Green india




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Imagine!!!! Execute!!!!!

How would it be????

It would really be very pleasant to live in such an India. People would feel that they are blessed to be born in such a country.

Let us to live!!!

Allow us to live!!!

From this I just want to convey that we, the human beings are the prime killers of plants and trees. This callout gives an idea of the feelings of trees.

A demon named ’deforestation’

Effects of deforestation can be understood by the message from the cut tree.

Now, we are dead and understand that you too will soon die. You will not get fresh oxygen, clean air, and a good habitat. You destroy yourselves by destroying us. You are destroying the habitat of birds Die humans! Die!!

1. Carbon dioxide level increases

2. Soil erosion increases

3. Wind speed increases

4. Greenhouse gases and global warming

“What are the ways in which we can prevent our community from killing you" was our question.


People should drive less.

They have to avoid deforestation and follow afforestation.

They should have an idea regarding the effects of deforestation.

Big affordable companies can afford money for growing trees.

You are very cruel. By killing us you kill animals and birds indirectly. When we are destroyed, the habitat of

animals and birds are also destroyed.

Join your hands to make Earth a green planet

Barren Earth would look like this---------------------------

Brown Earth

is the quote of UNO

Provide the planet a Green Future

Or else it will stop you

Slogan :Grow trees to save human community

for a Green Earth

but try to save us
