Eye Tracking - All will be revealed



In February 2012 Annika Naschitzki presented to both Wellington and Auckland audiences about Optimal Usability's new eye tracker, and what it can do. Here is the presentation, however if you would like Anni to come into your organisation to do the presentation please get in touch

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  • 1. Annika Naschitzki & Leif Roy Eye tracking All will be revealed.

2. Weve run over 4500 user tests 3. Most often on screen 4. Frequently on paper 5. On the move 6. In the work place 7. In the air 8. Low fidelity 9. Medium fidelity 10. Medium fidelity 11. High fidelity 12. The value of user testing User testing gives you: Insight into your users actual behaviour. Understanding of your users attitudes, feelings, and motivations. Understanding of what is and isnt working in your design. Subjective or anecdotal data. 13. What is eye tracking? 14. Vision GmbH 15. Actually, its not that complicated usercentric 16. How does it work? 17. How does it work? in here, somewhere 18. How we look Fixation Saccade 19. So, what do these fixations tell us? You cannot move your eyes without moving attention. Eye tracking can tell us which elements participants pay visual attention to, e.g. on a website. 20. But how can a monitor tell what I look at?! 21. thats why! 22. What the eye tracker sees tobii 23. Monitors - No strings attached tobii 24. Mobile eye tracking 25. Mobile eye tracking tobii 26. The results: Heatmaps & Gazeplots SMI 27. Where eye tracking is used 28. Eye tracking as an aid KOMO News tobii thecreatorsproject.com eyewriter.org 29. Gaming by Gaze tobii gizmodo.com 30. Psychology & Neurosciences 31. .. and more exotic fields University of Indiana 32. Behavioural research tobii tobii 33. Behavioural research 34. Perception of faces 35. User research 36. Eye tracking in user research Answer questions such as: Do users see/notice this? Evaluate the effectiveness of a design Visualise what the users attention is drawn by As a tool for observers, e.g. of a user test 37. Mobile phones miratech.com simplyusability.com 38. Tablets miratech.com 39. Package design visuality-group.co.uk 40. Packaging in the store eyetracking.me 41. Point of Sale Shelf tests rwconnect.esomar.org visuality-group.co.uk 42. Point of Sale Ads and banners visuality-group.co.uk 43. Eye tracking and UX 44. User testing You run user tests to get: Insight into your users actual behaviour. Understanding of your users attitudes, feelings, and motivations. Understanding of what is and isnt working in your design. Subjective, or anecdotal, data. 45. Why use eye tracking in UX You add eye tracking to get: Deeper understanding of users actual behaviour. Insight into users subconscious or instinctive behaviour. Better understanding of why your design does or doesnt work. Evidential (quantitative) data 46. How is my website doing? 47. Purpose: Kick the tires 48. User testing with eye tracking 49. An example: How is my site doing? 50. An example: How is my site doing? 51. An example: How is my site doing? 52. Animations its alive! 53. Animations its alive! 54. Differences in behaviour 55. And our favourite example 56. Our favourite example 57. Inform your design 58. Purpose: Develop and design 59. Purpose: Develop and design Will users notice this stuff if I put it down here? Where should the Pay now button be? 60. Design principles 61. The Face effect 62. The Face effect bunnyfoot 63. Using the Face effect humanfactors.com 64. Using the Face effect humanfactors.com 65. Ways to focus attention humanfactors.com 66. Ways to focus attention usableworld.com.au 67. Ways to focus attention 68. The F-Design 69. The F-Design Nielsen Research 70. The F-Design tutsplus.com 71. Talking about colours 72. Using saturated colours 73. Using saturated colours 74. Using saturated colours 75. The bottom line 76. User testing + eye tracking 77. a more complete understanding of your users experience. = 78. Annika Naschitzki & Leif Roy Thank you.
