Introduction to Monads in Scala (2)


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Part 2functional programming with scala

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• DSL• Actors• OOP• Procedures• Functional

public class VersionFormatter { private final String comp;

public VersionFormatter(String comp) { this.comp = comp; }

public String generate(String app) { return ”{" + comp + " - " + app + “}"; }}

VersionFormatter myCompFormat = new VersionFormatter("Co");System.out.println(myCompFormat.generate("App"));

case class VersionFormatter(val comp: String) { def generateFor(app: String): String = ”{" + comp + " - " + app + “}"}

val myCompFormat = VersionFormatter("Co")println(myCompFormat generateFor "App")

def generate(comp: String, app: String) = ”{%s - %s}".format(comp, app)

val myCompFormat = generate ("Co", _: String)println(myCompFormat("App"))


return output filterById map toJson

ls | grep '^d'

val service = { path("orders") { authenticate(httpBasic(realm = "admin area")) { user => get { cacheResults(LruCache(maxCapacity = 1000, timeToIdle = Some(30.minutes))) { encodeResponse(Deflate) { completeWith { // marshal custom object with in-scope //marshaller getOrdersFromDB } } } } ~

var avg: Option[Float] =from(grades)(g =>

where(g.subjectId === mathId)   compute(avg(


“For” but not for…

val ns = List(10, 20)val qs = for (n <- ns) yield n * 2assert (qs == List(20, 40))

Map like for

val ns = List(10, 20)

val qs = ns map {n => n * 2}

For like map

for (x <- expr) yield resultExpr

=expr map {x => resultExpr}

=expr flatMap {x => unit(resultExpr)}

for [each] n [in] ns [and each] o [in] os yield n * o

val in1 = List(1, 2)val in2 = List (3, 4)val out = for (n <- in1; o <- in2) yield n + oassert (out == List (1+3, 1+4, 2+3, 2+4))

=val out2 = in1 flatMap {n => in2 map {o => n + o }}assert(out == out2)

Step by step

val out = ns flatMap {n => os map {o => n + o }}

val qs = ns flatMap {n => List(n + 3, n + 4)}

val qs = List(1 + 3, 1 + 4, 2 + 3, 2 + 4)

More of For…

val out = for (n <- in1; o <- in2; p <- in3) yield n + o + p

val qs = ns flatMap {n => os flatMap {o => {ps map {p => n + o + p}}}}

rule is recursive

For (x1 <- expr1;...x <- expr) yield resultExpr

=expr1 flatMap {x1 => for(...;x <- expr) yield resultExpr}

Imperative "For"

Just loosing yield:

val ns = List(1, 2)val os = List (3, 4)for (n <- ns; o <- os) println(n + o)

=ns foreach {n => os foreach {o => println(n + o) }}

Foreach is imperative form of "for"

class M[A] { def map[B](f: A=> B) : M[B] = ... def flatMap[B](f: A => M[B]) : M[B] = ... def foreach[B](f: A=> B) : Unit = { map(f) return () }}


val names = List ( “Mike”, “Raph”, “Don”, “Leo” )val eNames = for (eName <- names; if eName.contains ( ‘e’ )) yield eName + “ is a name contains e”

assert(eNames == List( "Mike is a name contains e", "Leo is a name contains e"))

Filtering with map

val bNames = (names filter { eName => eName.contains('e') }) .map { eName => eName + " is a name contains e"}

Basis 2Haskell Scala

do var1<- expn1 var2 <- expn2 expn3

for {var1 <- expn1; var2 <- expn2; result <- expn3} yield result

do var1 <- expn1 var2 <- expn2 return expn3

for {var1 <- expn1; var2 <- expn2;} yield expn3

do var1 <- expn1 >> expn2 return expn3

for {_ <- expn1; var1 <- expn2} yield expn3

Setting the Law

f(x) ≡ g(x)

But no eq, ==, hashCode, refAll the laws I present implicitly assume that there are no side effects.

Breaking the law

Mathematic example:a * 1 ≡ aa * b ≡ b * a(a * b) * c ≡ a * (b * c)

WTF - What The Functor?

In Scala a functor is a class with a map method and a few simple properties.

class M[A] { def map[B](f: A => B):M[B] = ...


First Functor Law: Identity

def identity[A](x:A) = x identity(x) ≡ x

So here's our first functor law: for any functor m– F1. m map identity ≡ m // or equivalently *

– F1b. m map {x => identity(x)} ≡ m // or equivalently– F1c. m map {x => x} ≡ m

Always must be true

– F1d. for (x <- m) yield x ≡ m

Second Functor Law: Composition

F2. m map g map f ≡ m map {x => f(g(x))}

Always must work

val result1 = m map (f compose g)val temp = m map gval result2 = temp map fassert result1 == result2

For analogue

F2b. for (y<- (for (x <-m) yield g(x)) yield f(y) ≡

for (x <- m) yield f(g(x))

Functors and Monads

All Monads are Functors

class M[A] {def map[B](f: A => B):M[B] = ...def flatMap[B](f: A=> M[B]): M[B] = ...def unit[A](x:A):M[A] = …

}Scala way for unit Object apply().

The Functor/Monad Connection Law

FM1. m map f ≡ m flatMap {x => unit(f(x))}

Three concepts: unit, map, and flatMap.

