Energy efficiency by cool roofs


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The Dire Need Of The Time…… COOL GREEN CITIES!

Present ScenarioWorld temperatures are rising at very fast rate.

•According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the Earth’s average temperature is on track to increase by between 2 and 7 degrees Celsius this century.

•Cities are often significantly warmer than the surrounding landscapes/ rural area.

•The difference between outside air temperatures in a city and its surrounding rural areas can be 5 to 9 degrees Celsius or more in summer months Creating “Urban Heat Island Effect.”

•Addressing this heating effect is important because the world is rapidly urbanizing—within 50 years an estimated 80 percent of the world’s population will live in an urban area.

Present Challenge……. Can we have a Solution?

• Higher temperatures adversely affect our health, our energy consumption, and our environment.

• Roofs and pavements cover about 60 percent of urban surfaces, and absorb more than 80 percent of the sunlight that contacts them. This energy is converted to heat, which results in hotter, more polluted cities, and higher energy costs.

Give a Thought ….

• If this wide spread area exposed to Sun light is protected from generating heat – Can we Cool Down Our Buildings & Cities ….. & thus Planet!

2 9 °C 8 5 °F 3 1 – 3 2 °C 8 8 – 8 9 °F 3 3 °C

9 2 °F 3 0 – 3 1 °C

8 6 – 8 8 ° F 3 0 °C 8 6 °F

• Create Cool Green Cities!

• Combat Global Warming!

• Contribute for Climate Change issues!

• Reduce Energy Consumption in Buildings!

• Have Energy Efficient Buildings!

• Reduce our City Temp by 2-30C!

• Can We Make Life of Common Man Comfortable!

Imagine ….All in one solution with Affordable prices –The Most economic strategy !

Can we really get a solution toour Dire needs and Desires ? Can we …

Create Cool Green


Lets'STOP The HEAT PRODUCTION at the source itself !

Typical Energy Consumption Pattern in Buildings:

Typical Energy Saving Approach In Buildings:

•Orientation: •Solar protections, passive solar systems•High Performing Building Envelope:•Solar / Thermal Insulation•Air-sealed construction•high performance controlled ventilation•Equipment & systems•Lighting:•LEED India Rating System / ECBC

Insulation of the envelop – First Step to Improve Energy Efficiency!Solar Insulation & Thermal Insulation

The potential for energy savings is 40 – 50% in buildings

Technology Solution

Figure courtesy of the Lawrence Berkeley

National Laboratories, Berkeley, Calif.Figure 1: Peak-

normalized solar spectral power

more than half of all solar power arrives as

invisible, "near-infrared" radiation

Study of Solar Power Distribution (Rays coming from SUN) shows that Near Infra Red Rays (NIR)

contribute to maximum heat & maximum rays coming to Earth.

Energy from the Sun – IR Rays

Process of Heat Generation & Transmittance in Building

• Radiation of Sun – I R Radiation Plays major Role.

• Radiation being absorbed by the substrate – roofs / Walls.

• Absorbed Radiation converts into Heat Energy.

• Heat produced at the source transmits indoors through Conduction.( As per conductance of the substrate)

• Heat produced also emits in atmosphere resulting in Heat Island Effect.

Cool Roofs are the roofs with primarily white color or any pastel color with high Reflectivity of IR Rays & having High Emissivity.

A Cool Roof Minimizes The Solar Heat Gain of a Building by First Reflecting Incoming I R radiation ( Called Solar Reflectance - SR) and not letting it absorbed by substrate & then by Quickly Re-emitting the Remaining Absorbed Portion ( Called Thermal Emitance TE).

As a Result, The Cool Roof Stays Cooler Than a Traditional Roof of Similar Construction.

Thus Solar Reflectance (SR) & Thermal Emitance (TE) plays major role in efficiency of Cool Roof products.

Ratio of the two – SR & TE is SRI – Solar Reflective Index ( Major measure for Cool Roof products)

What are Cool Roofs

Working Principle of Cool Roofs

Reflective Coated RoofReflective Coated RoofUncoated RoofUncoated Roof

The Albedo Effect

Comparison of a black and a white flat roof on a summer afternoon with an air temperature of 37 degrees Celsius


A cool roof can benefit a building and its occupants by:•Reducing energy bills by decreasing air conditioning needs.•Improving indoor comfort for spaces that are not air conditioned.•Decreasing roof temperature, which may extend roof service life.

