G5-Mrs. Nuttal group1


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P 1

Cowell’s adventure

P 1

Simon Cowell falls in love with a girl.

P 2

Simon Cowell kidnaps the girl.

P 3

She was scaredwhere was she? what were they doing?

P 4

Simon Cowell turns the girl into a frog.

P 5

Simon Cowell brings the girlfriend of Halt to his lab.

P 6

Halt slowly walked in the volcano his eyes filled with anger, his soul crying for a fight. Allthough every part of his body

was filled with hate, he walked in slowly. He calmly asked the bad guy to meet again.

P 7

Halt quietly gets his weapons out and chooses them as fast as a cheetah. He finally chooses his machine gun and smartly aims at Simon Cowell’s cheap shoe. Full of anger he shoots him on the

shoes, while he screams his head of.

P 8

The good guy finds the magical box.

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P 10

Halt secretly walks into Simon Cowell’s abandonned Lair and finds the dastardly dud transforming his fiancée into a frog while this is happening the only thoughts that are going in his mind are why why why...

P 11

When the good guy bet the bad guy, the bad guy falls in the volcano

while the good guy goes away with magic box and the girl.

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The frog turns into the girlfriend

P 12

The man and the wife are getting married on the wonderful beach of Hawaii while there friends and family are drinking Champaign.

The end!