Drupal7 themeing changes and inheritence



Talk presented at Drupal Downunder Melbourne 2012 video of talk can be seen on you tube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7csQRWRXK18

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Drupal 7 Theming

Changes in Drupal7 and Theme Inheritance


Assumes some knowledge of Drupal themesAssumes some knowledge of HTML/CSS


Drupal Solution Architect @demonzmediaFreelance Open Source Solution Design

Believer in Free Speech and Free Libre Open Source Software

This presentation was created using Libre Office

What is a Theme

In a CMS a presentation layer displays the content to website visitors based

on a set of templates

“A theme is a collection of files that define the presentation layer.” –


Think of it as the index.html with static content replaced by PHP variables

Biggest theme change since Drupal 4.7

That’s nice but, what does it all mean anyway?

New functions for content$content does not require preprocess functions in order to split content

Two new functions for printing out node variables render() and hide()

<div class="content">  <?php    // First we hide the comments and links now so that we can render them later.    hide($content['comments']);    hide($content['links']);    // Then we print the content. Comments and links not included here.    print render($content);  ?></div>    // Then we print the links and comments separately<?php print render($content['links']); ?><?php print render($content['comments']); ?>.

Bye Bye PHPTemplate overridesFunction names must match theme name

In Drupal6 you could override theme functions with calling PHPTemplate.engine

function phptemplate_breadcrumb()

In Drupal7 this has been depreciated

function THEMENAME_breadcrumb()

box.tpl.php is now extinct

Template delimiter changeTemplate suggestions in Drupal7 must be separated by -- not -


You can still use - to separate names



Default regions in Drupal7Drupal7 has new default regions

headerhelp (new region to display help)

highlight (replaces mission)

content (must be included in a theme)


Hidden regions in Drupal7Drupal 7 now has hidden regionsModules can print content out to hidden regions without needed to create a block

The below example would print content but not wishlist, however a module can print its output to the region wishlist

regions[content] = Contentregions[wishlist] = Wishlistregions_hidden[] = wishlist

Hiding CSS elements

Two new CSS classes to assist with hiding CSS elements in Drupal7

.element-hidden hides an element from all users

.element-invisible hides an element visually, which means it remains available to screen readers

More CSS changes

Drupal 7 is adhering to CSS naming conventions

.clear-block was removed and replaced with .clearfix

In Drupal6 we would call <div class="clear-block">

Now in Drupal7 we call <div class="clearfix">

More power to be an individual

Preprocess and Process

Process functions will run after preprocess functions

This enables a two step approach when variables need to be worked on in two phases;

In preprocess you can add classes into an Array

In process you can flatten the array into a string for template printing

Preprocess functions

In Drupal7 they apply to both templates and functions

Preprocess functions are called before process functions

The preprocessor enables variables to be placed within .tpl.php files

Theme Hook Alter

Hook Alter is no longer just for modules

hook_page_alter – allows all variables displayed on a page to be altered/hiddenhook_form_alter – allows small tweaks to forms, no need to create a custom modulehook_js_alterhook_css_alter

No longer need node.tpl.phpIn Drupal6 we needed to have node.tpl.php in our theme in order to theme content types

sites/all/themes/ourtheme/node.tpl.php sites/all/themes/ourtheme/node-event.tpl.php

In Drupal7 we no longer need node.tpl.php in our theme in order to theme content types

modules/node/node.tpl.php sites/all/themes/ourtheme/node--event.tpl.php

Did somebody mention wildcards?

