jQuery for Sharepoint Dev



I presented this lecture to the new SharePoint devs joining our team. As I take on the challenge of Surface v2 development, I felt the urge to share my knowledge of branding SharePoint portals with jQuery for the past 1 year.

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Using jQueryLearning from a year of SharePoint branding

Lunch & Learn

Zeddy Iskandar / Food ManagerUX Engineer

Pay Attention!

Rewards for occasional questions:

Rewards for tougher questions:

What is jQuery?

What we see

#lga { height: 231px;}

<img height="95" width="275" src="/logo2w.png" alt="Google">

We generate HTML from server-side API

What is jQuery?

What we want to see

We want a Client-Side API to manipulate

generated content

What is jQuery?

What we want to see

We want a cross-browser

framework to access DOM


Object Model

What is jQuery?

• Paste code below to FireBug console, after jQuery-fying Google.com homepage

jQuery("#lga").hover(function() {

jQuery("#lga img").attr("src", "http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/6872bc097bdddbfec28a56f76d0569a7");

jQuery("#lga img").attr("width", "150");jQuery("<div>Happy Birthday

Zeddy</div>").insertAfter("#lga img");}, function() {

jQuery("#lga img").attr("src", "/intl/en_com/images/srpr/logo2w.png");

jQuery("#lga img").removeAttr("width");jQuery("#lga div").remove();


What is jQuery?

What we want to see


framework to access



Object Model


jQuery Setup

• The framework: http://jquery.com• The jQuery-friendly browser:– http://mozilla.com

• The DOM-inspector browser plugin:– http://getfirebug.com

• Additional FireBug plugins:– http://firequery.binaryage.com– http://robertnyman.com/firefinder

jQuery for SharePoint Dev


• Use FireBug console to test jQuery scripts

• Use FireBug inspector to edit CSS• Copy the tested jQuery & CSS to

NotePad++• Test in IE7+ and fix browser-compatibility


How to use jQuery

• Find the element– the one(s) you think will help you

achieve that magic look & feel

• Do stuff to it– add hover effect, move position, replace

the HTML tag with completely different tag(s), delete, animate, etc.

jQuery Syntax



Most-used Selectors

• (“#ZCarousel”) – selects element with id=ZCarousel

• (“.item”)– selects element(s) with class=item

• (“#ZCarousel li div.item”)– CSS-style selectors: select all <div> with

class=item under <li> tag which is under ZCarousel element

Most-used Selectors

• (“#ZCarousel li:first”) – selects the 1st <li> tag found under ZCarousel

• (“#ZCarousel li:last”) – selects the last <li> tag found uner ZCarousel

• (“#ZCarousel li:even”)

• (“#ZCarousel li:odd”)– get all the even or odd <li> elements, useful

for alternating effect

Most-used Selectors

• (“element [attribute=something]”) – the example below grabs the 1st <tbody>

emitted by the tag <asp:Calendar>

– the example below changes the Prev Month arrow emitted by the tag <asp:Calendar>

var tbody = jQuery("#calendarArea table[title=Calendar] tbody:first");

// Change month arrowsvar iconPrev = "<img src='/_layouts/darkBlueArrow-Left.png' />";var prevLink = jQuery("#calendarArea a[title='Go to the previous month']");prevLink.html(iconPrev);

Most-used Selectors

• (“input[id$=‘txtCurrency1']”) – element <input> with attribute id ends with

‘txtCurrency1’, eg. this ASP.NET tag:

– will generate this HTML:

– this jQuery will get that element’s value:

<asp:TextBox ID="txtCurrency1" runat="server" />

var curr1Pref = jQuery("input[id$=‘txtCurrency1']").val();

<input type="text" value=“United Arab Emirates (AED)" id="ctl00_m_g_50b54854_4b09_4b72_a69d_6ded7f051845_ctl00_txtCurrency1" />


Most-used Methods

• .css(“style”, “value”)– or use the map argument:

• .addClass(“redTheme”)

• .removeClass(“redTheme”)– adds / removes class from element

jQuery(this).css({ position: “absolute", top: “10px" left: “100px"});