Beyond the building itself, cool roofs can also benefit the environment, especially when cool roof are widely installed in community .

•Reduce local air temperatures (referred to as the urban heat island effect)•Lower peak electricity demand, which can help prevent power outages.•Reduce power plant emissions, including carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide, nitrous oxides, and mercury, by reducing cooling energy use in buildings.•Reduce heat trapped in the atmosphere by reflecting more I R Radiation back into space, which can slow climate change.

Research Data-

Replacing a dark roof with a cool roof & Widespread installations of the same & pavements can help…

• Reduce summer air temp in cities by 2 to 3 degrees C. (GCCA;LBNL).

• Reduce annual cooling energy use by 5-20% (Levinson et al.2005)

• Delay global warming (10 tons of CO2 offset by 100 m2 white roofing) (Menon et al. 2010; Akbari et al. 2009; Oleson et al. 2010)

• Large scale adoption of Cool Roof & pavements globally, would have a cooling effect equivalent to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 44 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide over the 20 year life of the roof (2.2 billion metric tons annually).

Research Data-

• Lower the outside air temperature and the rate of smog (ozone) formation; comfortable environment;

(Rosenfeld et al. 1998; Akbari et al. 2001)

• Improves air quality & health benefits (Rosenfeld et al. 1998; Akbari et al. 2001)

• Reduces Heat Island Effect. (GCCA;LBNL)

• Increases Efficiency of Solar Panels by up to 20%.

Art Rosenfeld- the God father of energy efficiency; Distinguished Scientist Emeritus; Awarded with the Global Energy International Prize and many more..

Research Data-

• Lower the outside air temperature and the rate of smog formation; Leading to comfortable environment;

(Rosenfeld et al. 1998; Akbari et al. 2001)

• Improves air quality & health benefits.

(Rosenfeld et al. 1998; Akbari et al. 2001)

• Reduces Heat Island Effect. (GCCA;LBNL)

• Increases Efficiency of Solar Panels by up to 20%.

Art Rosenfeld- the God father of energy efficiency; Distinguished Scientist Emeritus; Awarded with the Global Energy International Prize and many more..

Live Example of Reduction in atmospheric temp by Installation of Cool Roofs

• A Real-World Example of Global Cooling The whitewashed greenhouses of Almeria, Spain have cooled the region by 0.8 degrees Celsius each decade compared to surrounding regions, according to 20 years of weather station data.

• A Real-World Example of Global Cooling The whitewashed greenhouses of Almeria, Spain have cooled the region by 0.8 degrees Celsius each decade compared to surrounding regions, according to 20 years of weather station data.

Satellite image of Cool Roofs & Black / Grey roofs

“Cool surfaces are a simple, tried-and-true technology for cooling the earth,” says Akbari. “Using them is a simple but effective solution to help reduce earth’s climate change. And by doing this globally, we can gain experience in how to work together to implement large scale solutions to reducing global warming.”

Cool World : A Modest Proposal to Cool the Planet by Cooling the Neighborhood

By- Allan Chen, (510) 486-4210,

When it comes to energy savings, the power of one can become the power of MANY.

Highly Reflective Cool Roof

Reflectance of Common Roofing Material

Cool Roof Against Metal /Black Roof

Figure 1: Dark vs. Cool Roof Surface Temperatures

A dark roof (left) becomes much hotter than a cool white roof (right) on a sunny


Comparing Cool Roof TechnologiesSource: Adapted from GCCA data.

4 0 4 1

C o o l Roofs G r e e n Roofs S o l a r PV I n s u l a t i o n

Storm water management *

C l e a n energy g e n e r a t i o n

E n e r g y s a v i n g s

Building c o o l i n g

C i t y c o o l i n g

Global c o o l i n g

L o w m a i n t e n a n c e **

C o m p a t i b l e with o t h e r environmental r o o f i n g s t r a t e g i e s

* Roofs with storm water management improvements can mitigate 100% of their storm water runoff. ** White roofs may need periodic cleaning d e p e n d i n g on l o c a t i o n .

A solar PV roof in Australia. Photo: Neal J e n n i n g s

Practical Installation Of Cool Roofs ?