FM1a. for (x <- m) yield f(x) ≡ for (x <- m; y <- unit(f(x))) yield y

Flatten in details

FL1. m flatMap f ≡ flatten(m map f)

=1. flatten(m map identity) ≡ m flatMap

identity // substitute identity for f2. FL1a. flatten(m) ≡ m flatMap identity // by F1

The First Monad Law: Identity

1. M1. m flatMap unit ≡ m // or equivalently

2. M1a. m flatMap {x => unit(x)} ≡ m

Where the connector law connected 3 concepts, this law focuses on the relationship between 2 of them


• m flatMap {x => unit(x)} ≡ m // M1a

• m flatMap {x => unit(identity(x))}≡ m // identity

• F1b. m map {x => identity(x)} ≡ m // by FM1

• M1c. for (x <- m; y <- unit(x)) yield y ≡ m

The Second Monad Law: Unit

• M2. unit(x) flatMap f ≡ f(x) // or equivalently

• M2a. unit(x) flatMap {y => f(y)} ≡ f(x)

• M2b. for (y <- unit(x); result <- f(y)) yield result ≡ f(x)

It's in precisely this sense that it's safe to say that any monad is a type of container (but that doesn't mean a monad is a collection!).


• unit(x) map f ≡ unit(x) map f // no, really, it does!

• unit(x) map f ≡ unit(x) flatMap {y => unit(f(y))} // by FM1

• M2c. unit(x) map f ≡ unit(f(x)) // by M2a

• M2d. for (y <- unit(x)) yield f(y) ≡ unit(f(x))

The Third Monad Law: Composition

• M3. m flatMap g flatMap f ≡

m flatMap {x => g(x) flatMap f} // or equivalently• M3a. m flatMap {x => g(x)} flatMap {y => f(y)} ≡

m flatMap {x => g(x) flatMap {y => f(y) }}

Mind breaker

• M3b.

for (a <- m; b <- g(a); result <- f(b) ) yield result ≡ for (a <- m; result <-

for(b < g(a); temp <- f(b) ) yield temp ) yield result


1. m map g map f ≡ m map g map f // is it?2. m map g map f ≡ m flatMap {x => unit(g(x))} flatMap {y

=> unit(f(y))} // by FM1, twice

3. m map g map f ≡ m flatMap {x => unit(g(x)) flatMap {y => unit(f(y))}} // by M3a

4. m map g map f ≡ m flatMap {x => unit(g(x)) map {y => f(y)}} // by FM1a

5. m map g map f ≡ m flatMap {x => unit(f(g(x))} // by M2c

6. F2. m map g map f ≡ m map {x => f(g(x))} // by FM1a

Monadic zeros

Nill for ListNone for Option

The First Zero Law: Identity

MZ1. mzero flatMap f ≡ mzero

1. mzero map f ≡ mzero map f // identity2. mzero map f ≡ mzero flatMap {x =>

unit(f(x)) // by FM1

3. MZ1b. mzero map f ≡ mzero // by MZ1

Not enough zero

unit(null) map {x => "Nope, not empty enough to be a zero"} ≡ unit("Nope, not empty enough to be a zero")

The Second Zero Law: M to Zero in Nothing Flat

MZ2. m flatMap {x => mzero} ≡ mzero

Anything to nothing is nothing

What is +

Type MethodInt +List :::Option orElse

The Third and Fourth Zero Laws: Plus

class M[A] { ... def plus(other:M[B >: A]): M[B] = ...}

• MZ3. mzero plus m ≡ m

• MZ4. m plus mzero ≡ m

Filtering Again

class M[A] { def map[B](f: A => B):M[B] = ... def flatMap[B](f: A=> M[B]): M[B] = ... def filter(p: A=> Boolean): M[A] = ...}

Filter law

FIL1. m filter p ≡

m flatMap {x => if(p(x)) unit(x) else mzero}

Filter results 1

• m filter {x => true} ≡ m filter {x => true} // identity

• m filter {x => true} ≡ m flatMap {x => if (true) unit(x) else mzero} // by FIL1

• m filter {x => true} ≡ m flatMap {x => unit(x)} // by definition of if

• FIL1a. m filter {x => true} ≡ m // by M1

Filter results 2

• m filter {x => false} ≡ m filter {x => false} // identity

• m filter {x => false} ≡ m flatMap {x => if (false) unit(x) else mzero} // by FIL1

• m filter {x => false} ≡ m flatMap {x => mzero} // by definition of if

• FIL1b. m filter {x => false} ≡ mzero // by MZ1

Side Effects

m map g map f ≡ m map {x => (f(g(x)) }

Basis 3Scala Haskell

FM1 m map f ≡ m flatMap {x => unit(f(x))}

fmap f m ≡ m >>= \x -> return (f x)

M1 m flatMap unit ≡ m m >>= return ≡ m

M2 unit(x) flatMap f ≡ f(x) (return x) >>= f ≡ f x

M3 m flatMap g flatMap f ≡ m flatMap {x => g(x) flatMap f}

(m >>= f) >>= g ≡ m >>= (\x -> f x >>= g)

MZ1 mzero flatMap f ≡ mzero mzero >>= f ≡ mzero

MZ2 m flatMap {x => mzero} ≡ mzero m >>= (\x -> mzero) ≡ mzero

MZ3 mzero plus m ≡ m mzero 'mplus' m ≡ m

MZ4 m plus mzero ≡ m m 'mplus' mzero ≡ m

FIL1 m filter p ≡ m flatMap {x => if(p(x)) unit(x) else mzero}

mfilter p m ≡ m >>= (\x -> if p x then return x else mzero)
