How Kris Writes Symfony Apps



You’ve seen Kris’ open source libraries, but how does he tackle coding out an application? Walk through green fields with a Symfony expert as he takes his latest “next big thing” idea from the first line of code to a functional prototype. Learn design patterns and principles to guide your way in organizing your own code and take home some practical examples to kickstart your next project.

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How Kris Writes Symfony Apps@kriswallsmith • February 9, 2013

About Me

• Born, raised, & live in Portland

• 10+ years of experience

• Lead Architect at OpenSky

• Open source fanboy




Go big or go home.

Getting Started

composer create-project \ symfony/framework-standard-edition \ opti-grab/ 2.2.x-dev

- "doctrine/orm": "~2.2,>=2.2.3",- "doctrine/doctrine-bundle": "1.2.*",+ "doctrine/mongodb-odm-bundle": "3.0.*",+ "jms/serializer-bundle": "1.0.*",

./app/console generate:bundle \ --namespace=OptiGrab/Bundle/MainBundle

assetic: debug: %kernel.debug% use_controller: false bundles: [ MainBundle ] filters: cssrewrite: ~ uglifyjs2: { compress: true, mangle: true } uglifycss: ~

jms_di_extra: locations: bundles: - MainBundle

public function registerContainerConfiguration(LoaderInterface $loader){ $loader->load(__DIR__.'/config/config_'.$this->getEnvironment().'.yml');

// load local_*.yml or local.yml if ( file_exists($file = __DIR__.'/config/local_'.$this->getEnvironment().'.yml') || file_exists($file = __DIR__.'/config/local.yml') ) { $loader->load($file); }}


Treat your model like a princess.

She gets her own wingof the palace…

doctrine_mongodb: auto_generate_hydrator_classes: %kernel.debug% auto_generate_proxy_classes: %kernel.debug% connections: { default: ~ } document_managers: default: connection: default database: optiGrab mappings: model: type: annotation dir: %src_dir%/OptiGrab/Model prefix: OptiGrab\Model alias: Model

// repo for src/OptiGrab/Model/Widget.php$repo = $this->dm->getRepository('Model:User');

…doesn't do any work…

use OptiGrab\Bundle\MainBundle\Canonicalizer;

public function setUsername($username){ $this->username = $username;

$canonicalizer = Canonicalizer::instance(); $this->usernameCanonical = $canonicalizer->canonicalize($username);}

use OptiGrab\Bundle\MainBundle\Canonicalizer;

public function setUsername($username, Canonicalizer $canonicalizer){ $this->username = $username; $this->usernameCanonical = $canonicalizer->canonicalize($username);}

…and is unaware of the work being done around her.

public function setUsername($username){ // a listener will update the // canonical username $this->username = $username;}

No query buildersoutside of repositories

class WidgetRepository extends DocumentRepository{ public function findByUser(User $user) { return $this->createQueryBuilder() ->field('userId')->equals($user->getId()) ->getQuery() ->execute(); }

public function updateDenormalizedUsernames(User $user) { $this->createQueryBuilder() ->update() ->multiple() ->field('userId')->equals($user->getId()) ->field('userName')->set($user->getUsername()) ->getQuery() ->execute(); }}

Eager id creation

public function __construct(){ $this->id = (string) new \MongoId();}

public function __construct(){ $this->id = (string) new \MongoId(); $this->createdAt = new \DateTime(); $this->widgets = new ArrayCollection();}

Remember yourclone constructor

$foo = new Foo();$bar = clone $foo;

public function __clone(){ $this->id = (string) new \MongoId(); $this->createdAt = new \DateTime(); $this->widgets = new ArrayCollection( $this->widgets->toArray() );}

public function __construct(){ $this->id = (string) new \MongoId(); $this->createdAt = new \DateTime(); $this->widgets = new ArrayCollection();}

public function __clone(){ $this->id = (string) new \MongoId(); $this->createdAt = new \DateTime(); $this->widgets = new ArrayCollection( $this->widgets->toArray() );}

Only flush from the controller

public function theAction(Widget $widget){ $this->get('widget_twiddler') ->skeedaddle($widget); $this->flush();}

Save space on field names

/** @ODM\String(name="u") */private $username;

/** @ODM\String(name="uc") @ODM\UniqueIndex */private $usernameCanonical;

public function getUsername(){ return $this->username ?: $this->usernameCanonical;}

public function setUsername($username){ if ($username) { $this->usernameCanonical = strtolower($username); $this->username = $username === $this->usernameCanonical ? null : $username; } else { $this->usernameCanonical = null; $this->username = null; }}

No proxy objects

/** @ODM\ReferenceOne(targetDocument="User") */private $user;

public function getUser(){ if ($this->userId && !$this->user) { throw new UninitializedReferenceException('user'); }

return $this->user;}

Mapping Layers

What is a mapping layer?

