Hubble Heritage Project



fantastic pictures of the Universe

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The Hubble Heritage Project The Hubble Space Telescope (HST) is a research tool

dedicated to scientific studies of nature. Enroute to illuminating the forces shaping our cosmos, HST has

accumulated a cosmic zoo. The Hubble Heritage Project sees this instrument also as a tool for extending human vision, one that is capable of building a bridge between

the endeavors of scientists and the public. By emphasizing compelling HST images distilled from scientific data, we

hope to pique curiosity about our astrophysical understanding of the universe we all inhabit. More…...

Click Heritage Images are made from HST Data

The Hubble Heritage Project team sees the Hubble Space Telescope, in addition to being a research instrument, as a tool for extending human vision.

The detectors on this space observatory are much more sensitive than the human eye. For example, they capture radiation with energies in the

electromagnetic (EM) spectrum beyond the human visual range, as well as light that is fainter than we can see. The challenge is to convert these

remarkably extended data into visual images that convey the knowledge they've captured.

The detectors measure how the radiation from the sky varies in lightness and darkness and so render only black and white images. However particular

energies of radiation can be selected, before it reaches the detector, by inserting filters which pass only specific wavelengths of light; these filters

work like colored glass. Sometimes a set of 3 filters are used which approximate the same wavelength range of the EM spectrum as covered by

the human eye. Combining black and white images from these filters generate natural color images. The structures in this kind of image are similar to those we would see with our eyes if we could traveled to the object of study. More...

Click in producing color Hubble Space Telescope images

While many pictures from the Hubble Space Telescope are familiar, less common is an understanding that the telescope does not work

exactly like a snapshot camera or a video camera. (There are similarities, however, particularly with a digital still camera.)

Do these pictures look like what we could see with our eyes? The (somewhat glib) answer is, yes and no. The pictures are usually quite different from what we would see, mostly because the telescope and

its cameras work quite differently from our eyes.

We cannot see very faint light, though we can distinguish a very wide range of brightnesses in the same scene. We cannot see very dim light

in color. HST, by comparison, can detect very faint light, and some light (infrared and ultraviolet) that our eyes cannot see at all. More...


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Coliding Galaxies Montage

Daca aceasta calatorie vi s-a parut prea lunga sau chiar plictisitoare, ganditi-va la imensitatea Universului, despre care unii savanti spunca ar fi infinit,, dar si la enorma munca depusa de atatia oameni pt ca noi sa ne putem bucura cateva minute ochii si sufletul cu minunile lumii in care noi, biete firisoare de praf, vietuim.


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