Frontend Components Outside Main App by Adam Florczak


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Frontend Components Outside Main AppFeaturing Devboard

by Adam Florczak

Bruce Hauman defines a problem

App can haveone state at a time

What if we could have isolated playground

for components in multiple states?

devcards (ClosureStript)devboard (React)storybook (React)...

There are solutions:

Mobile app and web developmentfor international tech startups

What about an app in Angular 1.x...

$compile templates manually

How to get components back into app?

- import/require file in app with additional resolve path- or set your build system to copy required component files

Challenges- can be hard to integrate with complex build systems

Summary - visual overview of all states - great documentation- no code duplication - application and devboard are always in sync- no application overhaul - lighter environment, faster refresh- devboard can be helpful for designers and clients


You can build devboard on pull requestallowing functionality review without checkout

and rebuilding app