Implementation strategies rajni




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Student Details

New Records

Edit Records











9 DFD’S 15-17

10 ER DIAGRAM 18-21

11 FLOW CHART 22-24


13 FILE DESIGN 26-30

14 MENU CHART 31-32


16 CODING 35-64


18 TESTING 67-70

19 USER MANUAL 71-73













The project is titled "SCHOOL Data Management System". This package once

developed will help the school/institute to manage various details pertaining to its

students. This will help accounts department in maintaining the details related to

the fees & basic details like their security deposits, conveyance and etc, it will

also help management or we can say administration department in maintaining

students basic details as well as keeping a check on fees details. This package is

basically developed for the authorities of the school/institute to make their task

easier or we can say this package automate their tasks like maintaining students

personal details, marinating cash details, printing of receipts. This package helps

the administrative & accounts department in maintaining the students personal &

fees related details.

The details of the system are as follows:

It is basically a Database management package for the authorities of the

school/institute like management, accounts & administrative department. All the

details of the students & the daily work of various departments are managed by

the package i.e. Personal details, Cash details, Fees status, printing of receipts etc.

The package is by the name of School/institute Data Management Package.

Package helps the various departments in maintaining & manipulating the data.

School/institute data are divided into Personal information, Cash details, fee status

& etc it helps in manipulating the divided parts of the data.

Modules of the system:

Personal Information / Student details

Fees Details

Fees Status

Report Generation

Personal Information / Student details:This module helps in managing the

personal information of the students like their Name, Address, Phone no., Roll no


& etc. The package helps in adding the personal records, editing the records,

retrieval of records, report generation & etc.

Fees Details:This module helps in managing the fees details of the student like

their tuition fees, security, late fees & etc. The basic purpose behind the

development of this module is printing of receipts of the fees paid by the students.

Fee Status:This module helps in managing the fees records of the students like

how many have paid their fees & how many are yet to pay their fees & what is the

receipt no. of the student who have paid their fees. Basically this module

generates the list of all the students who have paid their fees & it also generates a

list for those students who haven’t paid their fees.

Report Generation:This module is basically all about report generation; in this

package quite a few reports are generated which are embedded in the form like

student details, cash details & etc.

Functions performed by the package:

This package helps in managing the student information like their Name, Roll no.

annual charges or we can say personal details, it also manages their fees details,

receipt generation & etc. The package helps in adding the official records, editing

the records, retrieval of records, report generation & etc.

Security:The package provides security by the help of Username &

Password, the package has been designed to be used on a stand-alone

system & by specific user hence there was no need for multi-user


Maintenance & Manipulation:The package helps in maintaining &

manipulating information pertaining to students & daily activities of the

school/institute authorities for e.g. maintaining students personal details,

fee structures, maintaining cash details, fees status & etc.

Search:This facility help in searching the required record from the

database, package has the provision of searching of the record through


admission no. which is Primary Key & through the name & class of the


Help: This facility provides for help for the usage of the system. It

provides help to the novice regarding the usage of the package.

The School/institute Data management Package provides the user of the System

with a window like interface. The Front end of the package is developed in VB

i.e. Visual Basics, Back end is made in MS Access


The Package is developed to help the department maintaining the student details,

earlier the records where maintained manually, with the help of this package the

concerned departments will be able to improve the productivity, reduce the time,

cost factors associated with the system. The automation of the system will help

the organization in proper maintenance of the record, less manpower, less man-

days, less cost, proper & accurate functioning.

The basic need for the package was to automate the whole procedure of

maintaining of student details, earlier it was all done manually. By developing this

package lot of burden was removed from the department, which was maintaining

students details. It improved the efficiency, reduced the cost, and reduced the time

need to do the work manually. With the help of this package the past details of the

students can assessed and reports can be generated on this details.

In brief we can say this system was required to automate the processing of

students details, which was done manually before the development of the

package. Earlier all the information / data pertaining to the students was

maintained manually or we can say it was on paper, hence it created a problem for

the organization/ school, how to manage it properly. With the help of this system

the organization/school is able to maintain the data properly & accurately.

Why System was build…?


Earlier, data pertaining to students was maintained manually.

Manual system was not efficient.

Cost of maintaining data manually was bigger or huge.

Large manpower was required.

The procedure was error prone, it was not accurate.

Manual system was not suited for electronic exchange of data.


The solution for all this problem was to automate the system, automation of the

students data maintenance would reduce the manpower, man days will result in

accurate data & above all increase the efficiency of the concerned department.


Feasibility is the test of the system it helps in deciding whether it is viable to go

through the project or not. Feasibility study studies the system & tells whether to

develop the system or not. In lay mans terms it can be described as the test of the

system & if the system passes in the test then it is viable to develop the project

otherwise not or we can say feasibility study check’s whether project is feasible or


Feasibility has four solid dimensions:

1. Technology

2. Finance

3. Time

4. Resources

The feasibility of the system “ SCHOOL Data Management System ” is viewed

with the help of these four dimensions.


This system uses one of the simplest technologies in use, for the development

purpose it uses simple to use & easily available technology. This system is based

on windows like interface, which is very easy to use. The package is been


developed for the department, which is not very familiar with software hence

technology used, must be easily understandable, because of which windows like

interface has been chosen. The technology used in this project is VB i.e. Visual

Basics 6.0, M S Access & DAO controls. Visual Basic helps in providing

windows like environment. This system uses menu-based approach in which

every thing is given with the help of menus.


