = 05H & [A] = 03H

Instruction: ADD MAfter execution: [A] = 08H & M = 05 H

SUB R Subtract the contents of R from contents of accumulator. [ A ] ← [ A ]−[R ]

Register 1 byte

SUB M Subtract the contents of R from contents of accumulator. [ A ] ← [ A ]−[HL ]

Register Indirect

1 byte

ADI 8-bit data Add 8-bit data to contents of accumulator. [A]← [ A ]+¿ 8-bit data

Immediate 2 bytes [A] = 03H

Instruction: ADI 05 H

After execution: [A] = 08H

SUI 8-bit data Subtract 8-bit data from the contents of accumulator. [A]← [ A ]−¿ 8-bit data

Immediate 2 bytes

INR R Increment contents of R by 1[R ]← [ R ]+¿1

Register 1 byte All flags except carry flag are affected. [C] = FF H

Instruction: INR CAfter execution: [C] = 00H

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DCR R Decrement contents of R by 1[ R ] ← [ R ]−¿1

Register 1 byte All flags except carry flag are affected

INR M Increment the contents of M by 1[ HL ] ← [ HL ]+¿1

Register 1 byte All flags except carry flag are affected

DCR M Decrement the contents of M by 1[ HL ] ← [ HL ]−¿1

Register 1 byte All flags except carry flag are affected.Let [HL] = F050H & [F050] = 05H Instruction: DCR M After execution: [F050] = 04H

INX Rp Increment the contents of Rp by 1[ Rp ] ← [ Rp ]+¿1

Register 1 byte No flags effectedLet [HL] = F050H Instruction: INX H After execution: [HL]=F051H

DCX Rp Decrement contents of Rp by 1[ Rp ] ← [ Rp ]−¿1

Register 1 byte No flags effected

DAD Rp [ HL ] ← [ HL ]+[Rp ] Register 1 byte Only carry flag affected

3. Logical Instructions:

Logical instructions implicitly assume accumulator as one of the operand and the result is stored in accumulator. modifies Z, P, S flags according to the result resets CY flag. (except CMA instruction : CMA does not affect any flags Do not affects the operand register.

Mnemonics Tasks Addressing mode

Inst. Size

ANA R/M Logically AND [R] /[M] with [A] Register/Register indirect


ORA R/M Logically OR [R]/[M] with [A] Register/Register indirect


XRA R/M Logically Exclusive-OR [R] / [M] with [A] Register/Register indirect


ANI 8-bit data Logically AND 8-bit data with [A] Immediate 2-byteORI 8-bit data Logically OR 8-bit data with [A] Immediate 2-byteXRI 8-bit data Logically Exclusive-OR 8-bit data with [A] Immediate 2-byteCMA Compliment [A] Implied 1-byteCMP R/M Compare [R/M] with [A] for < , > or =

if [A] < [R/M]: carry flag is set if [A] = [R/M]: zero flag is set if [A] > [R/M]:: carry and zero flags are reset.Example:CMP B or CMP M

Register/Register indirect


CPI 8-bit data Compare 8-bit data with [A] for < , > or =The values being compared remain unchanged.The result of the comparison is shown by setting the flags of the PSW as follows: if [A] < data: carry flag is set if [A] = data: zero flag is set if [A] > data: carry and zero flags are resetExample: CPI 89H

Immediate 2-byte

RLC Rotate accumulator left Implied 1-bytePage: 24

Rotate [A] to left by 1-bit

RRC Rotate accumulator right Rotate [A] to right by 1-bit

Implied 1-byte

RAL Rotate accumulator left through carry Implied 1-byte

RAR Rotate accumulator right through carry Implied 1-byte

4. Branching Instructions:The branching instruction are classified into 3 categories

Jump instructions Call and Return instructions Restart instructions

i) Jump instructions: have an instruction size of 3 bytes. All these instruction have immediate addressing mode. Jump instructions are of two types

a) Unconditional Jump instructions : Example Mnemonics TasksJMP 16-bit address Jump to 16-bit address unconditionally

b) Conditional Jump instructionsMnemonics TasksJC 16-bit address Jump on carry

Jump to 16-bit address if result generates carry and CY =1JNC 16-bit address Jump on No Carry (CY=0)JZ 16-bit address Jump on Zero

