Just For You Kawen


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Just for you Kawen...DBSK greatness

By me, your best PPL of all time

He is is gonna get ya

I think he is hovering

really guys, what the eff?

Wow, he is looking like beyonce

That’s just ghey

Umm, wrong

Wrong again

Alrighty then

From the look on his face, I don’t think it tastes good

What is he a puffer fish?

No, just no!

Wow zombie xiah

Nice serious face

Ouch, looks like its gonna hurt

Nice face lift

God, when did hero start worshipping micky? I missed this

Okay this is cute but ghey at the same time


I have no idea

Just plain weird looking

Nice move you got there

Wow, I mean I didn’t know he was involved with the microphone, did you?

Lol hero

Looks wrong

Gross micky

Nice booger

Dude, not on stage! Control yourself

That is sooo hot


Lol funny

Having fun?

lol, too good

Wow, great special effects


I just wanted t put this in there, hehehehe