Conversations and Conversions- Eshant Mishra- Business Leader IBM Customer Engagement Solutions


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Conversations and Conversions

Eshant MishraBusiness Leader

IBM Customer Engagement Solutions

Presentation Notes
Marketing has changed dramatically and so has the role of the marketer … Moved from - arts and crafts to arts and science Need to integrate our customer’s experiences across all channels And while a lot of cool new technology has made this possible, it hasn’t necessarily made it easier. Today Marketers are being asked to deliver on seemingly impossibly high expectations … Expectations that are less about creating leads and more about building relationships – and creating lifetime value. Let’s start with the ‘Customer’

Charts 10-14 from SYP deck





of companies say they have or are close to having a holistic view of their customers

of customers stated that the average brands doesn't understand them as individuals

Presentation Notes
But studies show that there is a gap – an experience gap – between what customers want and what they get … 81% of marketers say they have a holistic view of the customers across segments/channels yet 78 % of customers stated that the average brands doesn’t understand them as individuals … making this gap very real.

New CMO Club and IBM Research:

•Expectations for marketing have exploded•Budgets are up, but so are expectations: CMOs are planning to increase their spending over the next two years by an average of 50%•Focus solely on awareness or the purchase funnel is obsolete•Today’s CMO is focused on investing across the entire customer journey

•Generating content for use across the buyer journey is king•Marketers are engaging across buyer stages and optimizing theirtactics for each

CMO Club Research

CustomerShow me you know meGive me a consistent experience across channelsProvide me relevant content

BusinessAcquire and grow customersDrive revenueBuild brand loyalty

CMOUse data to drive decisionsBe agile and innovative Deliver results that grow the business faster

Expectations for marketing have exploded

CMO Club Research

Presentation Notes
The job of marketing today looks nothing like it did 2 or 3 – let alone 5 – years ago. The job has changed in scope and complexity. Consider these changes: Database marketing was about a known set of attributes with segmentation updated 1-2x a year; now the types of relevant customer information are constantly growing and you are expected to assemble it into dynamic customer profiles. Campaigns were all scheduled and pushed out; now they are increasingly triggered by customer events and personalized dynamically. The number of channels to reach each customer has exploded across paid, owned and earned media. Offers have gone from product and price focused, to broader sets of relevant services and experiences – many that may not be owned by marketing or even by your company Through it all, you have to deal with huge volumes of data and analytics to know customers better, identify new opportunities, and improve results. Suggested leave behinds: HBR article on the New Basics of Marketing dedicated to the rise of the chief marketing technologist: New IBM-Wharton CMO executive Education program: CMO Insights from the IBM Global C-Suite Study:

Budgets are up, but so are expectations

CMO Club Research

Engagement is extending across the entire buyer journey, making marketing less about the funnel and more about the journey.

CMOs are engaging with budget allocations across the buyer cycle

CMO Club Research

Marketing budgets are extending and content is not only king but leading the budget allocation charge.

Generating content for use across the buyer journey is king

CMO Club Research

CMOs revise their bets throughout the race

CMO Club Research


Presentation Notes
What kind of experiences do customers want? Untility that meets their needs and moments that delight - even the ones they are not expecting. Like Freesat and Caffe Nero are doing and all of you are as well in this audience … The answer is an ubiquitous multi-channel presence, backed by data, analytics and intelligence that helps you understand your customers’ behavior. That let’s you know what’s going on in their lives, even what they’re thinking, saying and needing—almost instantaneously. That’s what IBM Commerce can do for your business—your C2B business. That’s what IBM Commerce and our Marketing solutions can do for your business—your C2B business.

Technology has made more possible but not easier

I need my applications to talk to each other.

I can’t access a single view of customer data across channels.

It is too hard to offer relevant offers and content to my customers.

“ ” “ ”

Getting the right analytics to inform interactions in real time is difficult.”“

“ It is too hard to provide a consistent experience

across channels“ ”I can’t react to my customers in real time.”“

Presentation Notes
And, technology has made more possible but not easier…. We all know what this feels like – getting a single view of your customer and their intentions, behaviors, likes and dislikes across all channels. Getting the right analytics to inform your decisions, interactions with your customers in real-time. Providing a consistent experience and making your solutions talk to each other. Technology should not only make it possible – but it should also make it easier and faster for you to overcome these things and that’s exactly what IBM Marketing Solutions are built to do. Let’s look at some best practices now.

Today, business is more than B2B or B2C. It’s also C2B: customer-to-business. Put your customers at the center of everything you do.

Become a C2B business with IBM

Presentation Notes
Your customers expect you to engage with them on their terms… to understand them, deliver a seamless and consistent experience across all channels. Engage with them at the right times/places Essentially -- provide them exactly what they want, when and where they want it. And, businesses that do this well – are Customer to Business C2B. We’ve moved beyond B2B and B2C. C2B is about engaging customers on their terms and delivering your messaging, products and services to them individually. C2B businesses orchestrate the entire value chain, from the front office to the back office, to meet your customers needs. IBM created IBM Commerce to help you deliver on that promise. To be a C2B business and meet the needs of empowered, savvy customers. We bring you the best of the best analytics, and power key business processes such as Marketing, Customer Analytics, eCommerce and Merchandising in the front office, In addition, we drive seamless and secure partner and supplier engagement in the back office with B2B Integration, Payments Management, and Procurement … all centered on the customer. So let’s focus on how we do that specifically for the Marketer and for Marketing to your customers.