This dimension measures the system in respect to money or we can say funds.

This dimension checks whether its viable to spend the required amount on the

system or it will be a waste. There is no problem of finance in this project because

it uses simple technology, which is very easy to install. This system is been

developed for a standalone computer hence for this system hardware requirement

is very low. For this system to be developed & installed properly we require very

easily available technologies & very basic hardware and all these requirements

doesn’t cost much.


This particular dimension measures the systems worth in respect to time, which is

one of the most important factors to be considered. In this project time factor is

very important this system is scheduled to be installed in one months time. This

system is not very big & hence can be completed within the time period it

requires approx. 30 man-days of work. Time is a crucial factor to be considered &

we can say this system can be developed within the required time period.


This dimension takes into count the recourses

required to develop the system. For this particular system the resources required

are quite nominal which can be fulfilled, the resources required for this system are

basic hardware, an operating which is compatible with VB.


With the help of all these dimension we can measure the feasibility of the system

& can decide whether to go forward with the project or not. By take in count the

dimension & their role in this particular system we can say this system is feasible

from all these dimension point of view & it is viable to go through the project.



Scope of the system measures the scope of the project, which is going to be

developed. Answering following aspects can answer the project scope:

1. Context

2. Information objective

3. Function & Performance

4. Interfaces

The system “SCHOOL data management system” is a data management of

students. All the details of the students are managed with the help of this package

i.e. their Personal information, fees information & their report generation, with

the help of this package the organization can maintain & manipulate students

data. This package has the provision for adding new records, editing old records,

viewing the database, searching facility, report generation, help i.e. how to use the

package & etc. Scope of the system can be measured with the help of the



This project is related to

management of students data and the daily activities of the authorities with the

help of this package the user of this package, which is the department i.e.

administrative will be able to maintain the data through the computer which will

help in increasing he efficiency, accuracy of the department as well as help in

electronic inter change of the data. Administrative department can use this

package to check for the details of the students, whether they have paid their fees

amount or whether it is due to them, through which receipt no. it was paid they

can study the past records analyze the trends.

Information objective:

Basically this is related to the Inputs & Outputs to the system. In other way we


can say it is related to the inputs required by the system & outputs generated by

the system.

This package is basically data management package, in which the inputs given by

the user is itself the output of system it performs few calculation like the total

cash received from the students. We can say it is data management package, it

provides the user with front end which is very easy to use.

1. Inputs:

The input to the system is username & password for the system security,

their Personal details like Name, Address, Phone number, admission

details, roll no for data management, their fees details like admission fees,

tuition, computer fee & etc .

2. Outputs:

The output for this system is the maintained records, personal details, fees

details, fee status & report generated. The outputs of the system are the

records that were added in the database as well as the reports that are

generated with the help of he data in the database.

Function & Performance:

This dimension measures the scope of the system with the help of

functions & performance of the system. The basic function performed by the

system is of data management & report generation.

The system performs various functions like:

1. Security:

The first function of the system is to provide security from

unauthorized access to the data, which is provided with the help of user

name & password at the beginning of the package. This system is been

developed for a single user hence no rights are employed or we can say

administrator is only the user.

2. Data maintenance:

The most important function of the system is to maintain


student data, the data is maintained with the help of different menus like

adding, editing, viewing, searching & etc. There are different kinds of data

in the system like personal information, fees information & cash details

with the help of the front end data is managed.

3. Report generation:

The last function of the system is to generate reports of the data

like student details report, cash report, fee status report & etc. With the

help of this report the data can be electronically exchanged as well as the

reviewing of policies can be done with the help of reports.

These are some of the basic function performed by the system “Student

Data Management”.

4. Interfaces:

Interfaces are the link between the user and the system, basically

we can say interfaces are the objects through which user of the system

interacts with the system. This system has different interfaces through

which user interacts with the system they are:

1. Login interface:

This is the first interface in which user is required to enter the username &

password if the password is correct then access is granted otherwise not.

User has got three attempts to enter the correct password; if he is not able

to enter the correct password in three attempts then the system is exited.

2. Data maintenance:

This is the most important interface in the system in which the user

interacts with the system to store the data or to retrieve the data from the

database, this interface has got many sub parts like addition of records,

editing of records, searching of records & etc.

3. Reports:


This interface is the output for the system in which the user receives the

results or output, which is required in the form of reports like cash details,

student details & fee status.


The following are the main objectives of the project titled "Student data

management ":

The package provides the means of security, which makes sure that only the

concerned modules and screens are accessible to the particular department after

verifying one's validity and all other modules and screens remains disable. The

package is meant to maintain and provide complete details about students such as

personal details, their fees details and cash details.

The basic objective of the system is to manage the student’s data efficiently &

accurately. It provides the user of the system with personal details of the students

their name, address, phone & etc, it provides the user with fees as well as cash

details of the students, how much they have paid, what is the status of the fees i.e.

how many have paid fees & how many are yet to pay the fees. It also provides the

user with details of cash like conveyance details.

