Jim Curry Welcome


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Welcome!Jim Curry

Twitter: @jimcurry jim@openstack.org

250+ participants90+ companies

12 countries

Lots of Us Here Today...

Developers & Architects Users / Customers



Representing Three Groups

1. Code

2. Usability

3. Commercial

With Three RELATED Goals....

"To produce the ubiquitous Open Source cloud computing platform that will meet the needs of public and private cloud providers regardless of size, by being simple to implement and massively scalable."

The OpenStack Mission

Conference Mission

• PARTICIPATION - Developers, Testers, Document Writers, Marketing

• TECHNOLOGY - Build eco-system solutions, deploy OpenStack clouds, endorse open source cloud standard 

• PROMOTION - Talk OpenStack, add OpenStack to cloud computing promotions, joint marketing with OpenStack team: combined now, break after lunch


• TODAY: combined now, break after lunch

• TOMORROW: two tracks all day

• THURSDAY: technical track, installfest, document sprint

• FRIDAY: hacking

Project Update

• Strong participation early on

• Lots of commercial interest

• Momentum coming into this conference

• Initial deployments underway

What’s Next

January Release: Production Ready

April Release: Service Provider

Scale Ready

First public design

conference: 11/9-12

OpenStack Team Intros

• Rick Clark & team

• Mark Collier & team

• Jonathan Bryce

• John Purrier

Party Tonight

• Rackspace Headquarters

• Buses at 6:00pm...with beer on board!

• Bring photo ID and event badge

• Meet outside of Pecan St entrance

Other Logistical Stuff

• Weston Centre garage parking tickets validated at the registration desk in the lobby • Food! • Lunches will be served outside • Breakfast will be available on each floor • Snacks / coffee available all day on 3rd/4th floor

• Event Assistance White Shirts labeled "Staff" - General Event Staff • Red Shirts labeled "Ask Me" - OpenStack team 

Thank You!

• Rackspace team

• OpenStack team

• Speakers

• Attendees
