Introducing SAP Mobile Documents



Every day employees move business files onto their mobile devices so they can work at home, on the road, or at client sites. Workers across all industries reach for their smart phones and tablets to share, review, approve, write, read, edit, present, and complete work-oriented activities. This paradigm shift calls for a new way of thinking about document and content management. To address this enterprise need, SAP is pleased to introduce a new solution to our portfolio: SAP Mobile Documents. SAP Mobile Documents is designed for enterprise deployments where collaboration, security, and control of business content are critical. Available on-premise or in the cloud, it provides anytime, anywhere access to view, edit, and collaborate on personal business documents and corporate content in an easy-to-use native mobile app. Key Topics This Webinar will introduce how SAP Mobile Documents can help you: Reduce the cost and complexity of accessing personal business documents and corporate data on mobile devices. Gain efficiencies by collaborating to help ensure you always have a “single source of truth.” Increase accessibility by always having vital corporate content at your fingertips. Reduce risk by integrating with content stored in current data sources.

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Introducing SAP Mobile Documents

Bryan Whitmarsh, Director, Mobile Solution Management

Milja Gillespie, Director, Mobile Solution Marketing

March 20, 2013

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Today’s presenters

Bryan Whitmarsh

Solution Manager,

SAP Mobile Documents



Milja Gillespie

Solution Marketing,

SAP Mobile Documents



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The need for mobile content management

Introduction to SAP Mobile Documents


Deep dive on SAP Mobile Documents

Personal business documents

Sharing documents


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Status quo: Today



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Status quo: Today


Present Review Store Travel

Prepare Mobilize Read







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Status quo: Today




…using a million files…

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Status quo: Today

…a thousand devices…

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…resulting in countless





Status quo: Today

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The problem with content

Almost every worker requires access to content to do some part of their job

There has been a fundamental shift in the way content is consumed

Email is an inefficient tool to manage and share content

Today’s workers are mobile, and the work environment is dynamic

BYOD and mobility bring about increased concerns about security

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The facts: The demand for secure content is critical

IT departments must

provide a Mobile Content

Management to their


Free solutions pose a risk 77%

use personal mobile

devices/tablets for



use free file-sharing

platforms to share

corporate documents

55% don’t

alert IT1


employees who

need access to

work documents

outside the office1

1. “New Survey Finds Over Half of Employees Use Unauthorized Consumer Based File-Sharing Apps at Work” (SkyDox survey) (June 2012)

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Things to think about…

Do employees use free file sharing/syncing products?

Are you concerned about your company content being at risk?

Do you already have an enterprise content management system?

Do employees need to share files with colleagues and partners?

Do employees need access to content including presentations, documents,

spreadsheets, videos, to successfully do their jobs?

Do employees need to present files from mobile devices?

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The need for mobile content management

Introduction to SAP Mobile Documents


Deep dive on SAP Mobile Documents

Personal business documents

Sharing documents


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Share My Files My Files - Any Device Mobilize Enterprise Content

Introducing SAP Mobile Documents

SAP Mobile Documents is designed for enterprise deployments where collaboration, security and control of business content

is critical. Users enjoy anytime, anywhere access to view and collaborate on personal and corporate content, in an easy-to-

use, native mobile app

Access personal

business documents

instantly on your laptop

or any mobile device

Discover and access

content from corporate

document management


Share files with teams,

colleagues, and business

partners from anywhere

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Key enterprise features


Meet the highest security standards

including document level security and

compliance management with SAP Afaria.

Share documents that are password and

time protected.

App Integration

Secure data transfer via app to

app integration. Embed content in

mobile applications via an SDK.

Centralized Control

Centralized authentication, controlled

access to repositories, reporting and

auditing controls* to ensure data loss


Cloud and On Premise

Choice of deployment options: cloud,

on-premise or hybrid* (access your

on-premise data utilizing SAP

NetWeaver Cloud services).

Standards Based

Utilize industry standard CMIS to ensure

broad interoperability. Integrate with SAP

and non-SAP solutions using a CMIS

based SDK.

*Priority features to be added in future releases. Features vary between cloud and on-premise versions.

