jDriver Presentation


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A Java Framework for Automating Tests using Selenium Webdriver

What is jDriver? It a framework developed in Java to automate tests

using Selenium Webdriver.

It combines features of Java, Selenium Webdriver and Selenium RC.

It is a generic framework that can be customized as per Project’s requirements.

It helps Test Engineers in effective and faster script development.

It makes test execution such an easy task that anyone with zero coding skills can execute the tests and understand the automatically generated detailed report.

Highlights of the framework

1. Ease of Running Just double-click a file, “jDriver_launcher.bat” and the

job starts.

No further human intervention required.

You can even schedule it to run whole test suit at night and see the result when you are at work next morning.

2. Detailed Reporting Once the test script finishes execution it will

automatically generate an Excel report mentioning all the test execution constraints, like - Step Summary

Actual Outcome

Step Status (Pass/Fail)

Data used in each step

Execution Summary – Script Passed/Failed ( No. of Passed, Failed and Total Steps)

Execution Start Date and Time, Total execution time

Browser, Platform, Application URL

3. Page Screenshot As a defect / step-failure is encountered, it takes the

screenshot of the page.

The screenshot is saved along with Report file under the directory assigned for Reports.

The Report File contains a link under the corresponding Step to open the screenshot directly.

Page Screenshot would be of great help both for manual testers and developers to analyze what went wrong.

4. Separation of Data file The Databook consists of Framework Configuration

data, TestSuite and Test data.

Data will not be hard coded into the developed script. It will be kept and organised in Databook outside the code so that anyone can update the data, even if one has zero coding skills.

Test data is kept and organized in such a way that makes it re-usable for multiple scripts.

5. Test Suit Management In the framework, Test Suite is kept and organized in


To run a set of test scripts, just mark them as ‘true’ in the Excel sheet and launch the test.

One can create test suite of ‘n’ test scripts and run any ‘m’ number of them at any time. It will generate separate result sheet for all ‘m’ number of test execution.

6. Multiple Browser Support It can run the script in following browsers –

Mozilla Firefox

Google Chrome

Apple Safari

Internet Explorer.

7. Reduced Development Time The framework has lots of features that helps in faster


It has lots of generic methods that are independent of the application. They can be called directly from the test script.

In addition to generic methods, it has a separate library to add re-usable methods specific to the Application.

8. Error Log File The framework has very good exception handling


Any exception that is not caught/handled in the code will be reported to Error Log File.

Any event/exception/error can be explicitly reported to the Error Log File directly from the code.

Framework Structure

Parent Directory

Reports Directory



If you want your tests to be automated using jDriver, Please contact me at freelancer.testautomation@gmail.com

Please feel free to visit my blog –


Please provide you valuable suggestions on what features you want to be added in next release.

Thank You.