Decomposing Lithium's Monolith with Kubernetes and OpenStack


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AUGUST 2015AUGUST 2015Conference Organizer

Decomposing Lithium’s monolith with

Kubernetes and Openstack

Lachlan Evenson | Team Lead, Cloud Platform Engineering, Lithium Technologies

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Share how Lithium deployed Kubernetes on Openstack and hopefully provide a pattern that can be followed for your journey.

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Where the rubber meets the road

• Quick iteration PoC in July• Presented at Kubernetes v1 launch at OSCON• Cue Operation Fury Road

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The honeymoon is over...

• How do we get Kubernetes to Prod?• What does running Kubernetes and Openstack even

look like?• How do we provide access?

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Here’s what we did.

• A cluster that developers can deploy apps to and network connectivity to allow external access to the cluster.

• Kubernetes cluster on Openstack VMs.• Static routing between the nodes in the cluster.

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Bolting it all together

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Great! Is that all?

• How about we utilize the same SDN that powers our Openstack to run out Kubernetes networking?

• Kubernetes cluster running on Openstack VMs using OpenContrail as the SDN.

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Kubernetes on Openstack with OpenContrail

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You’ve got your cluster. Now what?

• How do you provide developer access to the cluster?

• Where do you put your containers?• How do you monitor the cluster and containers

within it?

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As promised

• Here’s how I built it••

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Here’s what we’ve learned

• Kubernetes clusters are lightweight.• Getting to Kubernetes makes your container journey

easier.• Simplifies complex application deployment.• Consistent development experience.

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Wish List

• I would like to use Openstack APIs to provide networking, storage, images.

• Provide persistent container storage via Cinder• Make Glance a container registry

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Thank you

For your time
