How To Become a Match Maker For Your Backend by Deden Fathurahman (Setipe)


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how to become a match maker

for your backend

About• geekdad()

• current("VP Engineering SETIPE”)

• before(['Erafone', 'Wayang Force', ‘Qeon’])

elsewhere ->


try our app



• A Match Maker

• currently 450k registered users

• Mashed up between (psychology + technology) = #love

• 31 married couple who met at SETIPE

• yang jadian?



our humble stack

Let’s break it down inside out

Load balancer

Nginx to the rescue

act as load balancer, http proxy

there are other solution, like HAProxy, node-http-proxy …

NodeJS Kue


ExpressJS ejs


Monolithic AppVS

Microservices Architecture

Monolithic App

single codebase call every library on the run

single bug could ruin all your system hard to scale

one request could involved all the system

Easy to managebut

Microservices Architectureseparate codebase

if there’s a bug in a service only that service affected minimal resource

support for event driven arch

Hard to manage

but sometimes…

Distributed system is hot right now


we use it a lotqueue

messaging session store

introducing redis

and we make cluster of it

Matchmaking Engine

we use redis to holds our job queue to matchmaking people

and worker will took care of it


Eventual consistency is a consistency model used in distributed computing to achieve high

availability that informally guarantees that, if no new updates are made to a given data item, eventually all accesses to that item will return the last updated


99% Consistency is good enough

know your tools- load balancing (haproxy, nginx, …) - webserver (nginx, …) - always use compression - Static assets (CDN)


you can’t optimize what you don’t


things to watch‣is the app running? ‣is the app overloaded? ‣how many errors do we have ‣how your cluster are doing ‣app performance ‣database(s) (this is down to your app perf)

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