Most-used Methods

• .hasClass(“certainClass”)– check if element is using certainClass

• .is(“:visible”)

if (!jQuery(this).hasClass("ui-accordion-content-active")) {spacer.insertAfter(jQuery(this));


var leftPanel = jQuery("#s4-leftpanel");if (leftPanel.length > 0 && leftPanel.is(":visible'"))

Most-used Methods

• Used to add horizontal scrollbar in Allitems.aspx page// If #s4-leftpanel is visible, make the table layout scrollable// so it doesn't fall to the bottom in IE8+, FF, Chromevar leftPanel = jQuery("#s4-leftpanel");if (leftPanel.length > 0 && leftPanel.is(":visible'")) { // allow horizontal scrollbar on right column var rightCol = jQuery("#parentPlaceHolderMain"); rightCol.css("overflow-x", "auto"); if (jQuery.browser.msie && jQuery.browser.version < 8.0) { // only happens in IE 7 var height = rightCol.height(); rightCol.css("height", height + 30 + "px"); }}

Most-used Methods

• .text()– gets/sets combined string of element

• .val()– gets/sets values of form elements

• .hide() / .show() / .toggle()– hide/show element. Use .toggle for

toggling between hiding/showing

var date = jQuery("input[id$='hiddenEventStartDate']").val();

Most-used Methods

• .attr()– gets/sets attribute of element

– guess what the above does?

jQuery("[id$='txtFirstName']").focus(function () { if (jQuery(this).val() == jQuery (this).attr("title")) jQuery (this).val("");}).blur(function () { if (jQuery(this).val() == "") jQuery(this).val(jQuery(this).attr("title"));});

Default value of field FirstName is set in custom attribute Title (set via server-side, reading from resource). If you click on the field, the value is cleared, allowing you to type a value. When you move outside the field and no value is entered, a default value is set once again (Used for “Enter First Name here” helper)

Most-used Methods

• .clone() followed by .insertAfter() / .append()– clone an element, then appends or insert it after

another element

– guess what the above does?– does .clone() persist element event-binding?

var copy = tr.clone();// Modificationscopy.find("td.colNoOfShares > input").val("");copy.find("td.colPricePerShare > input").val("");copy.find("td.colAddRemoveButtons > a[title=delThis]").show();tbody.append(copy);

Most-used Methods

var copy = tr.clone();// Modificationscopy.find("td.colNoOfShares > input").val("");copy.find("td.colPricePerShare > input").val("");copy.find("td.colAddRemoveButtons > a[title=delThis]").show();tbody.append(copy);

Above code used to clone a row when “Add Stock” button is clicked

Most-used Methods

.clone() only copies the HTML tag, does not copy events attached to the elements. See example for our Advanced Search below; after we clone the advanced search criteria row, we re-attach the event handlers to the cloned element

var copy = jQuery(tr).clone();// ModificationsjQuery(copy).children("td.colWhereTheProperty").text("");jQuery(copy).find("td.colAddRemoveButtons > a:eq(1)").show(); // show del buttonvar selectors = jQuery(copy).find("div.selectorWrapper");jQuery(selectors).each(function () { addClickHandler(this); …});


Most-used Events

• .hover()– sets up on hover and on leave in one go

jQuery("#ZCarousel").hover(function () { jQuery(“.divArrows”).show(); window.clearInterval(autoscroller_timer);},function () { jQuery(“.divArrows”).hide(); setupAutoScrollerTimer();});

Most-used Events

• .click()– sets up on hover and on leave in one go

– guess what the above does?

jQuery(“a#changeMonth”).click(function () { jQuery(monthFacadeText).text($(this).text()); jQuery ("input[id$='hiddenTxtMonth']").val($(this).text()); jQuery (monthOptions).hide(); jQuery ("input[id$='btnChangeMonthYear']").trigger("click")});

Most-used Events

jQuery(“a#changeMonth”).click(function () { jQuery(monthFacadeText).text($(this).text()); jQuery ("input[id$='hiddenTxtMonth']").val($(this).text()); jQuery (monthOptions).hide(); jQuery ("input[id$='btnChangeMonthYear']").trigger("click")});

When “custom dropdown” Change Month is clicked:1. Set the month façade div to the selected month2. Set ASP.NET viewstate variable to the selected month3. Hide month scrollable div4. Trigger ASP.NET postback button with ID



How to Build a Carousel

• .animate()– allows to animate an element style property

(top, left, opacity, etc.)

