Extend - Develop social apps with Chatter and the Chatter API


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Making Your Application Social with the Chatter API






§  Why Social Enable Your App? §  Use Cases

§  REST API Resources

§  Tips

§  Summer ‘12 Preview

§  Q&A

Make any app social with the Chatter API


IT: Why Social Enable Your Custom Apps?

Collab between dept. & teams

Make existing apps social

Partners, customers, suppliers

ISV: Why Social Enable Your Apps?

Connect to enterprise-wide news feed (eg:


Distribute app virally via feed

Easily add social functionality (feeds, likes, comments etc)

Chatter API Use Cases




Next Generation Intranets for the Social Enterprise

§  Company-wide and team based collaboration

§  Dynamic, real-time information

§  Integration of multiple data sources

§  Sharepoint webpart reference implementation

Burberry World

Use Case – Custom Mobile, Desktop, Tablet Apps

§  Build custom mobile applications, e.g. –  Product information apps –  Q&A

–  Note taking and case discussion for medical providers



Use Case - Internet of Things •  Share service data

from Cars, Generators, Computers – using custom object records / feeds

•  Foster conversation

centered on products and services.

•  Scenarios: -  Service -  Technical presales -  Technical support -  Project


Build Highly Branded Customer Communities

•  Enable partners or customers to collaborate with your employees or each other

•  Share business process data

•  Customize the UX to meet your exact brand requirements

•  Extend to mobile and tablet apps

Drive Collaboration Around Business Process and Data

•  Chatter feed inside external applications

•  Supplement data, process, and analytics with rich conversations

•  Analytics, Finance, Supply Chain Management, HR

REST API Resources




Apigee is your friend.

Chatter API Resources

Specify version (v24 is the lasted)

All requests require OAuth token


Feed Item Resources


Comments Resources


Adding a feedItem Chatter/feeds/user-profile/{userId}feed-items!

Working with Chatter Profile Photos

Chatter API Tips




Chatter API or SObject REST API?

§  Chatter API: –  Semantically rich resources

–  Localized presentation-ready data in JSON or XML form –  Comprehensive feed data in a single request

–  Matches the web UI

§  SObject REST API: –  Data directly from the database –  Arbitrary SOQL queries

§  The same Oauth tokens can be used for both

Tips - General

§  Group feeds are just record feeds –  /chatter/feeds/record/<group id>

§  Security model of UI is observed –  News feed can only be retrieved for the logged-in user

§  Following an object is described by a “subscription”. DELETE the subscription to stop following

§  Use 'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate’ HTTP header

§  Always encrypt your Oauth access and refresh tokens

Rate Limiting

§  Rate limiting: –  each user + remote access app combination gets 200 requests

per hour

§  Requests to endpoints outside /chatter and /connect are not counted in this rate limit –  Image requests not rate limited

–  Sobject API requests count against org-wide rate limit

§  Use separate remote access apps for production and development to avoid being rate limited –  Also use different users if your automated tests run often

Tips – Javascript served from non-salesforce domain

§  Use a controller pass-thru to work around Single Origin Policy for ajax requests

§  Two approaches to rendering: –  pass JSON responses through server as-is and render using

client side template library such as Mustache, Handlebars, or Eco

–  Deserialize and render to HTML on the server and send to client

§  Requests from HTML (img tags, HTML forms) must also use controller pass-thru to put Oauth token into HTTP header

Tips – Javascript served from salesforce domain

§  Can make ajax requests directly to Chatter API and render to HTML on client. –  When Connect in Apex goes GA, you can also make requests

to a controller to get custom rendered HTML.

§  Use an ajax proxy if you’re on a custom domain. (see the salesforce ajax toolkit) to work around SOP.

Tips – Apex

§  Apex Now –  Call the Chatter API using Apex callouts

–  Use session Id from UserInfo

§  Apex Future –  ConnectAPI class will provide Chatter API resources directly

Connect in Apex




Connect in Apex (Pilot in Summer)

§  Exposing the same Chatter API resources and data in Apex

§  Use cases include: –  Customized social experiences in Visualforce

–  Custom Chatter feed rendering in Visualforce –  Posting feed items with @-mentions in Apex

–  Modifying user and group photos in Apex

Connect in Apex Demo

Take Aways

§  Chatter can drive better user engagement with external applications

§  Easy to build integrations with existing applications

§  Wealth of interesting use cases emerge from news feed integration.

How do I begin?


Thank You.