Wildcard Suggestions

Drupal7 can now use wildcard suggestions in template names

Drupal6, needed to know the specific IDPage-user.tpl.php would theme all user pages as well as the log-in, to theme only the user pages you would need to specify the integer for all Page-user-42.tpl.php, Page-user-32.tpl.php

Drupal7, you can specify a wildcard So you can theme all user pages but not the login page--user--%.tpl.php

Over 50 theme changes in Drupal7$content now appears in block admin UI

Blocks have more meaningful CSS classes .block-blog-recent

$classes variable can be added to your preprocess hooks

Additions to drupal_add_css()

Classes and Attributes are now standard and predefined

All titles now have $prefix and $suffix added

Drupal7 Accessibility Changes

Accessibility Changes

RDFa can now be included, make sure you add;

<head profile=”<?php print $grddl_profile; ?>

Adding “Skip to Navigation” to core themes

Removal of duplicate and null tags

Creation of the D7AX hash tag for accessibility for module and theme maintainers

Some modules/themes now include WAI-ARIA

So many Templates?


Webpage output is now constructed by html.tpl.php and not page.tpl.php

Page.tpl.php has been split aparthtml.tpl.php now contains the content between <head> </head> and constructs the template

html.tpl.php calls page.tplAllows for more granular control



No longer contains the header information that's in html.tpl.php

No longer constructs the template thats html.tpl.php job

Is now called from html.tpl.php

Now only contains the contents between the wrapper DIV ie the header, sidebars, page content



As with Drupal6 in Drupal7 node prints out the main content area

No longer need to have node.tpl.php in your theme when creating custom node.tpl's

Can theme specific node's




New to Drupal 7 allows ease of changing region styling

Can theme all regions or themes a specific region

Allows you to wrap more HTML and CSS code around the region area


Allows more control of Drupal out-put

region.tpl.php will allow you to style all regions the same

To style the menu differently you can specify region--menu.tpl.php

Can theme all regions region.tpl.php

Can theme a specific regionregion—search.tpl.php



New to Drupal 7

Fields can be themed with field.tpl.phpCan theme individual fields or groups of field types

Will theme all the fields that are of that type

Must flush cache when adding and removing templates


For example you create an image field and use that across three content types, the field theme will apply the field.tpl.php to all three content types



Putting it all together

But Drupal likes to add its own HTML?

The Inheritance Process

Drupal inheritance works as a system of overrides

Has a specific cascading order (some exceptions noted)

Powerful, because it enables you to override the things you don't like

All changes live within your theme, leaving the system defaults alone

So we OVERRIDE and don't HACK

Drupal Overrides


Theme Engine

Theme C Override

A Default

B Override

Theme Registry can also be manipulated

Template Inheritance

1.Drupal core applies its own .tpl.php files they are called first

2.Drupal modules apply their own .tpl.php files these are applied second and over write any css calls that exist in core tpl.php files

3.Your theme has its own .tpl.php files these are applied last and over write calls in core tpl.php files and module tpl.php files

4. Your theme has the final say!

Drupal .tpl.php inheritance

core tpl.php files


module tpl.php files


theme tpl.php files


Core node.tpl.php gets overridden by the modules node.tpl.php

module node.tpl.php gets overridden by the them node.tpl.php

Theme Wins

Nothing to inherit?

core tpl.php files


File does not exist


File does not exist


Core html.tpl.php is applied to the layout

There is no file to overwrite the core so it is used to create the output

Core Wins

There is no file to overwrite the core tpl file

Inheritance within your own themeTemplates within your own Theme can also be overwritten by other templates in your theme this allows you to be specific with your template target

Drupal.org describes it as “Template suggestions are made based on these factors

Listed from the most specific template to the least.

Drupal will use the most specific template it finds.”

In Drupal most specific wins




node.tpl.php will be called to theme all Drupal nodes

node—nodeid.tpl.php will apply to the specific node that matches the id number

Specific Wins

node--type.tpl.php will apply to all nodes of a specific content type

Drupal module theming

There are 42 different .tpl files in Drupal7 core modules folder.


Each one of these can be copied and placed in your own theme to overwrite the output


If a contributed module has a .tpl file this can be copied into your theme folder and it will overwrite the .tpl in the modules folder


So to theme a module?

1.Take a copy of the .tpl.php file we need from the module

1.Move the copy to our themes templates folder, this can be under the folder theme/templates/*.tpl.php or under the root of the theme folder theme/*.tpl.php

1.Flush cache or flush the theme registry to see if we can notice the changes on the website

But what about functions?

