Converse.AI - Single purpose bots vs Multi purpose bot


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Single Purpose Bots Vs Multi Purpose Bot

Single Purpose Bots Vs Multi Purpose Bot

Does it actually matter?

A Bot to Try & Do Everything or A Highly Specialised Team

Are bots the new employees?


User ExperienceTrust

Employee to Bot


Single Purpose Bots Vs Multi Purpose Bot

Customer Service User Case Bob




Single Purpose Bots Vs Multi Purpose Bot

Easy to understand

Easy to train

You can model this on a single business unit

Smoother Bot - Human Hybrid model

Easily adoptable

Trial and error without affecting the rest of the processes

Define clear boundaries

Single Purpose BotsSingle Purpose Bots Vs Multi Purpose Bot

You can end up with lot of bots to maintain

Different bots might give different user experiences

You will have to pass share information between bots

Single Purpose BotsSingle Purpose Bots Vs Multi Purpose Bot

You have only one big bot to manage

One place of interaction

User experience will not vary

Same with single purpose model you start with one use case

Gradually increase bots responsibility

Multi Purpose BotSingle Purpose Bots Vs Multi Purpose Bot

Harder to train

If you are using NLP you can get false positives

Bot workflow will be huge

Consideration on human escalation

Gradually increase bots responsibility

Multi Purpose BotSingle Purpose Bots Vs Multi Purpose Bot

So which approach would we take?

Single Purpose Bots Vs Multi Purpose Bot

How to get started:

✦ Start simple - try Hello World! ✦ Choose the problem you want to solve ✦ Monitor usage between customers and employees ✦ Hook in to current workflows

Single Purpose Bots Vs Multi Purpose Bot, Inc.548 Market Street

San Francisco, CA 94104+1 (415) 919-7891 |

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