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Jump to 16-bit address if result is zero and Z =1JNZ 16-bit address Jump on No Zero (Z=0)JP 16-bit address Jump on plus (if D7=0∧S=0¿JM 16-bit address Jump on minus (if D7=1∧S=1¿JPE16-bit address Jump on even parity (P=1)JPO 16-bit address Jump on Odd parity (P=0)

ii) Call and Return instruction

Mnemonics TasksCALL 16-bit address Change the program sequence to location of subroutine mentioned

as 16 bit address in the instructionRET Return to calling program after completion of subroutine.

5. Machine control instructions

Mnemonics TasksHLT Stop processing and waitNOP Do not perform any operation

Q) What are the different addressing modes supported by 8085Ans:

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Q) Write an Assembly language program(ALP) to perform 1’s compliment on 8-bit number.Ans:Input: is  0FH stored at memory location 4500H

Let us store the complemented number at memory location 4600H.

Source program:LDA 4500H ; Load Accumulator with data in the location 4500H

CMA ;Complement the numberSTA 4600H ;Store the result in accumulator to location 4600H

HLT ;Terminate program executionOutput: Result = F0H is stored at memory location 4600H

Q) Write an Assembly language program(ALP) to perform 2’s compliment on 8-bit number.Ans: Input : is  0FH stored at memory location 4500H

Let us store the result at memory location 4600H.Source program:LDA 4500H ; Load Accumulator with data in the location 4500H [ A ]←0 F H

CMA ;Complement the number [ A ]← F 0 H

INR A ; Increment the contents of accumulator [ A ]← F 1 H

STA 4600H ;Store the result in accumulator to location 4600H [4600]← F 1 H

HLT ;Terminate program executionOutput: Result = F1H is stored at memory location 4600H

Q) Write an Assembly language program(ALP) to perform 2’s compliment on 16-bit number.Ans:Let input 16- bit number be 050FH

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Address Contents3000 05H Lower byte of input number3001 0FH Higher byte of input number

LHLD 3000H ;Load H-L pair with operand from 3000H. [ L ] ←contentsof memory location3000[ H ] ← contents of memory location3001 i.e, [H ]← 05 H [ L]← 0 F H

MOV A, L ;Move the lower-order from reg. L to reg. A. [ A ]←0 F H

CMA ;Complement accumulator. [ A ]← F 0 H

MOV L, A ;Move the result from reg. A to reg. L. [ L]← F 0 H

MOV A, H ;Move the higher-order from reg. H to reg. A. [A ]←05 H

CMA ;Complement accumulator. [ A ]← FA H

MOV H, A ;Move the result from reg. A to reg. H. [H ]← FA H

INX H ;Increment H-L pair. [ L]← F 1 H

SHLD 3002H ;Store the result at address 3002H. [3002H] ←[ L][3003H] ←[ H ]

HLT ;Halt.

Output: Result : F1FAH

Address Contents3002 F1H Lower byte of result3003 FAH Higher byte of result

Q) Write an Assembly language program(ALP) to perform 1’s compliment on 16-bit number.Ans:Let input 16- bit number be 050FH

Address Contents3000 05H Lower byte of input number3001 0FH Higher byte of input numberProgram:LHLD 3000H ;Load H-L pair with operand from 3000H. [H ]← 05 H

[ L]← 0 F H

MOV A, L ;Move the lower-order from reg. L to reg. A. [A ]←0 F H

CMA ;Complement accumulator. [A ]← F 0 H

MOV L, A ;Move the result from reg. A to reg. L. [L]← F 0 H

MOV A, H ;Move the higher-order from reg. H to reg. A. [A ]←05 H

CMA ;Complement accumulator. [A ]← FA H

MOV H, A ;Move the result from reg. A to reg. H. [H ]← FA H

SHLD 3002H ;Store the result at address 3002H. [3002H] ←[L][3003H] ←[ H ]

