Field testing Androids



Team from SACIDS and Imperial testing Android phones in Western Tanzania.

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Long trip from Morogoro (SACIDS Hqtrs) to Ngorongoro: unexpected car over-heating near Same town-a moment to relax

and hope for the better

Finally we arrive at our home in Karatu: The spacious and calm Kudu Lodge- Find more at

Day 1 in Ngorongoro: a sign of hope- stretching at Ngorongoro Crater view point

Meeting Dr Kuya at NCAA Ereto Office: hands on experience with the Androids

Briefing NCAA community-based animal health workers (CBHWs) on how the Android and data transmission work

Chris demonstrates to CBAHWS and a Livestock Field Officer (LFO) how Android phone works at Olbalbal

(Meshili village)

A turn for CBAHWs and a LFO for hands on and assessment of Android phones

On our way back from Olbalbal, tallest residents of Ngorongoro encountered

Immediately, Rama (our driver) realises that we can not climb the mountain: a gear lever comes out and the diff

is leaking!!

Eric and Rama trying to fix the gear lever but time is not in our favour: it is getting dark

Finally Eric and Rama managed to engage Gear No. 2: you can not change gear, so use gear No. 2 up to hotel

in Karatu

Day 2: Luckily we got another NCAA van and decided to descend into the Crater- a hippo lying down

While ascending from the Crater, another giant resident of Ngorongoro (elephant) hiding in miombo trees

Business starts at Nainokanoka village: Chris briefing LFOs and CBAHWs on how Androids work

Hands on experience by LFOs and CBAHWs on how to use Androids

A screen of Alcatel OT 980 misbehaves on a sunny day: users struggling to read from it