Interesting facts about vertebrates


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Facts About

Vertebrates By Mason Gaddis


Amphibians became the first vertebrates

to live on land.


Some turtles and tortoises, including the

Eastern box turtle, can live for more than

a century.

Facts Frogs can breathe not only with their

lungs, but also through their skin. A frog's

skin is thin and contains many mucous

glands that keep it moist. Oxygen can be

absorbed through this thin, damp skin.


Averaging ten to 12 feet in length, the

king cobra is the largest venomous snake

in the world.


There are 8,240 species of reptiles in the

world, inhabiting every continent except


Facts The oldest bird was known as an

Archaeopteryx and lived about 150

million years ago. It was the size of a

raven, was covered with feathers, and

had wings.

Facts The now-extinct elephant bird of

Madagascar laid an egg that weighed 27


Facts A female Pacific Grey Whale gestates

and delivers a 2000 pound baby, migrates

over 10,000 miles, and produces 6 tons of

breast milk without eating a bite of food -

using just her blubber for fuel.

Facts Shrews have so little body fat they cannot

go more than a couple of hours without

food. Missing a meal is a sure way to a

quick death. A good night's sleep could

be fatal.


Hooded Seals go from infancy to

childhood to adolescence to adulthood

in just four days - the shortest childhood of

any mammal.


Stingrays use electric sensors to find food.

This enables it to find its prey even if it is

buried in the sand.


Hagfish and Lampreys are the only remaining jawless fish in the world.

Hagfish Lamprey