HLT ;Halt.Output: Result : F0FAH

Address Contents3002 F0H Lower byte of result3003 FAH Higher byte of result

Q) Write an Assembly language program(ALP) to perform addition of two 8-bit numbers.Ans:

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Input: First 8-bit number is 05H stored at memory location 4500H

Second 8-bit number is 03H stored at memory location 4501H

Let us store the result at memory location 4600H.Source program:

Label Mnemonics CommentsMVI C, 00H ;Clear C register to hold carry


LDA 4500H ; [ A ] ← [ 4500 ] i . e , [ A ]←05 H

MOV B, A ; copy the contents of A into B [B]←05 H

LDA 4501H ;[ A ] ← [ 4501 ] i . e , [A ]←03 H

ADD B ;[ A ] ← [ A ]+[ B] i.e, [ A ] ←08H

JNC LOOP ; jump if no carry to label LOOPINR C Increment carry


STA 4600H ;Store the addition result at address 4600 i.e,[ 46 00 ] ←[ A ]

MOV A, C ; [ A ] ← [C ]STA 4601H ; store carry at address 4601 i.e, [ 46 00 ] ←[C ]HLT ;Halt

Output: Result = 08H and Carry =00 H

Before Execution:

After Execution:

4500H: 05H 4600H: 08H

4501H: 03H 4601H: 00H

Q) Write an Assembly language program(ALP) to perform addition of two 16-bit numbers.Ans: Let first 16- bit number be 0105H and second number be 0203H Address Contents3000 05H Lower byte of first number3001 01H Higher byte of first number3002 03H Lower byte of second number3003 02H Higher byte of second number

Label Mnemonics CommentsMVI C, 00H ;Clear C register to hold carry


LHLD 3000H ;Load H-L pair with operand from 3000H. [ L ] ← contents of memory location3000[ H ] ← contents of memory location3001 i.e, [H ]← 01 H [ L]← 05 H

XCHG ; [H] ↔ [D] [L] ↔ [E] [D ]← 01 H [E]←05 H

LHLD 3002H ;[ L ] ←contents of memory location3002[ H ] ← contents of memory location3003 i.e, [H ]←02 H [L]←03 H

DAD D ;Add HL pair with DE pair [ H ] ← [ H ]+ [ D ] and [ L ] ← [ L ]+ [ E ] i.e, [ H ] ← 03 H and [ L ] ←08H

JNC LOOP ; jump if no carry to label LOOPINR C ;Move the result from reg. A to reg. H. [H ]← FA H

LOOP: SHLD 4600H ; Store the result at address 4600H. [4600H] ←[ L]

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[4601H] ←[H ]MOV A,C ; [ A ] ← [C ]STA 4602 H ; store carry at address 4601 i.e, [ 46 02 ] ←[C ]HLT ;Halt.

Output: Result = 0308H and carry =0Address Contents 4600 08H Lower byte of addition result4601 03H Higher byte of addition result4602 00H Carry

Q) Write an Assembly language program(ALP) to perform multiplication of two 8-bit numbers.Ans: To perform 02 H * 05 H the following ALP is written Label Mnemonic Comment

MVI C, 00H ;Clear C register [C ]←00H

MVI A, 02 H ;[ A ] ←02 H

MOV B, A ;[ B ] ←02 H

MVI A, 05 H [ A ] ←05 H MOV D, A ;[ D ] ←[ A] i.e, [ D ] ←05 H here D is multiplier = 05 H

MVI A, 00H ;Clear accumulator [ A ] ←00 H

SUM: ADD B ; [ A ] ← [ A ]+[ B ]JNC DEC ;Jump if no carry to label DECINR C ;[ C ] ← [C ]+1