“ Student data management ” package is a Management & Information project,

which has these objectives:

Student data management will be highly user friendly, management information

system that will not help only Accounts, Management & Administrative system to

gather, communicate, computerize but also help to act on critical information

much faster and in a better manner. The solution envisages linking of different

departments to streamline the flow of data and timely availability of information

at both the ends. Further, it also aids in generating, maintaining user definable

Queries, Reports. Salient Features of the application will be as defines below:


1. Owner of data to be the owner of the database

2. Capture of information at the source of generation

3. Sharing of data

4. Minimizing duplicate work

5. Reducing inconsistency by eliminating multiple databases of the same


6. Consolidation of data at all levels

Outlined objectives of the system:

User friendliness:

The package developed is easy to learn and understand. Even a new user can use

the system effectively, without any difficulty. The help and user manuals are

provided to solve the further queries of the users. With the help of the user

manuals the user can get the full details of the functionality of the system.

User satisfaction:

The package is such that it stands up to the users expectations. The system is

successful in generating the reports of the task status and details of the student.

The package is currently being successfully run in the organization.

Response time:

The response time for all the operations is less. All the report generations and the

listing tasks are performed in significant time. The queries used are so as to

reduce the execution time of query processing.

Error handling:

Responses to users errors and undesired situation have been

taken care of to ensure that the system operates without halting. Proper error

handling codes are put with the codes.


Security and robustness:

The package is able to avoid or tackle disastrous action. It allows only the

authentic user to access the software as it is protected by the user name and the

password. All the administrative tasks are allowed to the project leader only so the

illegal intervention is not possible.


The package has relatively independent and single function parts that are put

together to make complete system. Thus as a result of this modular approach the

system, in spite of being robust is not cumbersome. It also contributes for the fast

execution of the system.


The system is able to decrease the time and effort for program maintenance. The

full details of the projects being undertaken, and the task status corresponding to

each student is stored carefully and the reports are generated as per the



The system is developed in Visual Basics 6.0 / M S Access and run under

windows 95/98 & upper versions.

Visual Basics:

Visual basics is event driven programming language,

which is used to develop front end for the application. This is called event driven

because every action of the user is an event & the application is driven with the

help of these events, which are programmed with the help of Visual basics. In

Visual basics there are forms, Controls, reports & many more things to provide


the user with overwhelming experience of user friendliness. Visual basics is a

programming language for windows environment & provides the user with

windows like interface.

M.S. Access:

Access is a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) that you can use

to store and manipulate large amounts of information. Because its tools are user-

friendly and because it is a powerful development environment, Access is equally

appropriate for novices and MIS professionals.

Beginners can use Access to:

1. Store and manage various types of inventories.

2. Log information such as auto repairs for cars, doctor visits, etc.

3. Create contact management databases that can track contacts, but phone

calls, meetings, and any other interactions with contacts.

Developers can use Access to:

1. Create applications that manage survey results.

2. Manage front ends for enterprise-wide database such as SQL server.

3. Establish help-desk applications.

Access is an object-oriented program; that is, everything in Access is an object,

including the application itself. Each object has properties that define how it looks

and performs. The uses of Access are limited only by the needs of an organization

and the imagination of the user or developer.














Hardware Requirements:

Hardware requirement are the basic need of the system or the package, which is

been developed and will be deployed upon the system, which should have these

basic components or fulfill these basic hardware needs of these package.

The following hardware is recommended for the user.

Microprocessor: PIII500 MHz.

Memory: 128 MB SDRAM DIHM

Cache Memory: 512 KBL2

Upgrade ability: Processor, RAM and HDD Upgradeable

HDD: 9.1 GB Wide ultra SCSI-3 HDD

Floppy Drive: 24x CD ROM Drive (IDE)

Keyboard: 104 Keys Enhanced Keyboard

Mouse: 2 Button Scroll Mouse

Graphics: 1024x768, 256 colors non-interlaced on PCL Local Bus

Monitor: 15” SGA Color monitor

Software Requirements: Software requirement are the basic software needs

of the system or the package to work properly & efficiently.

Operating System: Windows-98 & upper versions

RDBMS: MS Access 97

For editing the code of the package:

Application program: Visual Basics 6.0


The function and performance allocated to software as part of system engineering

are refined by establishing a complete information description, a detailed

functional and behavioral description, an indication of performance requirements


and design constraints, appropriate validation criteria, and other data pertinent to

requirements. The outlines of system requirement specification are:


This System Requirement Specifications Document forms the basis for the design

and development of the ”Student data management”. The purpose of this

document is to define all the processes involved in the function of Student data

management. The requirements of the software relating to the functionality,

interfaces, logical database requirements and various other aspects of the software

are also explicitly defined. The SRS document will also act as the basis for

understanding between the end-user and the designer/developer.

Information Description:

The development of this system assists in the maintenance of the information and

to fulfill the complete software requirements of the package.

Functional Description:

A processing narrative is provided for each function, design constraints are stated

and justified, performance characteristics are stated and diagram is included.

Validation and Criteria:

For successful implementation of the system we

should define the performance bounds, and expected software response. At the

time of creating new entry, system performs different types of validations like

user can not overwrite the existing information, it asks the user, this information

already exist and also many feature.