A new way to work for marketers and marketing organizations

Agility: Freedom to innovate

Analytics: Use analytics for impact

Design: Collaborate to create experiences

Presentation Notes
By working with thousands of clients around the world, we have found a new way to work for Marketers and Marketing Organizations. To re-imagine the way Marketers and Marketing organizations should work – we started with our clients and business partners in the IBM Design Lab. We brought our marketing experts together with successful Brands to discover what it takes to deliver effective customer engagements. The path forward is not about adding more people – it is about creating new ways of working for you and your organizations. It is about making it easier for your teams to collaborate and ideate. Then turn the ideas and creativity into orchestrated execution. It is about giving you the right insights, at the right moment to help inform and guide your decisions as you create the right customer journeys that lead to long term relationships. We found that marketers need to focus on 3 things: Design, Analytics and Agility, so you can have the freedom to innovate and the technology to accelerate your path to success. Design: We enable marketers to collaborate and create experiences for the customer using IBM Journey Designer and fueled by IBM Journey Analytics to give you insights to design and refine the best customer experiences. Analytics: Here we enable you to understand your customer, using analytics for impact - all powered by market leading solutions including: IBM Customer Experience Analytics which includes Digital Analytics, Tealeaf customer behavior analytics, and IBM Journey Analytics. Agility: We all know how fast the market moves – so you need to be agile and be able to experiment rapidly with new technologies - (universal behavior exchange.)
Presentation Notes
The screen on the right shows IBM Journey Analytics (unique to IBM) and helps you visualize the customer journey across channels to see which are the best paths to purchase and lifetime engagement for your business. It automatically visualizes and quantifies the paths that customers take, across different channels and touch points, to acquisition, sales and advocacy. It helps you understand customer behavior across paid/owned/earned channels and find the best path of engagement, optimized to help you achieve business objectives. It is integrated seamlessly with IBM Journey Designer to inform the experience you design for your prospects and customers to engage with your brand. IBM has a long heritage in the analytics business and we have capitalized on that heritage with an ‘analytics inside’ strategy for all our solutions, ensuring you have critical insights backed by qualitative and quantitative information to help you create and deliver informed customer experiences that will drive bottom line results and impact for your business.
Presentation Notes
IBM Journey Designer empowers marketers to collaborate, design and continually improve customer experiences. It’s unique--including both online and offline channels, enabling the user to set goals and to build custom experiences based on real user insights by segment. It gives you the freedom to not only innovate with your teams, but also with your partners, (we know IBM is not your only solution). This solution is drag and drop easy to use – with pre built icons and integrations to define and execute the ‘prospect and customer journey’ and how you can engage with them most effectively. IBM Journey Designer captures the creativity of marketers and uses it to automate the planning and building engagements, bringing together channel owners in a collaborative way to ensure execution to a common, proven blueprint. It is uniquely informed by IBM Journey Analytics … to give you the insights and confidence you need to build the kinds of personal experiences your customers crave.
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Now let’s focus on Agility. You need Agility to innovate with us or any other new solution that you may want to incorporate. IBM gets this. To make it possible, we have introduced the IBM universal behavior exchange which provides a frictionless flow of customer behavior, profile and segment data in real-time between any two applications, from IBM or certified partners. The need for agility and leveraging the best solutions is not new – but this approach is an entirely new way to address it by syndicating the data between solutions that need to know. It is about sharing information quickly and easily – informing the right parties to help your organization – without getting IT involved. Having the right data in the right place and time … all to better serve the ultimate prospect or customer in real time – personally and based on their intentions and needs. Agility around customer data – binding it all together – to make it faster and easier to bring innovative technologies to your business. With the Universal Behavior Exchange – we take the integration of customer data out of the hands of vendors and IT and put in the hands of the marketer. To give the marketer a simple and easy way to select the customer data you want to use and share it – click to connect – it is really that simple, and gives you power and freedom simultaneously. Brands can quickly adopt new customer engagement approaches and technologies in a rapidly innovating market through a unique, open approach to sharing customer data. Show on the screen ‘how easy it is to connect two solutions and syndicate the data exchange between them’.
Presentation Notes
IBM Marketing solutions make it easy for you to design customer experiences – leveraging insights and analytics in real-time – and have the freedom to innovate and be agile with an ecosystem of solutions. We have worked hard to bring you the ability to accelerate today’s results and meet challenge of tomorrow’s ambitions. And, to help you we have solutions in these key areas – Digital Marketing, Lead Management, Customer Analytics, Real-time Personalization, and Omni-channel Marketing. Note to the presenter: Depending on the area of interest – the capabilities are covered in more detail on pages 19-23 of this slide library.

IBM Commerce:We engineer the moments ofseendipity that create unbreakablebonds between our clients and theircustomers, billions of times a day.

Chart 15 from SYP deck
