Introduction to Ubantu



This is an Introduction to Ubuntu. Ubuntu Linux is a computer operating system based on the Debian GNU/Linux distribution.

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By Manish Mishra

An Introduction to begin

Ubuntu Linux is a computer operating system based on the Debian GNU/Linux distribution.

● It also has a wide range of pre-installed applications and many more readily available at the click of the mouse, and an ever-growing user community.

● It is distributed as Free and open source software.

● Ubuntu is designed primarily for desktop use, although netbook and server editions exist as well.

● Meaning of the word “Ubuntu”:

Ubuntu is an ancient African word meaning 'humanity to others'

Philosophy of Ubuntu

Software should be free and accessible to all

Every computer user:

- Should have the freedom to download, run, copy, distribute, study, share, change and improve their software for any purpose, without paying licensing fees.

- Should be able to use their software in the language of their choice.

Ubuntu software is free. Always was, always will be. ● Free software gives everyone the freedom to use it however they want and share with whoever they like.

● Release Philosophy of Ubuntu:

The development team follows a time-based release cycle (every six months), not a feature-driven one.

The Ubuntu Linux Community- When you start to use Linux, you become part of this community.One of the benefits of membership is that you’re never far from finding a solution to a problem. The community likes to congregate online around forums and newsgroups, which you can join in order to find help.

- Being part of a community is not just about getting free technical support. It’s about sharing knowledge. Linux was created to be shared among those who want to use it. There are no restrictions, apart from one.

- When you learn something, don’t be afraid to share this knowledge with others. “Giving something back” is an important part of the Linux community

Ubuntu VS. WindowsOpen Source – Unlike Windows, Linux distributions are open source and the source code can be edited and modified to the most to suit your needs.Free Software – Every application and software on Linux is free and open source. You don’t need to worry about licenses anymore and you can always find a better and free Linux alternative to a Windows application.Ubuntu Community Help – Ubuntu has a very active support and help community where you can get answer to your questions and problems in minutes.

- Easy Upgrade – You can upgrade Linux Ubuntu through the package manager and all applications can be installed/updated through it.

- Experience Live – Linux Ubuntu CDs come with a pre-installed OS environment which allows you to run the OS without even installing it.

- Disk space - Ubuntu takes at most a quarter of the disk space that Vista and Windows 7 takes.

- Regular releases - With Ubuntu, you have the equivalent of a service pack every six months. Between those releases, on average, you’ll get bug and security fixes every week.

- Linux doesn’t have the virus problems - Although it is possible to create a virus to target Linux systems, the design of the system itself makes it very difficult to become infected.

- No Spyware - Not just spyware but none of those funny applications that keep doing things in the background.

Ubuntu is sponsored by the UK-based company Canonical Ltd., owned by South African entrepreneur Mark Shuttleworth. Canonical generates revenue by selling technical support and services tied to Ubuntu, while the operating system itself is entirely free of charge.

How is Ubuntu Funded?

Breathtaking login manager (a.k.a login screen or display manager)

20+ Reasons to use Ubuntu Linux instead of Windows

Ubuntu is Free. (Saved ~ $250)

You don’t have to buy Office (Word, Power-point, Excel etc.) separately. It comes with OpenOffice/Libre Office preinstalled. (Saved ~ $200)

You don’t have to buy costly hardware for the basic need. (RAM. Processor, HDD etc.)

You are free from Viruses so you don’t have to buy another upgrade of Norton or any other Antivirus software. (Saved ~ $75)

When you have installed Ubuntu, you don’t have to install anything else to get you started with your productivity.

You don’t have to wait for years for the bugs to get fixed. You can track them down in Ubuntu

You can update everything on your system with just one update manager. No need to run separate Update manger for all the softwares you installed. (Saves your system resources.)

Don’t get tired restarting your computer all the time. You do it almost never with Ubuntu.

You are free from Pirated softwares. With Ubuntu you can share it with as many people as you want and it is LEGAL

Don’t have to bother searching the web for new softwares. Ubuntu gets a whole lot of software free of cost to you

Play hundreds of games for Free.

Your PC won’t get slower day by day. It happens in Windows only

Use MSN, AIM, ICQ, Jabber, Gtalk, Yahoo and many more with a single program. No need to install separate software for the same thing.

Tired of managing multiple windows on your screen. You can use workspaces to manage your work

You old computer will get a second life. Because Ubuntu does not need those high resources as Windows

With Ubuntu, you are always free. Free as in Freedom and in Free Beer. Ubuntu is free and will always remain free. (Saves ~ $200 every 2 years when Microsoft releases a new version of its operating system and you have to buy it.

All future upgrades of Ubuntu are provided free of cost. Upgrades are released every 6 months.

Upgrades are installed automatically. You don’t have to bother about losing your data and redoing lots of personalization. *Edit* The updates are installed with your permission and only if you want them…not in the background without you knowing it

Thousand of user are there to help you with when you are stuck. Become a part of Ubuntuforums .

You will get free and Long Term Support (LTS) for Ubuntu. Ubuntu 12.04 Desktop version also will get a LTS.