It stands for Data flow diagram it is a diagrammatic representation of the data

objects of the system. Basically DFD is a way to show the how the data is

processed in the system, it shows how data moves at different stages in the

system. DFD is a graphical representation that depicts information flow & the

transformations that are applied as data moves from input to output. It is also used

to represent a system or software at any level of abstraction it can be partitioned

into levels that represent increasing information flow & functional details.

Data Flow Diagram serves two purposes:

1. To provide annunciation of how data are transformed as they move

through the system.

2. To depict the functions that transforms the data flow.

DFDs are a excellent mechanism for communicating with the customer during

requirement analysis and are widely used for the representation of external and

top-level internal design specification. In the latter situations, DFDs are quite

valuable for subsystem, files and data links. The DFD methodology is quite

effective, especially when the required design is unclear. In the process, many

levels of DFDs are created depending upon the level of details needed.

The Level 0 DFD is also called Context Level DFD. It depicts the overview of the

entire system. The major external entities, a single process and the output stores

constitute the level-0 DFD. Though this diagram does not depict the system in

detail, it represents the overall inputs, process and output of the entire system at a

very high level.

The Level 0 DFD is now expended into a level 1 model. It should be noted that

information flow continuity is maintained between level 0 and level 1. The

process represents at DFD level 1 further refined into lower levels. This further


Storing Modifying And RetrievingStudents Data

refinement is continued until an easily implement able program component is



User name & Password

Details ofStudents


Verification Of The Data

MDI / Main Menu Form Shown

Attempt Granted For Three TimesAccess Denied

Access Granted

Addition of New Records

Editing of Records

Printing of Fee Receipts Cancellation & Reprinting of Receipts

Student Detail Report

Cash Details Report i.e. fee detail, securityNew Menu

Edit Menu

Printing Receipts




Storing, Manipulation & Retrieval of

Student Data


These are the two DFD’S i.e. 0 level & 1 level of “Student Data Management ”

package the 1 level dfd can be further refined to represent more detailed or lower

level of information. DFD’s are also known as flow graph or bubble chart.


Entity – Relationship Diagram: Depicts relationships between data objects. The

object-relationship pair can be represented graphically using the Entity-

Relationship Diagram. A set of primary components is identified for the ERD:

data objects, attributes, relationships, and various type indicators. The primary

purpose of the ERD is to represent data objects and their relationships.

Data Objects, Attributes, and Relationships

The data model consists of three interrelated pieces of information: the data

object, the attributes that describe the data object, and the relationships that

connect data objects to one other.

Data Objects:

A data object is a representation of almost any composite information that must

be understood by software. By composite information, we mean something that

has a number of different properties or attributes. A data object encapsulates data

only there is no reference within a data object to operations that act on the data.

The data object description incorporates the data object and all of its attributes.

Data objects are related to one another.


Attributes define the properties of a data object and take on

one of three different characteristics. They can be used to name an instance of the

data object, describe the instance, or make reference to another instance in another

table. The set of attribute that is appropriate for a given data object is determined


through an understanding of the problem context. One or more of the attributes

must be defined, as an identifier that is identifier attribute becomes a “Key” when

we want to find an instance of the data object.


Data object are connected to one another in a variety of different ways. We can

define a set of object-relationships pairs that define the relevant relationships.

Object-relationship pairs are bi-directional. Different data objects and their

attributes are described in data dictionary and their relationships between these

data objects are given in ER diagram of next section.

Cardinality and Modality

Cardinality: The data model must be capable of representing the number of occurrences of objects in a given relationship. The cardinality of an object-relationship pair are:

1. One-to-one (1:1): An occurrence of object ‘A’ can relate to one and only one occurrence of object ‘B’ and an occurrence of ‘B’ can relate to only one occurrence of ‘A’.

2. One-to-many (1:N): One occurrence of object ‘A’ can relate to one or many occurrences of object ‘B’ but an occurrence of ‘B’ can relate to only one occurrence of ‘A’.

3. Many-to-many (M: N): An occurrence of object ‘A’ can relate to one or more occurrences of ‘B’, while an occurrence of ‘B’ can relate to or more occurrences of ‘A’.

Cardinality defines “the maximum number of object relationships that can participate in a relationship”.

Modality: The modality of a relationship is zero if there is no explicit

need for the relationship to occur or the relationship is optional. The modality is 1 if an occurrence of the relationship is mandatory.



Works on owner


Works For

Maintain ecords Name Admission Roll No Studies




Student Data Management



SchoolDepartment maintaining










Add Personal, Fees details of


Edit Student Details

Prints Fee details, reprinting &

cancellation of Receipts

Students details, cash details & Fee


Edit Module

Report Module

Fee Receipt Printing


New Admission



Flow chart:

A flow chart depicts pictorially the sequence in which instructions / processes are

carried out in a system. Flow charts are graphical representation of the processes

that are carried out by the system, it depicts inputs, output and processing of the

inputs and the stages at which processing is done. Flow chart not only helps in

accessing the system but also in designing the algorithms for the system.

Objects used:

Start / Termination Box

Processing Box

Input / Output Box

Decision Box



If Password


Matching of Password



Read User Name & Password

Option shown: MDI FORM




Processing & Manipulation of Student records



Student Data Management

New Admission of RecordsEditing of Student details Records

Printing of fee receipts moduleFee status module

Report Generation



Block Diagram:

Block diagram is a representation of the system as a whole. It depicts the system as modules, basically block diagram is representation of the system in block which is represented in diagram. It breaks the system into sub modules & then depicts their behavior & functions. Block diagram is over view of the system like what are its modules, its function & etc.




