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Top 10 Ways to Grow Your Mailing List

Ana Lucia Novak©


#1: Opt-In Box on Every Page

Every page of your website should have an opt-in box. Don’t miss an opportunity to get a subscriber.

Ana Lucia Novak©

#2: Compelling Free Offer

To get more people to say yes to subscribing, offer a great free gift that your audience would love.

Try free reports, tools, software, special offers and more.

Ana Lucia Novak©

#3: Squeeze Page

Most pages of our website include so many distractions. To get more visitors on your list, drive them to a “squeeze page” whose only job is to tell people about your free offer and subscription.

Ana Lucia Novak©

#4: Guest Blogging

Seek out opportunities to blog on high profile blogs in your niche.

Make sure to send the traffic from that post to your squeeze page, so you can grow your list.

Ana Lucia Novak©

#5: Pop-Ups and Footer Ads

Experiment with pop-ups and footer ads. They can be a great way to grab your visitor’s attention and get them on your list.

Ana Lucia Novak©

Tip #6: Capitalize on Archives

Don’t send out your newsletter and then forget about it. Publish your archives on your website and optimize them for important keyword phrases to attract your target subscriber.

Ana Lucia Novak©

#7: Encourage Subscribers to Share

Always encourage your subscriber to pass on your email if they find it helpful. Include information on subscribing in each issue.

Ana Lucia Novak©

#8: Run a Contest or Sweepstakes

People love free stuff and one of the fastest ways to grow your list is running a contest or sweepstakes.

Just remember, the quality of subscriber may not be as high if it’s just someone signing up to enter a contest.

Ana Lucia Novak©

#9: Get Interviewed

You don’t have to be on a national TV program. Being a guest on popular podcasts and websites can certainly get you plenty of publicity.

Make sure to ask the interviewer to send traffic to your squeeze page.

Ana Lucia Novak©

#10: Social Media

Share your free offers with subscription with your social media followers.

Also encourage those who sign up for your free gift to share the offer with their social media contacts too.

Ana Lucia Novak©

Ready to Grow Your List?

Ana Lucia Novak©

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