Hoven Cnie 08




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Learning innovation and the individual-community

nexus: Intercultural applicability of social

networking tools in open and distance education

CNIEReaching new heights: Learning

innovationBanff, April 27-30 2008

Previously …Community formation …

Across semestersAcross culturesFrom novice to expertFrom receiver to reflectorFrom learner to practitioner to mentor

Experiences of pedagogy

Experiential learningTask/project-based learningCollaborative learning

Community of mutually-supportive reflective inquirers

Extended community of experts-novicesCommunity of learner-practitioners

Social constructivism & teacher change

Self-reflection on beliefs & values Exposure to choice Experience of affordances Consciousness of conflict/dysjuncture

• Exposure to modelling of effective uses of technology• Experience & practice in a range of applications facilitating change in attitudes/beliefs

(Richardson & Placier, 2001; King, 2002; Bird & Rosaen, 2005; Brook & Oliver, 2005; Hughes, 2005)

Attitudes towards technology & effective use

of it entwined with teacher learning, comprising:

subject matter knowledge pedagogical knowledge, and pedagogical content knowledge

In other words … teachers will only embrace change and innovation

when they can see positive benefits in terms of: direct relevance to their content area usefulness from a practical task perspective, and increased effectiveness for their day to day classroom

teaching.(Hughes, 2005)

Tools used Webquests using SDSU portal

<http://www.webquest.org/>Dreamweaver + online media & resources

Hot Potatoes + various other online templating tools + media

Social communication/networking:Wiki – MediaWiki hosted on university server

(www-viewable)Individual blogs – Blogger (www-viewable)IMDiscussion forumChate-Portfolios

Expectations vs Use of SN Tools 1 .../2 Expectations

Wiki for internal-remote

collaborationownershipeasily accessible from

everywhere (where my students were located)

Blogsownershipreflective spaceflexible (& re-

purpose-able) spaceextensible outside

timelines of course


Experimenting with the interface Group organization: sharing &

collaboration Hints & tips (Q & A, quick fixes) Interesting articles/sites Posting projects

Blogs Reflection

self-reflection peer evaluation

Communication mutual support & feedback

Community formation & maintenance Interaction

Among members of single cohort

Across continents & oceans Across semesters Across cultural & social


Expectations vs Use of SN Tools 2 .../2 Expectations

IM for quick changes of plan to check if online

Discussion forum formal course-related

theoretical Qs & responses

Chat synchronous local &

international coordinatione-Portfolios

formal annotated electronic record of program documents, artefacts, achievements


• Notification of: • Lateness• chat entry• new posts

Discussion Forum Formal course evaluation Formal comments on the course

& projects… in response to instructor’s


• synchronous remote/ internal communication on:

• Discussion• catch-up• Socializing• course-related transactions

E-Portfolios– Created but hardly (yet)

used– Possibly because of formal

nature cf digital stories

Course outcomes:

Processes Self-reflection Self-evaluation Self-efficacy Independent

inquiry Self-initiation Self-motivation Peer evaluation Realization of

usefulness of formation of community network

Products Webquests Online media-

supported teaching module

Wiki sites Blogs



Social presence: effective interaction & learning community formation

No. & frequency of interactions initiated No. & frequency of responses to others Cultural effects on interactions ** Types of communication actions **

Classification of postings

Postings by category

















Help Request

Help giving




Features emerging from classification

High incidence of supportive comments (1/3):Complimenting, supporting, giving advice, thanking,

empathizingHigh incidence of reflective comments:

Musing, photographs, complaintsMuch less transactional:

Asking & answering Qs, requesting & receiving helpSmallest category: organizational

Persistence of post-course blog use

All but 1 posted on their blogs post-course >50% maintained & expanded theirs, creating

others, & using with own classes >30% maintained blog contact & mentored

subsequent cohorts Similar patterns across subsequent semesters have

shown Experience of being mentored seems to engender

willingness to mentor Experience of becoming reflective, independent &

interdependent members of a community promotes willingness to support emerging independence

And now the story continues …

In fully online mode … - or is it a different story??

New context, similar approach

In transition fromf2f CALL Teacher Ed to …Blended/hybrid CALL Teacher

Ed to …Fully online mix of CALL &

general DE to …Fully online DE Teacher


Online constraints & considerations

Intercultural aspectsGeography & accessTimezonesAppropriate technology

Tools made available 1 … /2

Synchronous & asynchronous CMC:Moodle:

Discussion forumsIM near-synchronous chatWikisBlogs (not used)

EmailVoIP (Skype)Elluminate LiveElluminate vRooms

Tools made available 2 … /2

Instructional technologies Discovery/exploratory

technologies Community-facilitating

technologies (Facebook, Me2U, Flickr, tagging applications, RSS etc)

Beginning with a tale of 2 wikis

… & 2 Moodles …Exploratory learning - using the

available tools for purposes that seem appropriate …

Learning together …

Choices & constraints 1 …/2

Individual vs community “traditional” personality of DE

students Role of academic dialogue at

Masters levelFacilitation in DE environment?

Choices & constraints 2 …/2 Mismatch between:

Requirements Expectations (teacher & learners) Teaching & learning approaches

(including intercultural aspects) Assessment criteria Assessment process (in transition)

What constitutes PARTICIPATION??

Collaborative Moodle wiki sites

CDE Moodle & wikiInternal to coursePassword protectedLocked down by university adminUnable to add guests or students

CDE Moodle wiki site

CDE Moodle wiki site

Collaborative Moodle & wiki sites

Education University of IcelandOpen MoodlePassword protectedGuests & students added manuallyhttp://moodle.khi.is/course/category.php?id=8 Wikispaces sites for student-student, student-

teacher & teacher-teacher collaborationhttp://athabascakhi.wikispaces.com/Athabasca

Communications Technologies

Elluminate Livehttp://www.elluminate.com/Elluminate vRoomshttp://www.elluminate.com/vroom/


Changing rolesReflective practiceOpennessCollaborationNegotiationChanging assessment practices: e-


Some advice from my students

Critical differences in DE 1 …/2

a necessity for lifelong learning “green”-er (x4) Accessibility & openness (x5) centrality of CMC Flexibility

importance for lifestyle & commitments freedom to design your own program & courses

according to interest Accessibility, breaking down barriers & reaching

remote locations autonomy in experience & direction (x4)

Of both experience of learner & direction of studies i.e.Self-motivationSelf-designed courses & program

Keeping up with advancements in technology (x3)

Critical differences in DE 2 …/2

multi-modal techniques to cultivate engagement (x2) Move from “compensation model” to “celebration

model” (x3) DRAGONS:

Diverse (many and different; distinct and unalike) Requisites (anything indispensable) Accessing (obtain or retrieve from a storage device

like information on a computer Global (not limited or provincial in scope Opportunities (a possibility due to a favourable

combination of circumstances) Non-traditionally (not conforming or in accord with

the considered norm) Sustained (supply with necessities and support)


Debra HovenCentre for Distance Education,

Athabasca University

http://cde.athabascau.ca/faculty/debrah.php http://deincanada.blogspot.com/