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Runtime and Data in SAP

NetWeaver Cloud

Choice of deployment scenarios


Runtime in SAP NetWeaver Cloud

/ Data On Premise

On Premise

Runtime and Data

On Premise

SAP NetWeaver Cloud

SAP Mobile Documents SAP Mobile Documents





SAP Mobile Documents

SAP NetWeaver Cloud

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Encryption Documents need to be encrypted

Authentication Users must be authenticated through Identity management


Data loss prevention Remote wipe capability with Afaria

Personal and business

document isolation Separate personal and business content



Classify content as confidential, internal, customer, public

Assign specific security policies

Reports and auditing* Track content usage and management, and remain in



collaboration* Push updated content to teams for version and access control

Critical issues to consider

* planned functionality

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Feature requirements for an MCM system

Secures access to corporate content

and personal files

Ensures control over corporate data

Provides exceptional user experience

Supports market-leading mobile devices

and operating systems

Enables and promotes team collaboration

Delivers visibility and insight into mobile

content usage*

Simplifies access to enterprise content

management platforms

Adapts to cloud, onsite, and hybrid* data


Built on open, interoperable systems

Ability to leverage content in workflows and

mobile applications


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Your files anywhere and on any device

Any file you save to SAP Mobile

Documents is instantly accessible by

your computers, phones, and other

devices – anywhere at anytime

SAP Mobile Documents works with

Windows, Mac, in your HTML5 web

browser and on iPad. Additional device

support for Android devices and iPhone

planned for next releases

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Demo Highlights

Offline and online support

Have your documents available on your

mobile device even when not online

– Just by one click

– Synchronize single documents or complete


– Offline content updates automatically when

online next time

Present your documents from your

mobile device

Navigate through documents in on your

mobile device

– See and navigate to previous, current and next


– Navigation pane for easy slide selection

Share your documents with

individuals and teams

Allow shared folders for document

exchange with other users

– Users: Shared documents are copied

snapshots, No SAP Mobile Documents license

needed for sharing partner, Anonymous access

with password protection

– Teams: Collaborative working with documents,

Changes in documents are reflected to every

group member, Access restrictions based on

group permissions

SDK for app to app integration

Ability to build secure content into

business applications

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Discover and access corporate content

Open up your content management

system for mobile device usage

Extend the reach of your SAP

NetWeaver Portal KM or other content

management systems

Navigate your CMS based on your

user rights

Standard based communication

utilizing the Content Management

Interoperability Services (CMIS)


e.g. Microsoft


SAP NetWeaver


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Content Management Interoperability Services (CMIS) Overview

OASIS based Standard

Broad Industry Support

SAP, IBM, Microsoft, EMC², Alfresco,

OpenText and other members


CMIS ABAP Connectivity since NW7.03

CMIS Document Service in

SAP NetWeaver Cloud since Q1/2012

SAP drives CMIS

Active in Technical Committee

Spec Editors

SAP Chairs Apache Chemistry

Current CMIS Project State

V1.0 released 05/2010

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CMIS libraries allow new integration


Backend integration with CMIS-

enabled systems

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Business level security

SAP Mobile Documents protects your


Security Policies prevent leakage of

confidential data

Data encryption is applied for data in

motion and data at rest

Device and policy management via SAP

Afaria (optional)

Secure platform for on-demand

scenarios with SAP NetWeaver Cloud

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Best practices when adopting an MCM solution

Regularly audit content usage and corporate-distributed content

Train users in the importance of securing content, and how to share content safely

Consider the impact of BYOD Avoid lock ins by adopting standards

Avoid lock ins by adopting standards





Don’t rip and replace; maintain your existing investment in systems like

SAP Portal or Microsoft SharePoint

Establish file-sharing policies that make sense for your industry

Assess your current situation

Be afraid of the unknown






For more information visit

Join Webinar with Gartner tomorrow

Milja Gillespie

Director, Mobile Solution Marketing

Bryan Whitmarsh

Director, Mobile Solution Management

Closing and Q&A

Participate in today’s TweetChat about wholesale distribution


SAP Mobile Insights Webcast Series

April 25th

Are You Measuring or Guessing? Determining Mobile Project ROI

Learn the 7 Components of a Mobile ROI/TCO Model

Join this Webcast with SAP and industry analyst Jack Gold to learn:

How to create guidelines and measurement criteria to determine your ROI

Techniques to help you to plan, implement, and operate the most cost-effective apps

What constitutes a successful return on enterprise mobile initiatives

Mobile Sense Thought Leadership Series (webcasts & white papers):