File Design:

File design is the design of the database and it contains information about the files used in the system. In database design the tables constructed, fields in the tables their data types and in the other part it tells about the extensions of the file used in the development.

Database will contain:

1. Student∷ Name, Address. Fathers name, Admission no. Data of Birth & etc

2. Fee: Section, Roll no. Admission no. Receipt no. 3. Class:

Class 4. Quarter:


Program listings: Fields-


Student Name Text

Father Name Text

Address Text

Data of Birth Date

Class Text

Section Text

Admission no. Text Primary Key

Roll no. Text

Security Number


Conveyance Text

Date of admission Date

Class Text

loc Text

Concession Number

Annual charge Number

Receipt no. Text Primary key

Date Date

Class Text

Admission no Number

Roll no Number

Section Text

Admission Number

Tuition Number

Late Number

Absence Number

Exam Number

Computer Number

Music Number

Total Number

Quarter Text

loc Text


Security Number

Annch Number

Username Text

Password Text

Quarter Text



Fields Data types

Student Name Text

Father Name Text

Address Text

Data of Birth Date

Class Text

Section Text

Admission no. Text Primary Key

Roll no. Text

Security Number

Conveyance Text

Date of admission Date

Class Text


loc Text

Concession Number

Annual charge Number


Fields Data types

Receipt no. Text Primary key

Student name Text

Father name Text

Date Date

Class Text

Admission Number

Roll no Number

Section Text

Admission Number

Tuition Number

Late Number

Absence Number

Exam Number

Computer Number

Music Number

Total Number


Quarter Text

loc Text

Conveyance Number

Security Number

Annch Number


Fields Data type

Class Text


Fields Data type

Username Text

Password Text


Fields Data Type

Quarter Text

Files Used:

.frm VB Forms

.rpt Crystal Reports

.db Access / Database Files



Menu Charts: Menu chart shows the modules / menus of the system it depicts

the modules in the form of menus. Menu chart of “Student data management” is given below:


1. Splash form2. Login form3. MDI form

Child form- New records, Edit records, Report.

Reports- Student details, Cash detail.

Printing: Student detail, Fees Details

Menu chart:


New Admission


Student details



Printing of Fee Receipts


Deletion of receipt no.


Reprinting of receipts


Fee details

Student details

Conveyance details

Security details

Fee Status

Fee status










Salient Features:

1 Reduce complexity through automation.

2 User-friendly environment to operate on.

3 Compatible to all platforms.

4 Improve Administration department’s efficiency

5 Exchange of data between different departments.

6 Improve Management reporting, maintaining capabilities.

1.1. Enhance Users satisfaction and productivity


1 Single window for entire application.

2 Module wise accessibility.



Coding: This section contains coding of the system “Student data

management ”. Which has been done in Front End “ Visual Basic ” & Back End “ M S Access”, coding has been included with screen shots of the package.

Splash: This is the opening screen of the package, user has to click

Ok to move forward or close the package.


Private Sub Command1_Click ()


End Sub



Edit student Details:

Option ExplicitDim stdnt As Recordset ' recordset used for student tableDim cla As Recordset ' recordset used for class tableDim match As Recordset ' used to match the admnno in the student tableDim str As StringDim sql As StringDim r As VariantDim i, j, k As IntegerDim key As BooleanDim chk As Boolean

Private Sub Chkcon_Click()


If chkcon.value = 0 Then txtfrom.Text = "" txtfrom.Enabled = FalseElseIf chkcon.value = 1 Then txtfrom.Enabled = True txtfrom.SetFocusEnd IfEnd Sub

Private Sub cmdclose_Click()If key = True Then stdnt.Close key = FalseEnd IfUnload MeEnd Sub

Private Sub cmddelete_Click()If Txtadmnno.Text = "" Or cboclass.Text = "" Or txtsec.Text = "" Or _ txtsname.Text = "" Or txtfname.Text = "" Or txtdoa.Text = "" Or _ txtdob.Text = "" Or txtaddr.Text = "" Or txtrollno.Text = "" Then Exit SubElse r = MsgBox("ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO DELETE THIS RECORD.", vbYesNoCancel, "DELETE RECORD") If r = vbYes Then stdnt.Edit stdnt.Delete clear Else Exit Sub End IfEnd Ifcmdsave.Enabled = Falsecmddelete.Enabled = FalseEnd Sub

Private Sub cmdfirst_Click()If cmdnext.Enabled = False Then cmdnext.Enabled = TrueEnd If


cmdprevious.Enabled = Falsestdnt.MoveFirstlinkEnd Sub

Private Sub cmdlast_Click()If cmdprevious.Enabled = False Then cmdprevious.Enabled = TrueEnd Ifcmdnext.Enabled = Falsestdnt.MoveLastlinkEnd Sub

Private Sub cmdnext_Click()If cmdprevious.Enabled = False Then cmdprevious.Enabled = TrueEnd Ifstdnt.MoveNextIf stdnt.EOF Then stdnt.MoveLast cmdnext.Enabled = FalseEnd IflinkEnd Sub

