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Spectacled (Andean) Bear

Studied By GB

Physical Characteristics

The Spectacled Bear is small

and dark , ranging in color

from black to brown, and

some may have a reddish


They have a lighter,

creamy white or tan

circling around the eyes,

starting at the chest and

traveling up the lower

face and nose and then

around the eyes. It’s

name was after these

markings because it

looked like the bear was

wearing spectacles or


The spectacle

markings on the

bears’ face

sometimes only

semicircle around

the eyes or are

hardly even


Spectacles Bears have thinner hair than most bears because of it’s warm climate

Spectacle Bears have long claws and large, flat molars.

The Male bear can be 30% to 40% larger than the female

This bear is the smallest bear of it’s family. The average size is 5 to 6 feet in length and weighs 220-340 pounds.

ReproductionGestation for a

Spectacled Bear is 6-

9 months.

The amount of young born at a time is usually two but maybe one or three.

The mother bear cares

for her young.Spectacle Bear

young are called


The young stays with their parents up to 2 years.

Mating can occur in

April, May, and June.Pairs stay together only for a week or two.

The cubs are born helpless and blind, but by the time they are a month old they are able to travel around the forest with it’s mother, usually by riding on her back.


Primarily: Herbivore Generally: Omnivore

Zoo Diet: A spectacle bear living in a zoo is fed dry food mixtures called chow, vegetables, fruit, and sweet potatoes.

Wild Diet: A wild spectacle bear mostly feeds on vegetation, but will eat meat when given the opportunity. A spectacle bear has a wide variety of food that it eats, including berries, grasses, palms and orchid bulbs. When they get the chance to eat meat they will eat rabbits, mice and birds. They strongly prefer though, the leaves, bases, and hearts of plants of the Bromeliaceae family and the fruits of other plant groups.

Natural Habitat

The Spectacled Bear is

the only bear found in

South America.

They live in the Eastern Andes Mountains.

They prefer tropical areas,

mountainous areas, forests,

and grasslands.

They are part arboreal and part terrestrial because they can live in caves on the ground or shelter in trees.

Spectacled Bears are not territorial.

They nest in caves,

under tree roots, on

tree trunks, and on

stick platforms that

they make


Spectacle Bears are vulnerable to extinction. They are

the most endangered bear specie after the Giant Panda.

Interesting Facts!!! :D

The Spectacled Bear is also called the Andean Bear because it lives in the Andes Mountains.

The Spectacled

Bear is the


descendant of

the Bulldog


The Spectacled Bear is the last representative of the short-faced bear.

EndangeredThe Spectacled Bear is vulnerable to extinction.

The Spectacled Bear is

the most endangered

bear after the Giant


Behavioral Adaptations for the Spectacled Bear

Spectacled Bears are highly adaptable. Meaning they can adapt or live in a variety of places and habitats.

This aids there survival because it gives them a larger variety of food and shelter so if something happens to their home they have another place to live.

Spectacled Bear makes stick platforms in trees

This aids survival because it helps them get food and some sleep on it for a temporary shelter.

Spectacled Bears are part arboreal.

This aids survival because it gives them defense from predators and gives them a larger variety or quantity of food.

Physical Adaptations

Spectacled Bears have long claws which allow them to climb trees.

The long claws allowing them to climb trees aid their survival by giving them shelter, food, and defense. Long claws in general aid their survival because it gives them defense.

The spectacled bear has strong jaws and flat molars.

This aids their survival because it helps them chew tough vegetation allowing it to eat its food.

Thin fur is also an adaptation of the Spectacled Bear.

This aid survival because in their hot or warm habitat they are able to keep cool and maintain their body temperature.

Spectacled Bears have large noses that give them a good sense of smell.

Their good sense of smell aids survival by letting them smell a predator coming (defense) and by letting them smell food.

Their small size (compared to other bears) allows them to climb trees easier.

Them being able to climb trees aids their survival by giving them a better supply of food, defense, and shelter.

Improvements to The Zoo Habitat

I think that the zoo habitat should have some

trees because the Spectacled Bear is part arboreal.

I think the habitat should

be hotter because the

Spectacled Bear lives in

hot climates and has

thin fur to keep cool.I like how the habitat has a den because the spectacled bear is an

animal that hibernates and a den is a dark and good place for hibernation.

I like how the habitat has a large pile and area of vegetation because the spectacled bear is a herbivore.

I think the habitat should be a field because even though the spectacled bear is highly adaptable, it never lives on and island like land.