DEC: DCR D ;[ D ] ← [ D ]−1JNZ SUM ; Jump if D is not equal to zero to Label SUMSTA 4600H ; Store the result at address 4600H

MOV A,C ;Move carry in C to ASTA 4601H ;Store carry at address 4601H

HLT ;Halt

Output: Result = 0AH and carry =00H

Q) Write an Assembly language program(ALP) to perform Multiplication of two 16-bit numbers.Ans: 0002H * 0005H Address Contents3000 02H Lower byte of first number3001 00H Higher byte of first number3002 05H Lower byte of second number3003 00H Higher byte of second number

Label Mnemonics CommentsMVI C, 00H ;Clear C register [C]←00H

LHLD 3000H ;Load H-L pair with operand from 3000H. SPHL ;[ SP ] ← [ HL ]LHLD 3002H ; Load H-L pair with operand from 3000H.XCHG ; [H] ↔ [D] [L] ↔ [E] MVI L, 00H

MVI H, 00H

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Address Contents 4600 0AH Result4601 00H Carry

SUM: DAD SP ;Add HL pair with SP [ HL ] ← [ HL ]+ [ SP ] JNC DEC ;Jump if no carry to label DECINX C ;[ C ] ← [C ]+1

DEC: DCX D ;[ DE ] ← [ DE ]−1JNZ SUM ; Jump if DE is not equal to zero to Label SUM

LOOP: SHLD 4600H ; Store the result at address 4600H. [4600H] ←[ L][4601H] ←[H ]

MOV A,C ; [ A ] ← [C ]STA 4602 H ; store carry at address 4601 i.e, [ 46 02 ] ←[C ]HLT ;Halt.

Output: Result = 0008H and carry =0Address Contents 4600 08H Lower byte of addition result4601 00H Higher byte of addition result4602 00H Carry

Q) Write an Assembly language program (ALP) to find Sum of series.Ans: The length of the series is in memory location 4200 H and the series begins from memory location 4201 H.Sample problem:

Source program:

Result =02+05+03= 0A H . The Result is stored at 4300 H = 0A H

Q) Write an Assembly language program (ALP) to perform sortingAns: Before Execution:Address Content4200 H 03 H Size of array4201 H 02 H First element in array4202 H 05 H Second element in array4203 H 03 H Third element in array

Source Program:

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Address Content4200 H 03 H Size of series4201 H 02 H First element in series4202 H 05 H Second element in series4203 H 03 H Third element in series

Label Mnemonic CommentLDA 4200H

MOV C, A ; store the size of array in CMVI A, 00H

LXI H, 4201 H ;HL register stores the address 4201BACK: ADD M ;M register contains the data at 4201

[ M ]←[4201] i.e, [ M ]← 02 H

INX H HL register increments to 4202DCR CJNZ BACKSTA 4300 H


Label Mnemonics CommentLXI H,4200MOV C,MDCR C




After Execution:

Q) Explain about Stack concept in 8085Ans: Stack in 8085 is a memory stack i.e, a set of memory locations in main memory is reserved for stack.The beginning of the stack is defined in program using the instruction.

LXI SP, 16-bit address.

Storing of data bytes begins at memory address one less than the address in stack pointer register. For Example : If a program is running, it is placed in main memory. If program memory ranges from 2000 to 23FF, SP is initialized to 2400 i.e, (1+23FF) i.e, one address beyond the program memory. Information is saved on the stack by PUSHing it on. It is retrieved from the stack by POPing it off. The 8085 provides two instructions: PUSH and POP for storing information on the stack and retrieving it back. Both PUSH and POP work with register pairs ONLY.

PUSH instructions in Stack: PUSH B, PUSH D, PUSH H, PUSH PSW instructions are 1-byte instructions. Here PSW means program status word. Accumulator and flag register is together called PSW.

