Evangelization Digital Age - Part II



A general look at and practice of being a curator.

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Part II: Overview-What is Curation?

Caroline Cerveny, SSJ-TOSF, D. Min.

Your Technology Comfort Level



What is Digital Curation?

The Catholic University of America Course

LSC 522: Digital Content Creation and Management 3 Credits

The course covers how individuals and organizations create, communicate, use, and manage digital information content for learning, work, and play. Examples of individual and organizational practices will be drawn from various subject domains (politics, economics, art, history, science, etc.) and from for-profit and non-profit sectors. Students will learn the roles of information technology in digital content creation and management and develop strategies to use information technology effectively and responsibly to benefit individuals, organizations, and society. The roles of social media will be examined in depth. Web applications and mobile technology will be studied for their impact on content creation and management behavior. By examining the interaction between people, information, and technology, the course prepares students to be effective learners, good citizens, and efficient workers in the 21st century. It also introduces them to career opportunities for information professionals in the 21st century.

Who is a digital curator? Curators are people or organizations that do the hard work of sifting through the content within a particular topic area or “meme” and pulling out the things that seem to make most sense. This effort involves significantly more than finding and regurgitating links, though. A good curator must be skilled at: locating and evaluating valuable content organizing and connecting content so that it is as accessible as possible creating and re-purposing content when it adds to the underlying value capitalizing on the Social Web to build connections and context building trusted relationships with learners and other curators design learning experiences (in a much broader sense than traditional



Fishing for. . . CONTENT ON THE NET!

You are a Curator!

Determine your standards (Example – 25 C’s)

Find content your students need?

Use a social bookmarking tool.

Determine how to use with your audience.

Determine Your Standards

Find Content

What topics do you need?

Sacraments – e.g., Confirmation


Publisher Materials


(Work in groups of 2 or 3 persons)

Social Bookmarking Tool

Social Bookmarking Tool

How To Use Delicious 2013


How could you use these links?

@ccerveny #Confirmation

@ccerveny #Digital Storytelling

@ccerveny #Ecards

Other ?

Caroline Cerveny, SSJ-TOSF, D. Min.



https://twitter.com/ccerveny @ccerveny



