Dream Not Of Other Worlds


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Think onely what concernes thee and thy being; Dream not of other Worlds, what Creatures there Live…

John Milton, Paradise Lost, Book VIII

Funding: Greater Midwest Region, National Network of the National Library of Medicine

• 2006 Providing Consumer Health Outreach and Library Programs to Virtual World Residents in Second Life - $40,000 18 months.

• 2007 Libraries on the MUVe: HealthInfo Island to Provide Accessibility Resource Center in Second Life.” - $35,000 12 months.

• 2008 Share the Health: Training People with Disabilities and Chronic Medical Conditions on how to Locate Quality Health Information - $35,000, 12 months.

Reference Services?Yes!

Conclusions The danger of success?

Why do we belong in virtual worlds?

Challenges of global activity

Getting started

“But apt the Mind or Fancie is to roave

Uncheckt, and of her roaving is no end”

Milton, Paradise Lost Book VIII