Initialization of stack pointer register to 2400H LXI SP,2400H [SP]←2400H

LXI B, 12F3H [B]←12H and [C]←F3H

Decrement SP [SP] ← [SP] -1 [SP]←23FFH

Copy the contents of register B to the memory location pointed to by SP


Decrement SP [SP] ← [SP] -1 [SP]←23FEH

Copy the contents of register C to the memory location pointed to by SP

M[SP]← F3H

PUSH PSWDecrement SP [SP] ← [SP] -1 [SP]←23FDH

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Address Content4200 H 03 H Size of series4201 H 02 H First element in array after sorting4202 H 03 H Second element array after sorting4203 H 05 H Third element in array after sorting

Copy the contents of Accumulator to the memory location pointed to by SP

M[SP]← [A]

Decrement SP [SP] ← [SP] -1 [SP]←23FCH

Copy the contents Flag register to the memory location pointed to by SP

M[SP]← [Flag register]

POP instructions in Stack: POP B, POP D, POP H, POP PSW instructions are 1-byte instructions


Copy the contents of the memory location pointed to by the SP to Flag register

POP PSW [Flag register]← M[SP]

Increment SP [SP] ← [SP] +1 [SP]←23FDH

Copy the contents of the memory location pointed to by the SP to accumulator register

[A] ←M[SP]

Increment SP [SP] ← [SP] +1 [SP]←23FEH

Copy the contents of the memory location pointed to by the SP to E register

POP D [E]← F3H

Increment SP [SP] ← [SP] +1 [SP]←23FFH

Copy the contents of the memory location pointed to by the SP to D Register


Increment SP [SP] ← [SP] +1 [SP]←2400H

The order of PUSHs and POPs must be opposite of each other in order to retrieve information back into its original location.


Reversing the order of the POP instructions will result in the exchange of the contents of BC and DE.Q) Explain about Subroutine concept in 8085Ans: A subroutine is a group of instructions that will be used repeatedly. Instead of writing the same instructions repeatedly, the repeated instructions are written only once as subroutine and called whenever required. The 8085 has two instructions for dealing with subroutines. The CALL instruction is used to

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redirect program execution to the subroutine. The RET instruction is used to return the execution to the calling routine.For Example : If a program is running, it is placed in main memory as shown in the figure. In the below program memory ranges from 2000H to 23FF H, SP is initialized to 2400H.

The main program calls subroutine located at 2070H by using CALL 2070H instruction . The address of next instruction 2043H stored in program counter (PC) is placed on the stack as shown below.

and the program is transferred to the subroutine at 2070 H by placing 2070 H in Program Counter. Subroutine gets executed and when the microprocessor executes RET instruction in the subroutine at address 207F H, the contents of stack are popped and placed in Program Counter and PC=2043H. The main program resumes execution from 2043H and continues till HLT instruction

Q) Passing Data to a SubroutineAns: In Assembly Language data is passed to a subroutine through registers.The data is stored in one of the registers by the calling program and the subroutine uses the value from the register.The other possibility is to use agreed upon memory locations.

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The calling program stores the data in the memory location and the subroutine retrieves the data from the location and uses it.

Q)Conditional Call and Conditional Return instructionsAns: The conditional Call and Return instructions are based on four data conditions (flags) : Carry, Zero, Sign and Parity. In case of a conditional Call, the program is transferred to the subroutine if the condition is met. In case of a conditional Return instruction, the sequence returns to main program if the condition is met.Conditonal Call instructions are:

Mnemonics TasksCC 16-bit address Call Subroutine if carry flag CY =1CNC 16-bit address Call Subroutine if carry flag CY=0CZ 16-bit address Call Subroutine if Zero flag Z =1CNZ 16-bit address Call Subroutine if Zero flag Z=0CP 16-bit address Call Subroutine if Sign flag is reset (if D7=0∧S=0¿CM 16-bit address Call Subroutine if Sign flag is set(if D7=1∧S=1¿CPE16-bit address Call Subroutine if parity flag P=1, even parityCPO 16-bit address Call Subroutine if parity flag P=0, odd parity