Private Sub cmdprevious_Click()If cmdnext.Enabled = False Then cmdnext.Enabled = TrueEnd Ifstdnt.MovePreviousIf stdnt.BOF Then stdnt.MoveFirst cmdprevious.Enabled = FalseEnd IflinkEnd Sub

Private Sub cmdsave_Click()If chkcon.value = 1 And txtfrom.Text = "" Then


i = MsgBox("PLEASE ENTER THE LOCATION", vbOKOnly, "STUDENT DETAILS") txtfrom.SetFocus Exit SubEnd If stdnt.Edit commit stdnt.Update clear cmdsave.Enabled = False movefalseEnd Sub

Private Sub cmdsearch_Click()If Not (Txtadmnno.Text = "") Then str = "select * from student where admnno = '" & Txtadmnno.Text & "';" movefalseElseIf Not (cboclass.Text = "") And Not (txtsec.Text = "") Then str = "select * from student where class = '" & cboclass.Text & "' and sec = '" & txtsec.Text & "' order by rollno;" movetrue chk = TrueElse i = MsgBox("ENTER PROPER DETAILS.", vbOKOnly, "STUDENT INFORMATION") Exit SubEnd IfclearSet stdnt = db.OpenRecordset(str, dbOpenDynaset)key = TrueIf stdnt.RecordCount < 1 Then i = MsgBox("RECORD NOT FOUND", vbOKOnly, "STUDENT INFORMATION") clear optclass.value = False optstudent.value = False Exit SubEnd Iflinkcboclass.Enabled = Truetxtsec.Enabled = True


Txtadmnno.Enabled = Falsecmdsave.Enabled = Truecmddelete.Enabled = TrueIf chk = True Then lblrec.Visible = True lblrecfound.Visible = True lblrec.Caption = stdnt.RecordCountEnd IfEnd Sub

Private Sub Optclass_Click()clearcboclass.Enabled = Truetxtsec.Enabled = TrueTxtadmnno.Enabled = Falsecboclass.SetFocusEnd Sub

Private Sub Optstudent_Click()clearTxtadmnno.Enabled = Truecboclass.Enabled = Falsetxtsec.Enabled = FalseTxtadmnno.SetFocusEnd Sub

Private Sub class()Set cla = db.OpenRecordset("class", dbReadOnly)cla.MoveLasti = cla.RecordCountcla.MoveFirstFor j = 1 To i cboclass.AddItem cla!class cla.MoveNextNextcla.CloseEnd Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()Me.Top = 0Me.Left = 0


classoptstudent.Enabled = Trueoptclass.Enabled = TrueTxtadmnno.Enabled = Falsecboclass.Enabled = Falsetxtsec.Enabled = Falsecmdsave.Enabled = Falsecmddelete.Enabled = Falselblrec.Visible = Falselblrecfound.Visible = FalsemovefalseEnd Sub

Private Sub Txtaddr_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)str = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ, "KeyAscii = Asc(UCase(Chr(KeyAscii)))If KeyAscii > 26 Then If InStr(str, Chr(KeyAscii)) = 0 Then KeyAscii = 0 End IfEnd IfEnd Sub

Private Sub Txtadmnno_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)str = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"KeyAscii = Asc(UCase(Chr(KeyAscii)))If KeyAscii > 26 Then If InStr(str, Chr(KeyAscii)) = 0 Then KeyAscii = 0 End IfEnd IfEnd Sub

Private Sub Txtdoa_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)str = "0123456789/"KeyAscii = Asc(UCase(Chr(KeyAscii)))If KeyAscii > 26 Then If InStr(str, Chr(KeyAscii)) = 0 Then KeyAscii = 0 End IfEnd If


End Sub

Private Sub Txtdob_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)str = "0123456789/"KeyAscii = Asc(UCase(Chr(KeyAscii)))If KeyAscii > 26 Then If InStr(str, Chr(KeyAscii)) = 0 Then KeyAscii = 0 End IfEnd IfEnd Sub

Private Sub txtfname_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)str = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ "KeyAscii = Asc(UCase(Chr(KeyAscii)))If KeyAscii > 26 Then If InStr(str, Chr(KeyAscii)) = 0 Then KeyAscii = 0 End IfEnd IfEnd Sub

Private Sub Txtfrom_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)str = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ, "KeyAscii = Asc(UCase(Chr(KeyAscii)))If KeyAscii > 26 Then If InStr(str, Chr(KeyAscii)) = 0 Then KeyAscii = 0 End IfEnd IfEnd Sub

Private Sub txtrollno_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)str = "0123456789"KeyAscii = Asc(UCase(Chr(KeyAscii)))If KeyAscii > 26 Then If InStr(str, Chr(KeyAscii)) = 0 Then KeyAscii = 0 End IfEnd IfEnd Sub


Private Sub txtsec_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)str = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"KeyAscii = Asc(UCase(Chr(KeyAscii)))If KeyAscii > 26 Then If InStr(str, Chr(KeyAscii)) = 0 Then KeyAscii = 0 End IfEnd IfEnd Sub

