God in a Digital World: Session II - Terms, Platforms and Essential Apps



GLACE and #GLACE14 is an annual gathering of Christian Educators from the United Church of Christ (GLAUCE) and the Presbyterian Church (USA) (GLAPCE) from and around the Great Lakes area. The 2014 theme was "God in a Digital World" and this is Session II from my talk about Digital Ministry, Technology and Social Media.

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#glace14 road map

⬗ SESSION I: 30,000ft - Wait, What Happened?

⬗ SESSION II:15,000ft - Digital Ministry Overview

⬗ SESSION III:Landing - Uses Now and Beyond

⬗ www.slideshare.net/breyeschow

#glace14 smarty pants terms

apps, smart phones, tablets, oh my

traditional media v. social media

web 1.0 v. web 2.0

social networking

open source software

#glace14 smarty pants terms

Cloud Technology

weB+logs = Blogs, vLogs

rss feeds, aggregators and readers

tagging and #hashtags

checking in


#glace14 social media platforms

Media: last.fm, rdio, goodreads, pandora, spotify, iheartradio

Photo: instagram, flickr, smugmug, picasa, snapchat

Video: vimeo, youtube, huddle, vine

#glace14 social media platforms

eNewsletters: madmimi, mailchimp, constant contact

Location: foursquare, swarm, yelp, places

Curating: pinterest, scoop.it, storify, buffer, hootsuite, feedspot

Travel: Uber, Guidebook, Waze

#glace14 social media platforms

Convos: skype, hangout, kik, group.me, oovoo, gotomeeting,

Productivity: dropbox, slideshare, doodle, wufoo, evernote

Reviews: yelp, amazon, foursquare, google, miso, getglue,

#glace14 six social media filters

#glace14 top ten

#glace14 facebook.com

UPDATES: personality and content

LISTS: “like” happenings of ministry

GROUPS: private-ish group discussions

EVENTS: buzz generation, not tracking

#glace14 twitter.com

Create lists to keep up community members

Follow local orgs and businesses for news and local happenings

Find content for curation

Use hashtags to connect beyond the known

#glace14 instagram.com

visual sharing and updating

the world through the eyes of another

clean and simple space for interaction

#glace14 bufferapp.com

Efficient use of online time

Night owls and early birds

Effective posting patterns

Scheduled and buffered

#glace14 pinterest.com

Collect images and liturgy for a season: Lent, Easters, etc.

Discover educational ideas: workshop rotation, activities, curriculum, etc.

Curate trusted content to share with the community.

#glace14 doodle.com

Set dates

Take simple polls

Share decision making

Relieve stress

Positive peer pressure

#glace14 google.com/calendar

Coordinate personal and professional schedules

Embed low-maintenance calendar into a website

Integrate with all Google apps

#glace14 dropbox.com

Cloud based storage

Back-up and share photos

Group document storage

Presentation sharing

2GB Free + referrals bonuses

#glace14 madmimi.com

Link to online version

Track actual interaction

Save some money

Good alt to emailed PDFs

#glace14 groupme.com

Prayer Groups

Staff Teams

Parent Notification

Youth Communication

SMS or Smartphone

#glace14 So let’s talk . . .

What other social networks have you found helpful?

In what other ways have you used these social networks in your ministry?

What do you still need something for?

#glace14 report back

⬗ other apps that folks have found useful?

⬗ apps that are still needed?

⬗ follow-up questions…

⬗ www.slideshare.net/breyeschow