Conditional return instructions are:Mnemonics TasksRC 16-bit address Return if carry flag CY =1RNC 16-bit address Return if carry flag CY=0RZ 16-bit address Return if Zero flag Z =1RNZ 16-bit address Return if Zero flag Z=0RP 16-bit address Return if Sign flag is reset (if D7=0∧S=0¿RM 16-bit address Return if Sign flag is set(if D7=1∧S=1¿RPE16-bit address Return if parity flag P=1, even parityRPO 16-bit address Return if parity flag P=0, odd parity

Q) Advanced Subroutine concepts Ans: 1. Nesting Subroutines is the programming technique of a subroutine calling another subroutine. This process is limited only by the number of available stack locations. When a subroutine calls another subroutine, all return addresses are stored on the stack. Nesting of subroutines is as shown in the below figure. The main program calls subroutine at 2050H . The address of next instruction 2053H is placed on the stack and the program is transferred to the subroutine at 2090H. Subroutine I calls Subroutine II from location 209AH. The address of next instruction 209DH is placed on the stack and the program is transferred to the subroutineII at 20C2H. The sequence of execution returns to the main program as shown in the figure.Multiple Ending Subroutines: The below figure shows three possible endings to one CALL instruction. The subroutines has two conditional returns( RZ –Return on Zero and RC – Return on Carry) and one unconditional return (RET). If Zero Flag (Z) is set, the subroutine returns from the location 2050H. If the carry flag (CY) is set, it return from location 2058H. If neither the Z nor the CY flag set, it returns from location 2070H.

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Q) Write an ALP program to convert a BCD number into binaryAns: Assume 2-digit BCD number be 0111 0010 = 7210 stored at memory address 2200H and store the result in memory location 2300H. To convert we store BCD1 = 210 and BCD2 = 710 and do 7 * 10+2 i.e, BCD2 * 10 + BCD1 to get the equivalent binary number.Source Program:              

Q) Write an ALP program to convert a binary into BCD number Ans: Sample Problem: Let the binary number (1111 1111)2 be stored at memory location 6000 H .(1111 1111)2 = FFH = 25510 (Decimal 255)Example: Here we divide 255 by 100 by repetitive subtraction and store the quotient in BCD3. Once the remainder after division becomes <100, we divide the remainder by 10 repetitive

subtraction and store the quotient in BCD2 and the remainder is stored as BCD1

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Label Mnemonics CommentsLDA 2200H Get the BCD number i.e, A=0111 0010MOV B, A B=0111 0010ANI 0FH Mask most significant four bits A= 0000 0010MOV C,A Save unpacked BCD1 in C i.e, C= 0000 0010MOV A, B Get BCD again A=0111 0010ANI F0H Mask least significant four bits A= 0111 0000RRC Convert most significant four bits into unpacked

BCD2 i.e, A= 0011 1000RRC A= 0001 1100RRC A = 0000 1110RRC A= 0000 0111MOV D, A Save unpacked BCD2 in D register D= 0000 0111XRA A Clear accumulator MVI E, 0AH Set E as a multiplier of 10 E=0000 1010

SUM: ADD E Add 10 until contents of D = 0. Using this loop E=10 is added 7 times to get 70 i.e, A=0100 0110

DCR D Decrement BCD2 by oneJNZ SUM                 Is multiplication complete? i if not, go back and

add againADD C Add BCD1 i.e, A=0100 1000STA 2300H Store the result i.e, A= (0100 1000)2 = 7210

HLT Terminate program execution

Check Do QuotientSince 255 > 100 255-100 = 155 1Since 155 > 100 155-100 = 55 2Since 55 < 100 Check if 55< 10 BCD3 = 2 = 0000 0010Since 55> 10 55-10=45 1Since 45 > 10 45-10 =35 2Since 35 > 10 35-10 =25 3Since 25>10 25-10=15 4Since 15>10 15-10=5Since 5<10 BCD2 = 5 = 0000 0101