Theme functions are also Inherited

1.Modules provide their own theme functions

2.Find the theme function in .module3.Copy the function into your template.php file

4.Change the function name from theme_pager to your-theme_pager

5.Flush cache6.Your theme has the final say!

Theme Function Inheritance

Core module file themes the pager, this is considered the default


Your template.php in sites/all/themes/your_theme


Drupal looks in your theme folder first

If it finds the function there it applies it and stops looking

If no function is found in your theme then the default is applied

Theme Wins

Setting Template Variables

1.Locate the preprocess function you want to change the variable for

2.Copy the preprocess function into your template.php file

3.Change the function name to match your theme name

4.Your template.php has the final say!

Preprocess Inheritance

Core module file themes the pager, this is considered the default

function garland_preprocess(&$vars, $hook) { if … }

Your template.php in sites/all/themes/your_theme

function yourtheme_preprocess(&$vars) {$vars['new_variable'] = 'happy hippie'; }

Preprocess calls $vars and also $hook allows your template.php to hook in and change the variable

Variable is appended to your new value

Your theme Wins

What about sub-themes?

Pre-process functions are stackedDo not get overwritten but stack on top of each other

What does this mean?

If we declare in our sub theme the same preprocess functions as our base theme it will get added to the base theme and not overwrite it

Template.php is stacked

The sub-theme and base theme template.php file will be stacked

base theme is included first and then our sub-theme is included

This means we inherit from our base theme and append to our sub theme for template.php

Sub-themes inherit from base

Template files can be overwritten by adding that .tpl.php inside our subtheme

Theme function overwrites work in the same way we can recreate a base thee function in our template.php and this will overwrite the base theme settings

We can overwrite CSS / JavaScript files by incuding them in our subtheme .info file

What is not inherited in sub-themes?Theme settings are not inherited

So if we want our sub theme to have these we need to;

1. copy the theme-settings.php from the base theme folder

2. place into our sub-theme folder

3. make any modification's we need to our sub-theme file

So many CSS files

Drupal core CSS

1.Drupal core applies its own .css file this is called first

2.Drupal modules apply their own .css files these are applied second and over write any css calls that exist in core css files

3.Your theme has its own .css files these are applied last and over write calls in core css files and module css files

4.Your theme has the final say!

Drupal CSS inheritance

Core css files style a header tag

h1 { font-size: 1.6em; }

If module .css file has the same class call, it will be overwritten by the module css

h1 { font-size: 2em; }

If theme .css file has the same class call, it will be overwritten by the theme css

h1 { font-size: 3em; }

Core css calls get overridden by the modules if there is a file with the same name style.css

Module css calls gets overridden by the theme css calls

Theme Wins

Inheritance Don't and Do’sDo save your theme folder/files into /sites/all/themes [correct]Don't edit or save files in /themes [not correct]

Don't over write core themes files that live in the base folder of Drupal, this is called hacking coreDont take a copy of a core theme to create another theme Do use a contributed theme or create sub theme from a base theme

You see a CSS class coming from module/node/node.css? Don’t change the module/node/node.css file Do copy the css call and paste it into your theme.css file

You want to use your own css to style a module? Don’t change sites/all/modules/name/module.css file Do take a copy of the css file, place a copy of the module.css file

into your theme folder and enter stylesheets[all][] = modulestyle.css into your themes info file Do flush cache

Oh did I mention Clear Cache?

Recommended Themes

Boron re-writes Drupal core templates into HTML5 with WAI-ARIA roles and WCAG 2.0 compliance

Mothership removes core CSS and HTML markup to provide a cleaner base

Stark shows the core CSS and HTML mark-up provided by Drupal

Omega and Adaptive WCAG 1.0 compliance some WAI-ARIA support allow for responsive theming

Its a lot to take in

@aimee_mareeAimee Maree Forsstromwww.aimeemaree.comDrupal Solution Architect