A mapping layer is thin

Thin controller, fat model…

Is Symfony an MVC framework?

Symfony is an HTTP framework


TP Land

Application Land


The controller maps fromHTTP-land to application-land.

What about the model?

public function registerAction(){ // ... $user->sendWelcomeEmail(); // ...}

public function registerAction(){ // ... $mailer->sendWelcomeEmail($user); // ...}

Application Land

Persistence Land


The model maps fromapplication-land to persistence-land.


Application Land

Persistence Land


TP Land


Who lives in application land?

Thin controller, thin model…Fat service layer!

Application Events

Use lots of them

That happened.

/** @DI\Observe("user.username_change") */public function onUsernameChange(UserEvent $event){ $user = $event->getUser(); $dm = $event->getDocumentManager();

$dm->getRepository('Model:Widget') ->updateDenormalizedUsernames($user);}

Unit of Work

public function onFlush(OnFlushEventArgs $event){ $dm = $event->getDocumentManager(); $uow = $dm->getUnitOfWork();

foreach ($uow->getIdentityMap() as $class => $docs) { if (self::checkClass('OptiGrab\Model\User', $class)) { foreach ($docs as $doc) { $this->processUserFlush($dm, $doc); } } elseif (self::checkClass('OptiGrab\Model\Widget', $class)) { foreach ($docs as $doc) { $this->processWidgetFlush($dm, $doc); } } }}

private function processUserFlush(DocumentManager $dm, User $user){ $uow = $dm->getUnitOfWork(); $meta = $dm->getClassMetadata('Model:User'); $changes = $uow->getDocumentChangeSet($user);

if (isset($changes['id'][1])) { $this->dispatcher->dispatch(UserEvents::CREATE, new UserEvent($dm, $user)); }

if (isset($changes['usernameCanonical'][0]) && null !== $changes['usernameCanonical'][0]) { $this->dispatcher->dispatch(UserEvents::USERNAME_CHANGE, new UserEvent($dm, $user)); }

if ($followedUsers = $meta->getFieldValue($user, 'followedUsers')) { foreach ($followedUsers->getInsertDiff() as $otherUser) { $this->dispatcher->dispatch( UserEvents::FOLLOW_USER, new UserUserEvent($dm, $user, $otherUser) ); }

foreach ($followedUsers->getDeleteDiff() as $otherUser) { // ... } }}

/** @DI\Observe("user.create") */public function onUserCreate(UserEvent $event){ $user = $event->getUser();

$activity = new Activity(); $activity->setActor($user); $activity->setVerb('register'); $activity->setCreatedAt($user->getCreatedAt());


/** @DI\Observe("user.create") */public function onUserCreate(UserEvent $event){ $dm = $event->getDocumentManager(); $user = $event->getUser();

$widget = new Widget(); $widget->setUser($user);


// manually notify the event $event->getDispatcher()->dispatch( WidgetEvents::CREATE, new WidgetEvent($dm, $widget) );}

/** @DI\Observe("user.follow_user") */public function onFollowUser(UserUserEvent $event){ $event->getUser() ->getStats() ->incrementFollowedUsers(1); $event->getOtherUser() ->getStats() ->incrementFollowers(1);}

Two event classes per model

• @MainBundle\UserEvents: encapsulates event name constants such as UserEvents::CREATE and UserEvents::CHANGE_USERNAME

• @MainBundle\Event\UserEvent: base event object, accepts $dm and $user arguments

• @MainBundle\WidgetEvents…

• @MainBundle\Event\WidgetEvent…

$event = new UserEvent($dm, $user);$dispatcher->dispatch(UserEvents::CREATE, $event);

