Data Mashup Without Code? Yes!


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Data Mashups without Code? Yes! Introduction

 Kavita Maharaj,  Sr. Product Manager, Enterprise Applications

Solution: Lead 360 (A Data Mashup)

q Aggregates Account & Contact data related to a Lead into a single 360 view on the Lead

q Creates an action-oriented framework by pushing data to the Lead Development Rep

q Provides on-click business insight and intelligence

q Adds relevance and context to data

q Reduces data mining to minimum or none

Features & Highlights

The Business Catalyst For Change? Account Based Marketing

We’ve all seen this… The Standard Sales Process Map

q Account Based Marketing (ABM) “is a strategic approach to Business Accounts in which an organisation considers and communicates with individual prospect or customer accounts as one”

q The Lead process for ABM is unique

q ABM reorients the way Marketing, Sales and Lead Development Reps work in

q ABM expands the footprint in existing Customer Base

Account Based Marketing (ABM) Is A Different Approach

The marketing journey starts at opposite ends of the Lead to Customer Lifecycle What’s different about the Lead Process for ABM?



Marketing starts here Marketing starts here

Lead Development Reps require a Lens into the entire Customer Lifecycle

Before ABM q Is the Lead new or a duplicate Lead?

q Does the Lead already exist as a Contact?

q Does the Company already exist as an Account?

After ABM q  Is the Lead related to the a target account in the ABM portfolio?

q  What marketing activities are occurring?

q  What sales activities are occurring?

Different Qualifying Questions Need To Be Answered

Business Problems To Solve Enhancement of Lead Development Processes to Support Account Based Marketing

q  High Lead Volumes

q  Tight SLA’s for execution

q  Investigate

q  Qualify

q  Action

q  Disposition

q  Need to engage quickly and work efficiently

q  Make informed decisions on next steps and disposition

Lead Development Reps Have a Tall Task

q  Leads do not automatically need to display associated Account and Contact data

q  Extensive data mining required to get Contact and Account insight on a Lead

Find Duplicates


Exports and V-lookups

Global Search

q  Available tools are time consuming

q  Not enough Insight to act quickly and efficiently

The Biggest Pain Point

q Require accuracy, context and insight on all activities before connecting with the prospect

q Qualification and Disposition of an ABM Lead is dependent on Lead Insight

Adding to the Pain Point with ABM

Solution Approach Enhancement of Lead Development Processes to Support Account Based Marketing


Contact Account

q  Configurable

To meet changing business requirements

q  Flexible

Provides the ability to create relationships between data where it doesn’t inherently exist

q Has an actionable framework that allows you to take actions based on insight derived form the Lead 360 view

Ability to convert Lead to the displayed Account/Contact

Lead 360  Mashup of Leads , Account & Contacts To Deliver Insight On a Lead

Solution: Skuid on Salesforce Enhancement of Lead Development Processes to Support Account Based Marketing


