Legal Tech Camp 2012 - Sky Analytics Presentation



Sky Analytics founder and Chairman, Ronald Gruner, recently participated in the Law Tech Camp in London on June 29th. As a featured speaker, Ron gave a "Pecha Kucha" style presentation, which is a six minute, fast-moving speech. Ron's presentation titled "The Legal Client: Trials, Tribulations and Future Expectation" focused on how data and analytics will be a key driving force in the legal industry in years to come.

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We’re on a mission!

It all started with a lawsuit my company !led in 2004...



Final CostOriginal Estimate

Let’s just say our lawsuit did not meet its budget estimates.

$121,000 for 12 hours mediation

$545,000 for 104 court pleadings

$970,000 for 2 expert reports

$28,102 Spent for photocopies, a stack of paper 94 feet high at ten cents a copy.Me

In the future, clients will demand better tools for managing their legal costs.

“The best way to predict the future is to invent it.”

Alan Kay

Now, back to that mission...

Want to ManageSomething?

Measure it.

How does my law !rm compare with others?

Blended Rate

Matter Duration

Matter Cost

How does my attorney compare with others?

Very favorably!

...And what exactly am I paying for?

My legal matter

Why so much time on conference calls?

Billing in half hour increments.

Benchmark your matters against other similar matters.

Below average costs...

But longer duration

You’re forgetting something!

The value of the services.

But you can’t measure the value we

attorneys provide!

It’s too subjective.

Sure, you can!

Vinny Gambini, Esq.

Legal metrics will draw from many under utilized data sources.

Billing Data Public Sources

Client Satisfaction

Legal metrics will deconstruct, compare and manage even complex matters.







Humongous Lawsuit

Legal Metrics will be assumed by future clients.

Who calls their broker anymore for a stock quote?

Legal Metrics will replace tag lines with measurable results.

Driving business advantage.

The con!dence to proceed.

Singular focus. Outstanding results.

Deep relationships. Forward thinking.

Top of mind.

Blah Blah Blah.

Legal Metrics are inevitable...

Will you Innovate,Procrastinate or Resist?
