Jaws ug alexa days lt-okuma_20170517


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alexa x IoT in a simple way

Genki Okuma

© 2017 Japan Novel Corporation 1


Japan Novel Corporation

Genki Okuma

Love IoT because we can connect

Love alexa because we can join

AWS not Certified (beginner)

Favorite Services:

Amazon alexa


Twitter @JNTEST23

© 2017 Japan Novel Corporation 2


We can try alexa with browser.

But it is not hands free.

© 2017 Japan Novel Corporation 3

Hands Free alexa with RaspberryPi

Official step by step guide https://github.com/alexa/alexa-avs-sample-app/wiki/Raspberry-Pi

© 2017 Japan Novel Corporation 4

alexa meets IFTTT

© 2017 Japan Novel Corporation 5

My sweet alexa sends message.

alexa sends fixed

massage, To-Do list, or

Shopping list.

alexa brings day, time,

and so on.

Fixed massage is quick.

List is slow.(5-10min)

© 2017 Japan Novel Corporation 6

User Page


LED control Challenge!!

© 2017 Japan Novel Corporation 7


© 2017 Japan Novel Corporation 8

adafruit IO

alexa(IFTTT) : MQTT publisher (actually HTTP)

adafruit IO : MQTT broker

ESP8266 : MQTT subscriber

© 2017 Japan Novel Corporation 9

I set as below. 0: Off 1: Red 2: Green 3: Blue 4: Rainbow

ESP8266 is connected to Adafruit IO throw internet.

NeoPixel Ring 12


© 2017 Japan Novel Corporation 10

Demo Movie https://youtu.be/k9Q60ygZmvM

How to make https://github.com/GenkiOkuma/Alexa-IoT-VoiceOps

What happens next …?

© 2017 Japan Novel Corporation 11
