How To Create A PDF Ebook For Free Using Open Office



Click Here: How To Create A PDF Ebook For Free Using Open Office This video shows how to create a PDF ebook for free using Open Office. It's going on a webpage that links to another tutorial that I did yesterday on how to create a PDF ebook using PowerPoint. Creating a PDF to give away to your website visitors is a great way for people to get to know you, and start to trust that you know what you're doing, which is an important part of making money online! Want more on how to create a PDF ebook for free using Open Office? Visit my YouTube channel here: Related web page: Related Topics: How To Create A PDF Ebook For Free Using Open Office How To Create A PDF Ebook Using PowerPoint How To Create A PDF Ebook For Free How To Create A PDF File For Free How To Create A PDF File How To Create An Ebook Free How To Create A PDF Document How To Create An Ebook

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How To Create A PDF Ebook For Free Using Open Office

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Copyright @ Jarvis Marketing 2014

(Please ignore the "Legal Stuff" at the end of this PDF. It is there only as a guide to show people how their own "Legal Stuff" should be on their PDF's & Ebooks. Anyone has my permission to use this tutorial any way they choose,

including on their own website(s), as long as nothing is changed)!

Everything is going to be done here in a step by step manner. I'm going to assume that you already have the Open Office Impress program installed on your computer.

There's a video that shows how to do this on the web page above, so I'll start with "Step 1" being to open up the program!

How To Create A PDF Ebook For Free Using Open Office

Step 1:

Open the Open Office Impress program on your computer.

How To Create A PDF Ebook For Free Using Open Office

Step 2:

Click "Next". (Depending on which version of Open Office you have on your computer, you may need to click "next" twice)

How To Create A PDF Ebook For Free Using Open Office

Step 3:

Click "Create".

How To Create A PDF Ebook For Free Using Open Office

Step 4:

Click "X" to close the window on the right hand side.

How To Create A PDF Ebook For Free Using Open Office

Step 5:

Delete the boxes that say "Click to add title", and "Click to add text".

How To Create A PDF Ebook For Free Using Open Office

Step 6:

Click on "Format".

How To Create A PDF Ebook For Free Using Open Office

Step 7:

Click on "Page".

How To Create A PDF Ebook For Free Using Open Office

Step 8:

Click on "Portrait".

How To Create A PDF Ebook For Free Using Open Office

Step 9:

Click on "OK".

or "Tahoma" text

here, and most

of the content is

font size 16!

How To Create A PDF Ebook For Free Using Open Office

Step 10:

Step 10 will be to start adding content to your Open Office Presentation, which will become your PDF, which is basically the same thing as an ebook except an ebook should include images to be visually pleasing to keep your readers interested!

There's a couple of ways that I've learned to add content to a PDF.

The 1st way is the quickest way, and that is to type your textual content up in your favorite document editing program. This could be Word, Notepad, or what I use, which is Wordpad! Of course there are others out there too!

After you type out what you want your page to say, simply copy it from your document and then paste it into your Open Office presentation!

You want to make sure that you don't add too much content for a single page of your ebook to hold.

Use this PDF as a guide, and just for your information I'm using either "Arial"

How To Create A PDF Ebook For Free Using Open Office

The second method of adding content to your PDF is to click on the "T", (text icon at the bottom of the pane, as shown in the image below)!

If you use this method, it may be slower but you can "fancy up" your text using the Impress program itself, as opposed to the text options that your document program has.

You can even write up some text, (again

I'm using WordPad right now), and copy

and paste it into your PDF and resize it,

and then "right click, copy, and paste"

an image in beside it so that the text

sort of "wraps around" the image.

How To Create A PDF Ebook For Free Using Open Office

Adding Images To Your PDF Ebook

Adding images to your PDF ebook is very easy to do! All you need to do is basically "copy & paste"!

Copy any image on your computer by "right clicking" and select "copy", then take it back to your PDF and use "Control + V" to paste it!

After you have your image pasted into your PDF, "left click" on it and drag it anywhere you want it. You can even "grab" the corners of your image by left clicking them with your mouse and resizing them, without losing much of the quality of the image.