Delegate work to clean, concise, single-purpose event listeners

Contextual Configuration

Save your future self a headache

# @MainBundle/Resources/config/widget.ymlservices: widget_twiddler: class: OptiGrab\Bundle\MainBundle\Widget\Twiddler arguments: - @event_dispatcher - @?logger

/** @DI\Service("widget_twiddler") */class Twiddler{ /** @DI\InjectParams */ public function __construct( EventDispatcherInterface $dispatcher, LoggerInterface $logger = null) { // ... }}

services: # aliases for auto-wiring container: @service_container dm: @doctrine_mongodb.odm.document_manager doctrine: @doctrine_mongodb dispatcher: @event_dispatcher security: @security.context



<script src="{{ asset('js/lib/require.js') }}"></script><script>require.config({ baseUrl: "{{ asset('js') }}", paths: { "jquery": "//", "underscore": "lib/underscore", "backbone": "lib/backbone" }, shim: { "jquery": { exports: "jQuery" }, "underscore": { exports: "_" }, "backbone": { deps: [ "jquery", "underscore" ], exports: "Backbone" } }})require([ "main" ])</script>

// web/js/model/user.jsdefine( [ "underscore", "backbone" ], function(_, Backbone) { var tmpl = _.template("<%- first %> <%- last %>") return Backbone.Model.extend({ name: function() { return tmpl({ first: this.get("first_name"), last: this.get("last_name") }) } }) })

{% block head %}<script>require( [ "view/user", "model/user" ], function(UserView, User) { var view = new UserView({ model: new User({{ user|serialize|raw }}), el: document.getElementById("user") }) })</script>{% endblock %}


• model: backbone, underscore

• view: backbone, jquery

• template: model, view

{% javascripts "js/lib/jquery.js" "js/lib/underscore.js" "js/lib/backbone.js" "js/model/user.js" "js/view/user.js" filter="?uglifyjs2" output="js/packed/user.js" %}<script src="{{ asset_url }}"></script>{% endjavascripts %}

<script>var view = new UserView({ model: new User({{ user|serialize|raw }}), el: document.getElementById("user")})</script>

Unused dependenciesnaturally slough off


{% block head %}<script>require( [ "view/user", "model/user" ], function(UserView, User) { var view = new UserView({ model: new User({{ user|serialize|raw }}), el: document.getElementById("user") }) })</script>{% endblock %}

/** @ExclusionPolicy("ALL") */class User{ private $id;

/** @Expose */ private $firstName;

/** @Expose */ private $lastName;}


When to create a new bundle

Lots of classes pertaining toone feature

{% include 'MainBundle:Account/Widget:sidebar.html.twig' %}

{% include 'AccountBundle:Widget:sidebar.html.twig' %}

Access Control

The Symfony ACL is forarbitrary permissions

Encapsulate access logic incustom voter classes

/** @DI\Service(public=false) @DI\Tag("security.voter") */class WidgetVoter implements VoterInterface{ public function supportsAttribute($attribute) { return 'OWNER' === $attribute; }

public function supportsClass($class) { return 'OptiGrab\Model\Widget' === $class || is_subclass_of($class, 'OptiGrab\Model\Widget'); }

public function vote(TokenInterface $token, $widget, array $attributes) { // ... }}

public function vote(TokenInterface $token, $map, array $attributes){ $result = VoterInterface::ACCESS_ABSTAIN;

if (!$this->supportsClass(get_class($map))) { return $result; }

foreach ($attributes as $attribute) { if (!$this->supportsAttribute($attribute)) { continue; }

$result = VoterInterface::ACCESS_DENIED; if ($token->getUser() === $map->getUser()) { return VoterInterface::ACCESS_GRANTED; } }

return $result;}

/** @SecureParam(name="widget", permissions="OWNER") */public function editAction(Widget $widget){ // ...}

{% if is_granted('OWNER', widget) %}{# ... #}{% endif %}

Only mock interfaces

interface FacebookInterface{ function getUser(); function api();}

/** @DI\Service("facebook") */class Facebook extends \BaseFacebook implements FacebookInterface{ // ...}

$facebook = $this->getMock('OptiGrab\Bundle\MainBundle\Facebook\FacebookInterface');$facebook->expects($this->any()) ->method('getUser') ->will($this->returnValue(123));


Thank You!