Store BCD1=5 = 0000 0101

Program:LDA 6000H Get the binary number in accumulator (1111 1111)2 = FFH

MVI B, 64H Load divisor 64H = decimal 100 in B registerMVI C, 0AH Load divisor0AH = decimal 10 in C register

STEP1: CMP B Check if number < Decimal 100 JC STEP 2 if yes go to step 2 SUB B Subtract decimal 100 INR E update quotient JMP STEP 1 go to step 1

STEP2: CMP C Check if number < Decimal 10 JC STEP 3 if yes go to step 3 SUB C Subtract decimal 10 INR D Update quotient JMP STEP 2 Continue division by 10

STEP3: STA 6100H Store Digit 0 MOV A, D Get Digit 1 STA 6101H Store Digit 1 MOV A, E Get Digit 2 STA 6102H Store Digit 2


Q) Write an ALP program to convert a ASCII HEX to Binary number Ans:ASCII stands for American standard code for information interchange. It is a seven bit code and its 128 combinations are assigned different alphanumeric characters. For example: Hexadecimal number 30 H to 39H

represent 0 to 9 ASCII decimal numbers and 41H represents A, 42H represents B, 43H represents C, 44H represents D, 45H represents E, 46H represents F .....5AH represents Z.

input: ASCII code 41H stored in memory location C200 H

Label Mnemonics CommentLDA C200H ;Load the accumulator with binary number A=0100 0001SUI 30H ;Subtract immediate data 30H from the contents of

accumulator A= 0001 0001 = (decimal 11)CPI 0AH ;Compare immediately the accumulator content with 0AH

Since (0001 0001)> (0000 1010) CY = 0JC ST Jump if carry to label ST

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Memory address Content6100H



SUI 07 ;Subtract immediate data 07H the contents of accumulator0001 0001 -0000 0111 =0001 0001+1111 1001 =0000 1010= 0AH

ST: STA C202H ;Store the accumulator content at C202H Here result = 0AH

HLT ;Halt the execution

Output: 0AH (binary output ) stored at memory location C202H

Q) Write an ALP program to convert Binary to ASCII Hex CodeAns: Input: 8-bit binary number 9AH stored at memory location 4050H

Main Program:Label Mnemonics Comments

LXI SP, 4100H Initialize Stack pointerLDA 4050H Get the binary number i.e, A=1001 1111LXI D, 4060H Point index where ASCII code to be stored i.e, [DE] ←4060H

MOV B, A Save byte in B=1001 1010RRC Shift high order nibble to lower order nibble.

A=1100 1111RRC A= 11100111RRC A = 1111 0011RRC A= 1111 1001CALL ASCII Call Conversion subroutineSTAX D Store first ASCII Hex in 4060H

INX D [DE] ←4061H

MOV A, B Get the input binary number i.e, A=1001 1111CALL ASCIISTAX D Store Second ASCII Hex in 4061H

HLT Terminate program execution

ASCII: this subroutine converts binary digit between 0 and F to ASCII Hex code.input: Single binary number in accumulatoroutput: ASCII Hex code in accumulatorLabel Mnemonic Comments First byte Second byte

ANI 0FH Mask most significant four bits

Before execution:A=1111 1001 after execution ANI 0FH:A= 0000 1001=09 H

Before execution:A=1001 1111after execution ANI 0FH:A= 0000 1111=0F H

CPI 0AH Is digit less than decimal 10 CY =1 as 09 H < 0A H CY =0 as 0F H >0A H

JC CODE If digit less than decimal 10 go to label CODE and add 30 H

ADI 07 H ADD 07 to obtain code for digits from A to F

A= 0F H +7 H = 16 H

CODE: ADI 30 H Add base number 30 H A= 30 H +9 H = 39 H A= 30 H +16 H = 46 H

RET Return to calling program

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Memory address Content4060H 39 H ASCII Hex code 39 H represents 9 ASCII decimal number 4061H 46 H ASCII Hex code 46 H represents F