Field of Light


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first there was only a field of lightno—

lots and lots of lightswhich slowly coagulated into a “field of light” b/c of yr ability to recognize them as such

u once saw a “field of light” on the sail of a sailboat

it looked like that

usaw it ona blog called

“quasar luxury””

it had lotsand lotsof “likes”and “reblogs”

but u “followed”the blog

b/c the sailboat was pretty cool—seemed like something you might want toincorporate into yr “personal aesthetic”

it was unclearwhere the sailboathad come from

a sort of transluscent film reflecting yr “inner self” without completely obscuring it( )

there was a linkon the blog

to a twitter page called “Blackhole Satin”

(there was no name, unless Blackhole Satin was a name

#infinitewindows was striking to youb/c it suggested both a multiplicity of perspectives

(freedom) /// (possibility) /// (an opening)but also a reflexive and narcissistic hyperstasis

(collapse) /// (dissolution) /// (stagnation)

the hashtag

(you knew)

#signals a collectivization

an absorption into a memetic collectiveInfintite reflection into the periscopic hall of mirrors into which we cast our eternal disembodied gazeso u did not click thru #infinitewindows, fearful you would fall



a fun - house/wormhole

the #infinitewindows

seemed like somethingan artist might

make art aboutor a philosopher

might philosophize on

but when it reallycame down to it

still, u were careful not togive the notion too much power

and the artist/philosopher would have created it, so they could destroy it too










and more importantly

did it fit yr

personal aesthetic

“luxury” certainly didn’t seem very cool

seemed like a word that would describe a nice wristwatchor a car, but not anything having to do with space

but space was pretty cool

and the words in combination with one another certainly had some promising aesthetic implications

and the words in combination with one another certainly had some promising aesthetic implications

so u followed the twitterwhy not


some weeks went bywith little change in yr personal aesthetic///sense of self

INTERSTELLAR LUXURYwith it’s dual threat/promise of #infinitewindowsand it’s vague suggestion of a new sonic aesthetic

had not, as you had feared, fixed the lens of yr mind’s eye on a mirror condemned you to the same fate as Narcissus staring into the pool

so u clicked the link

but one day you checked yr twitter

and there was this:

it was then that you laughedor rather, you remained silent,

but it was then that you might have laughedbecause as you clicked thru the linkanother window sprung open and you recalled the hashtag

were you doomedin your passive and inconsequential yet undeniable interestin “blackhole satin”

and “interstellar luxury”and “quasars”

and “infinite windows”

to be implicated in the perpetual,

vacuusand ultimately

erection of an infinite slew of transparent membranes?

a billion shiny and attractivebut inconsequential films

layered endlessly upon one another

but never adding up to anything besides






so this was whatthe aural


of “luxury”and “space”

had combined to make?





it was as if, in that moment, the disparate worlds governed by “space” and “luxury” had collapsed entirely and in their implosion spawned a swirling semiotic black hole, intowhich whirled images (rendered in your brain like half- remembered faces) of diamond watches, lumbering SUV’s, sailboats, and mariah carey, along with the celestial light, dust, and plasma that comprised your tenuous grasp of the concept of “outer space”

words no longer evoked images or sounds, and sounds no longer made you think ofimages and words, and images no longer conjured up linguistic associations, or echoes of asubterranean aural stream. the three realms chaotically spun together and divorced from the mechanisms of your increasingly immaterial brain. you suddenly realized that it was not worth asking whether the world was an infinite succession of indistinguishably reflexive and translucent windows looking into one another—that the real question was in whether U were even there at all anymore; had U ceased to be entirely in lieu of the total vortex you could now perceive ???

there was only a field of light


by nick henderson WEB CREATIONS:::!/BlackholeSatin
