Leveraging New Media



Getting Old-Fashioned Buzzwith New Media

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Leveraging New Media Tools

Leveraging New Media Tools

Traditional Media vs. Alternative Media

Immediacy and Reach

Geographic vs. Psychographic

Cost and Productivity

Individual vs. Socialcrowdsourcing

Leveraging New Media Tools

Create an Online Presence

Leveraging New Media Tools


Blogger, TypePad (Friendster Blogs), MovableType, Vox, Multiply, LiveJournal, WordPress, Drupal, Expression Engine, Pownce, Twittr, Jaiku…

Leveraging New Media ToolsSocial News

Digg Effect

Digg, NewsVine, Reddit, Netscape, Sphinn, Truemors

Leveraging New Media ToolsAnalytics

Google Analytics, SiteMeter, StatsCounter, MeasureMap, Reinvegorate, 103Bees, CrazyEgg

Leveraging New Media ToolsContent Delivery

Leveraging New Media ToolsWeb Office Productivity

Google Apps, Zoho, Jotspot Live, Whiteboard, Chalk

Leveraging New Media ToolsPersonalized Startpages

Netvibes, PageFlakes, Protopage, Live, Google Homepage, My Yahoo!

Leveraging New Media ToolsNetworking

Leveraging New Media ToolsGenerate Buzz thru Viral Marketing

Leveraging New Media ToolsGoals and Strategies

- reach your target audience via the preferred platform

- user engagement

- influence and/or encourage action

- build a network or community

- evolving possibilities

Leveraging New Media Tools

Viral marketing used to be a nice to have, now it’s essential. Word of Net is far faster than Word of Mouth - Michael Tanne (Wink)

Abe Olandreswww.yugatech.com