Private Sub link()Txtadmnno.Text = stdnt!Admnnotxtsname.Text = stdnt!snametxtdoa.Text = Format(stdnt!doa, "dd/mm/yyyy")txtfname.Text = stdnt!fnametxtdob.Text = Format(stdnt!dob, "dd/mm/yyyy")txtaddr.Text = stdnt!Addrtxtrollno.Text = stdnt!rollnotxtsec.Text = stdnt!seccboclass.Text = stdnt!classtxtsecurity.Text = stdnt!securitytxtannch.Text = stdnt!annchIf stdnt!concession = True Then chkconcession = 1Else chkconcession = 0End IfIf stdnt!Conv = True Then chkcon = 1 txtfrom.Text = stdnt!LocElse chkcon = 0 txtfrom.Text = ""End IfEnd Sub

Private Sub txtsecurity_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)str = "0123456789"KeyAscii = Asc(UCase(Chr(KeyAscii)))If KeyAscii > 26 Then


If InStr(str, Chr(KeyAscii)) = 0 Then KeyAscii = 0 End IfEnd IfEnd Sub

Private Sub txtsname_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)str = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ "KeyAscii = Asc(UCase(Chr(KeyAscii)))If KeyAscii > 26 Then If InStr(str, Chr(KeyAscii)) = 0 Then KeyAscii = 0 End IfEnd IfEnd Sub

Private Sub clear()Txtadmnno.Text = ""cboclass.Text = ""txtsec.Text = ""txtsname.Text = ""txtfname.Text = ""txtdoa.Text = ""txtdob.Text = ""txtsecurity.Text = ""txtrollno.Text = ""txtaddr.Text = ""chkcon.value = 0txtfrom.Text = ""txtannch.Text = ""lblrec.Visible = Falselblrecfound.Visible = Falsechkconcession.value = 0End Sub

Private Sub commit()stdnt!Admnno = Txtadmnno.Textstdnt!sname = txtsname.Textstdnt!doa = Format(txtdoa.Text, "dd/mm/yyyy")stdnt!fname = txtfname.Textstdnt!dob = Format(txtdob.Text, "dd/mm/yyyy")


stdnt!Addr = txtaddr.Textstdnt!rollno = txtrollno.Textstdnt!sec = txtsec.Textstdnt!class = cboclass.TextIf txtsecurity.Text = "" Then stdnt!security = 0Else stdnt!security = txtsecurity.TextEnd Ifstdnt!Conv = chkcon.valuestdnt!Loc = txtfrom.TextIf txtannch.Text = "" Then stdnt!annch = 0Else stdnt!annch = txtannch.TextEnd Ifstdnt!concession = chkconcession.valueEnd Sub

Private Sub movefalse()cmdfirst.Enabled = Falsecmdnext.Enabled = Falsecmdprevious.Enabled = Falsecmdlast.Enabled = FalseEnd Sub

Private Sub movetrue()cmdfirst.Enabled = Truecmdnext.Enabled = Truecmdprevious.Enabled = Truecmdlast.Enabled = TrueEnd Sub


A crucial phase in the system life cycle of the successful implementation of the new system design. Implementation simply means conveying a new system design into operation. This involves creating computer-compatible files, training the operating staff and installing hardware, terminals and telecommunication


networks before the system is up and running. A critical factor in conversion is not disrupting the functioning of the organization.

In system implementation, user training is crucial for minimizing resistance to change and giving the new system a chance to prove its worth. Training aids, such as user friendly, manuals, a data dictionary, job performance aids that communicate information about the new system and “help” screens provide the user with a good start on the new system.

There are three types of implementation:

1. Implementation of a computer system to replace a manual system: The problems encounter are converting files, training users, creating accurate files and verifying printouts for integrity.

2. Implementing of a new computer system to replace an existing one: This is usually a difficult conversion. If not properly planned there can be many problems. Some large computer system has taken as long as a year to convert.

3. Implementation of a modified application to replace an existing one using the same computer: This type of conversion is relatively easy to handle, provided there are no major changes in the files.

Conversion means changing from one system to another. The objective is to put the tested system into operation while holding costs, risks, and personnel irritation to a minimum. It involves –

Creating computer compatible files

Training the operating staff

Installing terminals and hardware. A critical aspect of conversion is not disrupting the function of the organization.

Several procedures and documents are unique to the conversion phase.

Conversion begins with a review of the project plant, the system test documentation, and the implementation plan. The parties involved are the user, the project team, programmers, and operators

The conversion portion of the implementation plan is finalized and approved.


1. Files are converted.2. Parallel processing between the existing and the new systems is initiated.3. Parallel processing between the existing and the new systems is initiated.4. Results of computer runs and operation for the new system are logged on a

special form5. Assuming no problems, parallel processing is discontinued.

Implementation results are documented for reference.

Conversion is completed. Plans for the post-implementation review are prepared. Following the review, the new system is officially operational.

File conversion involves capturing data and creating a computer file from existing files.

Copying the “old” files intact for the new system is the prime concern during conversion. The programs that copy the files should produce identical files to test programs on both systems. At the outset, a decision is made to determine which files need copying. Personnel files must be kept of course, but an account receivable file with many activities might not need copy in. Instead, new customer accounts might be put on the new system, while running out the old accounts on the old system.