Black Roof – Hot process – Solvent base – Ingress Heat

Black Roof With Aluminum Paint & With Cracks After Some Time Due to Heat

Cool Roofs on Cemented roofs

Figure Before Cool Roof Installation

Figure After Cool Roof Installation

Cool Roofs on China Mosaic





Panache’s Cool Roof – on Metal Corrugated Industrial shed

FASCRS SEAL – Fabric Reinforced Sustainable Cool Roofing System

Eco Friendly Waterproofing & Cooling on Corrugated Roof

Stage 5

Apply Water & Dust Repellent Transparent Coating -Tran Seal

•Resists Water Penetration.•Reduces Dirt Pick up.•Prevents Yellowing of Roof.•Increases life of Cool Roof.•Gives Slight Sheen.



Study of the Cool Roof installed for Research projects

Min. TempDifferenceIs -- 4°C‐

Roof without Paint Roof with Paint

Max. TempDifferenceIs 20°C

Spectral graph tested by LBNL,US

Analysis – Cool Roof



The energy consumption reduction indicated is with use of only Cool roof , this can be increased by adopting Cool Walls too

Pattern of Electricity saving & Payback

The annual savings achieved due to cool roof as specified in compared to normal roof, is 5,736 kWh, which results in an annual savings of Rs. 45,887

A simulation Report generated for 2000 sq ft roof ; SRI 107

Total savings (kWh/year)

Savings per unit area (kWh/m2 per annum)

Saving in cost (INR/year)

Savings in cooling 5,007.13 26.49 Rs. 40,057.04

Savings in heating -123.91 -0.66 Rs. -991.28

Overall savings 5,735.85 30.35 Rs. 45,886.80

Note: Negative value means loss

EndUseCategory Electricity [kWh]

% Saving Normal roof Cool roof

Heating 0 123.91 0

Cooling 8697.64 3690.51 57.57

Interior Lighting 1072.85 1072.85 0.00

Interior Equipment 1604.31 1604.31 0.00

Fans 1533.36 680.73 55.61

Pumps 0 0 0

Heat Rejection 0 0 0

Total 12908.15 7172.3 44.44

Simple payback is: 0.41 years

Payback & Saving Report Generation online

Laxmikant Shukla Production Eng. Electric

Coffor Construction Tech. Pvt. Ltd.

“Good cooling Technique, Earlier I have to shutdown our

electric panels due to heat, now I don’t have to do so.”

Harish Chavda Production Engineer,

Industrial Solvents Ltd.

“Due to cooling My employees efficiency got

better than earlier.”To share other testimonials & certificates visit our site :

Proven Projects – Coffor Industries / Industrial Solvents

Cool Coat – Raj Handicrafts (Jodhpur)Application was done of tin roof• Initial solar reflectivity of 31%, after coating 84%.• Initial max temperature 120°F, after coating 95°F• Better working conditions for the labor

IPCA (Ratlam )Application was done on Metal solvent tank • Surface temp of tank reduced by 18 Degree C .• Solvent temp reduced by 8 degree C.• Helped to retain solvent.

Apollo Hospital (Ahmedabad)– 3 yrs. old Construction done by L&T.- Due to extreme temp variation & excessive heat Cracks were seen all over

china mosaic- Air balloon formation in china mosaic. - All conventional water proofing failedSolution - Long term solution provided by covering complete roof

by seal coat & cool roof - provided water proofing & cooling.

Case Studies

Research Projects

Nainital & Pantnagar Sanand , Ahmadabad

Research StudyCool roof-CEPT - low income house.pdf

Research StudyCool-roof_IIIT-H_Conference_final_draft.pdf

Research Project for DOE , US

Berkeley Lab Project in India To Measure Impact of Pollution on Cool RoofsOctober 13, 2011Julie Chao (510) 486-6491

Energy Efficient Building Enveloping

Identifying the Right Product / Vendor

• High Reflectivity & High Emitance• Certified High SRI• Dust Repellence / Low Dirt pick up• Water Protection• High substrate bonding• Good abrasion resistance• High weather resistance• Anti algae anti fungus properties• UV Stability• Good Reference clientele

Panache Green Tech Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

Creating Cool Green Cities!Energy Efficient Building Enveloping!

Looking forward for yr. contribution to make us successful in our Endeavour ;

Creating Cool Green Cities!

Creating Cool Green Cities!

Panache Green Tech Solutions Pvt. Ltd.201-202 , Shivanjali Apt , Opp. Swami Narayan Temple,Makarand Desai Road.VADODARA-21 ,(GUJ) INDIA

Ph: +91 0265-2353073, Mob: +91 9825135651,Off Mob: +91 9925188046; Fax: 0265-2353073

Mail : info@panachegreen.comURL:
