Innovation working document




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"innovation changes the values onto which the system is based” (Schumpeter, 1930)

An innovation is an idea that is further developed so that it is

reliable on a meaningful scale. (Senge, 2006)

Idea Innovation

Invention Innovation Diffusion

An innovation is an idea that is further developed so that it is

reliable on a meaningful scale. (Senge, 2006)

Idea Innovation

An innovation is an idea that is further developed so that it is

reliable on a meaningful scale. (Senge, 2006)

Idea Innovation

Does scale respect Identity?

Image source: Robin Collyer, Yonge Street, Willowdale, 1995

A technological innovation is the result of a process of developing a product, service or system so it can be successfully manufactured and sold on a worthwhile market


Eco-innovation includes environmental limits

take make wastebuy/use


most designers are concerned with these stages

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Reliable on global scale?



Landfill tax in the UK has risen from £7.00 per tonne in 1996 to £48.00 in 2010

Source: UK Trade Info

Reliable on regional scale?

image source: Apple

design for…. full life cycleslife cycles, nutrient cycles, material selection, cradle to cradle

image source: mc donagh / braungart

Sustainable innovation aims to fulfil the needs of all people within the possibilities of the available resources on this planet

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over 1 billion people do not have access to clean drinking


source: UNDP

80% of all disease in developing countries is caused by

consumption of contaminated water

source: WHO

Social innovation addresses social needs. It is based on using people, trust and creativity to make something reliable within a community

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Enabling technology Social needs

Community housing for elderly people sharing collective spaces

Responsible innovation is conscious of the societal impacts of technology. It caries the science ethical along the innovation process.

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"innovation changes the values onto which the system is based” (Schumpeter)

Business model innovation changes the model on how to make a revenue

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Image source: Banksy

designers interact between industry, users and other actors




Creativity is the ability to recognise unusual patterns and relationships and produce novel ideas or things.

Culture is the way in which a group of people solve problems and reconciles dilemmas (Schein, 1985)


design innovation