Once it is determined that a particular file should be transferred, the next step is to specify the data to be converted, current file, year-end files, and son on. Then files to be copied must be identified by name, the programmer who will do the copying, and the methods by which the accuracy of the copying will be verified. A file-comparison program is best used for this purpose.








Testing is the process of executing the programs with the intention of finding out

errors. During testing, the program to be tested is executed with a set of test cases

and the output of the programs for the test case is evaluated to determine if the

program is performing as it is expected to be.

As the software is created and added to the developing system, testing is

performed to ensure that it is working correctly and efficiently. Testing is

generally focused on two areas, internal efficiency and external effectiveness. The

goal of external effectiveness testing is to verify that the software is functioning

according to system design, and that it is performing all the required functions.

The goal of internal testing is to make sure that the computer code is efficient,

standardized, and well documented. Testing can be a labor-intensive process due

to its iterative nature.

Test Plan:

We divided the testing procedure into these levels: -

Unit Testing.

Integration Testing.

Validation Testing.

System Testing.

These different levels of testing attempt to detect different types of faults. The

relations of faults introduced in different levels of testing are as shown below


Levels of Testing

Unit Testing:

The first level of testing is called unit testing. In this, different modules are tested

against the specifications produced during design for the modules. Unit testing is

essential for verification of the code produced during the coding phase, and the

goal is set to test the internal logic of the modules.

Integration Testing:

The next level of testing is often called the integration testing. In this many tested

modules are combined into subsystems, which are then tested. The goal here is to

see if the modules can be integrated properly, the emphasis being on testing

interfaces between modules. This testing activity can be considered as testing

design and hence the emphasis on testing interactions.

Validation Testing:

During validation testing, the system is used experimentally to ensure that the

software does not fail, i.e. will run according to its specifications and in the way

users accepts, special test data input for processing, and the results examined. A

Requirements System testing

Clients Needs



Validation Testing

Integration Testing

Unit Testing


limited number of users may be allowed to use the system so analysts can see

whether they try to use it in unforeseen ways.

System validation checks the quality of the software in both simulated and live

environments. First the software goes through a phase in which error and failures

based on simulated user requirements are verified and studied, called alpha

testing. The modified software is then subjected to phase two in the actual user’s

site or a live environment, called beta testing.

System Testing:

A series of different tests whose function is to verify that all system elements have

been properly integrated and perform allocated functions.

Testing of “Student Data Management ”:

In case of Student data management package, I performed unit testing to each

individual function to see that whether they are working properly or not. We

examined each loop, which occurred in the functions for every possible value.

Integration testing was also being performed by combining the different modules

and the results were examined. Some steps are taken for testing:

1. Proper validation is done or not.

2. Exceptions are handled or not.

3. Correct menus open or not.

4. Records are properly updated & saved or not.

5. Is system able to detect Intruder?


Samples Of Unit Testing:

Few samples of unit testing are explained with the help of

screen outputs. Unit testing is basically testing the modules with the dummy data.

If search button is pressed before entering the name it will ask for

the field.

If Admission no is not in the database message will be prompted. No

record found.



About the System:

It is basically a Database management package for the authorities of

school/institute that maintains student’s data. All the details of student are

managed by the package i.e. Personal details, Fees details, Reports & etc. The

package is by the name of Student Data Management Package. Package helps the

various departments in maintaining & manipulating the data. Student data are

divided into Personal information, Fees Details, Receipt printing & etc it helps in

manipulating the divided parts of the data. This system is for the department

maintaining student records.


This system is platform independent, it will work on any platform. Operating

system recommended for this system is Window’s 98 & upper versions.

How to use it?

Student Data Management package has a very user friendly

environment & it’s interfaces are similar to windows, so it will not take time for

the user to get acquainted with the system, there are few things that should be kept

in mind before using the system those points are explained with the help of screen


This Package is developed for stand-alone system, hence for logging on the

system user must know the Username & Password. After choosing from the

menus the specific options few things has to be kept in mind which are explained



Addition of records :


Follow this pattern in other form of adding records as well as in other parts of the system. ame procedure should be applied through the package. This package has a similar environment to windows, so it is easy to work with.

Editing Records:

For adding record first fill up the form after that

click on ok

For filling up another students

data click new then enter

details .




Topics covered:

- Limitations- Biblography

For editing the records enter the id then click on search after that make the

changes & then save.

Same procedure should be applied for

delete & result System should be exited

through close button



Limitations of the system and future development areas:

Limitation of any system is difference between the required system & the

developed system: -

1. It is developed for only stand-alone PC.

2. This system is quite easy to use this is not its limitation but its restrictive

features are its limitation.

3. The back end used in the system is M S Access, which is not an RDBMS.

4. The system does not support multiple users.

5. There are few things, which should be kept in mind while using the




Books Referred:VB Black Book -----------------------------------------By Steven Holzner (Dreamtech Press)

MS OFFICE 97 Professional Edition------------------By Lonnie E. Moseley and David M. Boodey (BPB Publications)

Fundamentals Of Database Systems------By Ramez Elmasri and Shamkant B. Navathe (Pearson Education Asia)

Introduction To Software Engineering--------------By Roger S. Pressman (Tata McGraw Hill)

Mastering Visual Basic 6.0---------------------------By Roger S. Pressman (Tata McGraw Hill)

Web Sites Referenced: