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How do shooting stars form?

by Libby

opening statement

A shooting star is not a star it is a block of ice or a meteoroid that we can see with our naked eye as it enters the earth’s atmosphere.


When a meteoroid enters the earth’s atmosphere we see it is a glowing light .

The glow from a the meteoroid is short lived and bright, so it looks as if it’s shooting across the sky.

This is why meteors are sometimes called shooting stars or falling stars.


A meteoroid is a small asteroid that is on collision course with earth.


It is the friction from entering the earth’s atmosphere which causes an object to heat up and begin to burn. Most objects burn up or bounce back into space but some objects hit the earth and are called meteors.


In conclusion it is a meteor not a shooting star that we can see as a flash of light in the night sky. It is the friction from entering the earth’s atmosphere which causes the flash of light.

bye and thanks for watching