How to Build a Carousel (1)

• Step 1: Output a series of <li> items to be carouseled:<div id="ZSlideShow"> <div id="container"> <ul id="carousel"> <asp:Repeater ID="carouselRepeater" runat="server"> <ItemTemplate> <li> <div class="item"> <a href='<%# Eval("ReadMoreLink") %>'><img src='<%# Eval("ImageUrl") %>' alt='<%# Eval("Title") %>'/></a> <a href='<%# Eval("ReadMoreLink") %>'><h3><%# Eval("Title") %></h3></a> <div class="description"> <%# Eval("Description")%> </div> <div class="readmore"> <a href='<%# Eval("ReadMoreLink") %>' class=“xButton"><%= ResourceReader.GetGlobal(“XWebParts", “XWebPart_ReadMore_Text")%></a> </div> </li> </ItemTemplate> </asp:Repeater> </ul> </div><div id="prevButton"><a href="javascript:carousel_prev();"><img src="/_layouts/Images/WebParts.Ets/left_arrow.png" alt="Prev" /></a></div><div id="nextButton"><a href="javascript:carousel_next();"><img src="/_layouts/Images/WebParts.Ets/right_arrow.png" alt="Prev" /></a></div> <asp:HiddenField ID="hiddenIntervalTimeInSeconds" runat="server" /></div>

How to Build a Carousel (2)

• Step 2: Float items to the left & set viewport#ZSlideShow{width: 600px;background-color: #e9e7db;padding: 5px 4px 5px 4px;display: block;overflow: hidden;position: relative;}

#ZSlideShow #container{height: 226px;width: 600px;position: relative;overflow: hidden;}

#ZSlideShow ul#carousel{margin: 0;padding: 0;height: 226px;overflow: visible;position: relative;top: 0;}

#ZSlideShow ul#carousel li{list-style: none outside none;float: left;margin-right: 5px;height: 226px;width: 161px;}

Viewport of 600px

How to Build a Carousel (3)

• Step 3: Set up helper CONSTANTS in .jsvar ITEM_WIDTH = 166; // 161 div + 5px marginvar LEFT_START_OFFSET = -113;var LEFT_OPACITY_ITEM_INDEX;var RIGHT_OPACITY_ITEM_INDEX;var BACK_TO_START_LEFT_POS;var START_POS_AFTER_SLIDE;var MINIMUM_ITEMS_SCROLLABLE = 4; // only scroll if >= this number

var original_items;

var item_revolution_counter; // if < -(original_items.length), back to start position// if > (original_items.length), back to (start position + slide)

var autoscroller_timer;

How to Build a Carousel (4)

• Step 4: Set up Carouse on when DOM is ready

– `

jQuery(document).ready(function () { var items = jQuery("#carousel > li"); original_items = items; // save for appending to create circular effect if (items.length >= MINIMUM_ITEMS_SCROLLABLE) { appendOriginalsToFront(); appendOriginalsToBack();

BACK_TO_START_LEFT_POS = -(original_items.length * ITEM_WIDTH) + LEFT_START_OFFSET; START_POS_AFTER_SLIDE = BACK_TO_START_LEFT_POS + ITEM_WIDTH; jQuery("#carousel").css("left", START_POS_AFTER_SLIDE + "px"); item_revolution_counter = 0;


// adjust the width according to no. of items var carouselWidth = jQuery("#carousel > li").length * ITEM_WIDTH; jQuery("#carousel").css("width", carouselWidth + "px");

// setup hover for prev/next to show up, and pause auto-scrolling jQuery("#ZSlideShow").hover(function () { toggleButtons(); clearInterval(autoscroller_timer); }, function () { toggleButtons(); setupAutoScroller(); });

// setup auto-scroll setupAutoScroller();});

How to Build a Carousel (5)