By the way JPG or "Jpeg" images work best for this, unless you want to lay one image over top of another one, in which PNG images with transparent backgrounds work best!

This can make for some very professional looking ebooks created for free using Open Office!

How To Create A PDF Ebook For Free Using Open Office

Hyperlinking From Your Ebook To The Internet

Everything you do online should include a "call to action", meaning letting your website visitors know what they need to do next if they want more information on something related to what they are reading, (or watching if it happens to be a video)!

This is known as "engagement" and if your website visitors like what they see, they'll usually come back for a future visit, and this is something that Google and the other search engines like to see happening!

You can add a link from your ebook to a page within your website very easily, and if someone downloads your ebook and clicks on a link that takes them to your site, this is a very good thing!

For instance in this case, people that read this ebook are interested in learning how to create a PDF ebook themselves, right?

What does everyone need to have in their ebooks to make them more pleasant for people to read?

How about images?

The 1st Page Traffic website has a free membership and one of the things that's included in the free membership is a package of professional royalty free images.

What I'm going to do now is create a link so that you can get more information on the free membership and images, and at the same time I'll show you how to add a hyperlink from your ebook to your website!

So here are the steps required to add a hyperlink in Open Office Impress!

Click Here for more information on the 1st Page Traffic toolkit!

How I Did This:

Step 1: Add and highlight the Text.

Step 2: Click on the Hyperlink icon.

Step 3: A new window will open up and you add in your target URL!

Step 4: Click "Apply".

Pretty simple, right? I'll leave an image for you that shows you these steps!

How To Create A PDF Ebook For Free Using Open Office

Hyperlinking From Your Ebook To The Internet

The link that has information on the free 1st Page Traffic toolkit is:

I can simply hyperlink directly from the link itself, or I could add "Click Here" for more information, and that's what I think I'll do, and I'll let you know how this is done.

How To Create A PDF Ebook For Free Using Open Office

How To Add A Hyperlink

You can use a method very similar and hyperlink from an image to a website too, if this is more your cup of tea!

1st Page TrafficJarvis Marketing

How To Create A PDF Ebook For Free Using Open Office

Saving Your Ebook

That's just about "all I got to say 'bout that", as Forrest Gu'ump would say!

The only thing left after you have your Presentation ready to become your PDF ebook, is to save it as a PDF as opposed to a "ppt" for PowerPoint, or "odp", for Open Office Impress!

To save your ODP as a PDF, click on "File" in the upper left hand corner, and then "Export As PDF"!

Remember that at the end of every ebook and/or PDF that you create, leave 1st and foremost your "by" line, as in "By John Jarvis", and your legal disclaimers and such.

Keep in mind again that anyone can use this tutorial on "how to create a PDF ebook for free using Open Office", anywhere they want, as long as it's not changed, and I do get proper credit for the gazillion hours that it took me to learn it myself, and then turn it into what it is now!

Thanks for taking the time to download and/or read this ebook, and please feel free to share it with your friends.

By John Jarvis

How To Create A PDF Ebook For Free Using Open Office

Legal StuffLegal Notice:

This product should have been downloaded with permission from one of the websites associated with Jarvis Marketing.

If you found it on another website, please contact us with the details of where it came from. Send an Email to: for a free online training product reward!

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No part of this product and/or training course may be reproduced or transmitted in any form whatsoever including electronic or mechanical, photocopying or video or audio recording without explicit permission from one of the legal owners of this property.

This product/training course is an "Eproduct", (as are all of our products as of now), and will be sold or given away as such.

The free marketer's toolkit and the training on how to use it to develop a list of contacts online has taken more than 4 years to develop, and shall under no circumstances be permitted to be given away without strict permission.


The information in the product is that of the author and is based on past experience and accurate as of the date of publication. Because of the fact that conditions change on a regular basis when it comes to marketing online, the author reserves the right to update as needed.

This property is for informational purposes and the author does not accept responsibility for any liabilities resulting from the use of said product. While every attempt has been made to verify all included information, the author or any potential users or affiliates cannot assume any responsibilty for ommissions or errors.

Any references in any accompanying videos to people outside of Jarvis Marketing is strictly unintentional.

Copyright @ Jarvis Marketing 2014