How iclicker technology facilitates addiction recovery sessions



IClickers were used in an addiction recovery program at a homeless shelter. Data indicates that the use of iclickers facilitated the recovery process by promoting self honesty.

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Wayside Christian Mission

How iClicker Technology Facilitates Addiction Recovery Sessions

Mark Miller BA, M.A.Case Worker

Edna Ross, Ph.D.Associate Professor Psychology

Wayside Christian MissionProviding hope for people in need.

• The Purpose of Wayside Christian Mission is to respond to people in need by providing emergency food, shelter and clothing, and by providing services and programs to encourage a return to wholeness so that human dignity can be restored and the love of God shared.

• Wayside Christian Mission is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit religious and charitable organization and does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, creed, religion, color, sexual orientation or national origin.

Two Locations:

Emergency Shelter:• 432 East Jefferson Street, Louisville KY 40202 –

formerly Pavilion Heath Care Centero Emergency Shelters for Men, Women and Familieso Transitional Housing for Meno Respite Housing for Homeless Men with Medical Problemso Safe Haven for Mentally Ill Homeless Womeno HUD Sponsored Permanent Supportive Housing for

Homeless Meno VA Emergency and Transitional Housing for Homeless

Veterans (men, women and families)o Child Development Center for Children who are Homeless

staying at Louisville Family Shelters.



Second Location:

Hotel LouisvilleServices

• Hotel Louisville Campus• Hotel Louisville is a former Holiday Inn and was purchased by

Wayside Christian Mission in 2009, opening in 2010.

• Hotel Louisville provides transitional lodging for homeless families and single women. Residents of Hotel Louisville are screened before being allowed move from Wayside Christian Mission to Hotel Louisville.

• Many Residents at Hotel Louisville are involved in learning hospitality skills and on- the- job training for the hospitality industry.

Hotel Louisville

• The Hotel Louisville Campus offers a unique housing and hospitality training program for women and families transitioning out of homelessness while offering hotel rooms and banquet space to the public.

• Hospitality training helps clients develop good customer service and hospitality job skills while increasing self-esteem and teaching responsibility.

• 1st floor is open to the public, houses the WayCool Café, Holy Grounds Coffee Shop, Banquet Space and Hotel Check-in Desk o For Residents this floor also houses the client dining room, 2 exercise

rooms, chapel, program offices and family social space.



Hotel Louisville

• 2nd and 3rd floors - Community Programs and Offices, and a 500 seat banquet room.o Hotel Hospitality House

o Phoenix Health Care for the Homeless Outreach Team, case managers and satellite clinic.

o Jefferson County Public School Homeless and Migrant Education Center

o Jefferson County Public School Adult Education Classroom

Hotel Louisville Services…continued

2nd and 3rd floors continuedo Bicycling for Louisville Headquarterso The Dream Factory – National Headquarterso University of Louisville Psychological and Brain Sciences

Resilient Families Program office.

• 4th , 5th and 6th floors – Family and Single Women’s Program

• 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th and 12th floors – Hotel Room and Banquet Rental (120 rooms)

• 11th floor – College and Career Program



What we hoped for when starting the iclicker class

Alcoholics Anonymous is based in humility and community. We hoped to foster lessons.

Create an environment where honesty is not feared, it is celebrated.

Create an environment where participants can be open with each other.

Create an environment where struggles are universalized and can be freely discussed without fear of consequences.

Create an environment where participants can be honest with themselves about their own struggles.

Help the clients arrive at a state where they can be more honest sooner in the program. Maybe clickers can lead someone to openness and honesty after only one month instead of three months without clickers. Thus they will have more time to practice being open with each other.

What we hoped for:



What we hoped for…

That clickers would be a tool to facilitate being more honest and that the participants would, ultimately, not be in need to the clickers to be open and honest with each other. Thus, sometimes we held the clickers for a whole session and never clicked.










• We asked the client to write their own questions:

• Particularly, questions about things they think and feel that they are afraid nobody else thinks or feels.





What we learned from iClicker class1. The quality and depth of the conversation is based on one

participant going deep with their answers.

2. As the composition of the class changes ground that was gained in honesty would be lost.

3. Regardless of whether or not the participants would share out loud, they report that the act of clicking would force them to be honest with themselves which was helpful to them in their recovery.



What we learned from iClicker class4. We needed more time. It takes some warm-

up time for the participants to become more honest with themselves and others.

5. The participants reported that there was no other opportunity to be honest about their struggles during the program, thus it fulfilled a need.



What the client's are saying

"Honesty is important to recovery, without honesty I will probably use [drugs] again".

"If I have to push that button I have to be honest with myself

"If I am not honest with myself I am going to be out there doing what I do".



What we will change iClicker class Room Layout.

Create more and better topics for clicker questions that more accurately pinpoint issues with those in recovery.