• Step 5: Helper functions

– `

function setupAutoScroller() { var intervalInSeconds = parseInt(jQuery("#ZSlideShow input[id$='hiddenIntervalTimeInSeconds']").val()); autoscroller_timer = window.setInterval(function () { carousel_next(); } , intervalInSeconds * 1000);}

function toggleButtons() { jQuery("#prevButton").toggle(400); jQuery("#nextButton").toggle(400);}

function makeEdgeItemsOpaque() { var items = jQuery("#carousel > li"); // prevent array-out-of-bounds if (LEFT_OPACITY_ITEM_INDEX >= 0 && LEFT_OPACITY_ITEM_INDEX < items.length) jQuery(items[LEFT_OPACITY_ITEM_INDEX]).css({ filter: "alpha(opacity=100)", opacity: "1.0" });

if (RIGHT_OPACITY_ITEM_INDEX >= 0 && RIGHT_OPACITY_ITEM_INDEX < items.length) jQuery(items[RIGHT_OPACITY_ITEM_INDEX]).css({ filter: "alpha(opacity=100)", opacity: "1.0" });}

function makeEdgeItemsTransparent() { var items = jQuery("#carousel > li"); if (LEFT_OPACITY_ITEM_INDEX >= 0 && LEFT_OPACITY_ITEM_INDEX < items.length) jQuery(items[LEFT_OPACITY_ITEM_INDEX]).css({ filter: "alpha(opacity=50)", opacity: "0.5" });

if (RIGHT_OPACITY_ITEM_INDEX >= 0 && RIGHT_OPACITY_ITEM_INDEX < items.length) jQuery(items[RIGHT_OPACITY_ITEM_INDEX]).css({ filter: "alpha(opacity=50)", opacity: "0.5" });}

How to Build a Carousel

• Visual logic: we are animating the Left property of the #carousel to slide left or right. The Viewport with overflow:hidden hides the out-of-view items

Viewport of 600px

We’re scrolling the Left property of #carousel

How to Build a Carousel (6)

• Step 6: Append items to front & back for smooth circular effect

function appendOriginalsToFront() { var firstItem = jQuery("#carousel > li:first"); for (var i = 0; i < original_items.length; ++i) { var cloned = jQuery(original_items[i]).clone(); styleEtsButton_restoreHoverEffects(cloned); cloned.insertBefore(firstItem); }}

function appendOriginalsToBack() { var lastItem = jQuery("#carousel > li:last"); for (var i = original_items.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var cloned = jQuery(original_items[i]).clone(); styleEtsButton_restoreHoverEffects(cloned); cloned.insertAfter(lastItem); }}

How to Build a Carousel (7)

• Step 7: What happens when you click Next button

function carousel_next() { var items = jQuery("#carousel > li"); if (items.length >= MINIMUM_ITEMS_SCROLLABLE) { ++item_revolution_counter; if (item_revolution_counter > original_items.length) { item_revolution_counter = 1;

// back to 1st item -- circular effect jQuery("#carousel").css("left", START_POS_AFTER_SLIDE + "px"); LEFT_OPACITY_ITEM_INDEX = original_items.length - 1; RIGHT_OPACITY_ITEM_INDEX = LEFT_OPACITY_ITEM_INDEX + MINIMUM_ITEMS_SCROLLABLE; }

makeEdgeItemsOpaque(); ++LEFT_OPACITY_ITEM_INDEX; ++RIGHT_OPACITY_ITEM_INDEX; makeEdgeItemsTransparent();

var carousel = jQuery("#carousel"); var newLeft = carousel.position().left - ITEM_WIDTH; jQuery("#carousel").animate({ left: newLeft + "px" }, "slow"); }}

How to Build a Carousel (8)

• Step 8: What happens when you click Prev button

function carousel_prev() { var items = jQuery("#carousel > li"); if (items.length >= MINIMUM_ITEMS_SCROLLABLE) { --item_revolution_counter; if (item_revolution_counter <= -original_items.length) { item_revolution_counter = 0;

// back to 1st item -- circular effect jQuery("#carousel").css("left", BACK_TO_START_LEFT_POS + "px"); LEFT_OPACITY_ITEM_INDEX = original_items.length; RIGHT_OPACITY_ITEM_INDEX = LEFT_OPACITY_ITEM_INDEX + MINIMUM_ITEMS_SCROLLABLE; }

makeEdgeItemsOpaque(); --LEFT_OPACITY_ITEM_INDEX; --RIGHT_OPACITY_ITEM_INDEX; makeEdgeItemsTransparent();

var carousel = jQuery("#carousel"); var newLeft = carousel.position().left + ITEM_WIDTH; jQuery("#carousel").animate({ left: newLeft + "px" }, "slow");

