IT Portfolio Seminar


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Corecom Consulting

- Jonathan, Andreas and Rebecca


Gaining work experience

Creating a portfolio



CV Advice


Corecom Consulting Trading for 8 years IT Recruitment Based in Leeds City Centre

◦ Jonathan Entrepreneurial spirit from the age of seven Ex Leeds Met / Beckett 10yrs IT Recruitment Got my Grad role from Leeds Met

◦ Andreas Ex Leeds Met / Beckett Worked the .Net market for 12mths

◦ Rebecca Not Ex Leeds Met / Beckett Worked the Java market for 7mths

The Right Experience ◦ All experience is good experience

The problem with Grad Roles ◦ Graduate IT Role – Paying £25k ◦ Must have one – two years experience

IT experience ◦ Voluntary ◦ University Project work ◦ Approach Charities ◦ Leeds Beckett Job Shop ◦ Personal Network – new sites or sites to improve

• Online Portfolios

• StackOverflow

• GitHub

Free Q & A site for Developers

Rated answers

Marked answers

Things you can ask about... Specific programming problems

Software Algorithms

Coding techniques

Software development tools


Reputation... Access to moderation tools

Vote to close, reopen, or migrate questions

Edit other peoples posts

Largest code host on the planet with over 22.1 million repositories.

Tools are open to the community for public projects and secure for private projects.

Features: Flexible issue tracker




Restricted accessibility

LinkedIn is not just a professional network...Its an online CV.

Any work experience is good work experience!

This may seem obvious, but you’d be amazed how many people do not do this.

‘if’ instead of ‘it’/’is’, ‘a’ when you need ‘an’, ‘think’ instead

of ‘thing’

Languages/tools misspelled

Automatic slang / colloquialisms (‘cause / coz)

Attention to detail is key for a role in IT.

Put the location in which you will be looking for work when you finish your studies, not just your current location.

This may seem obvious, but you’d be surprised what people do share!