Lpc getting started admin


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Getting Started Step-by-Step Guide

For Admins

The Evidence-Based Entrepreneurship™ Platform

Welcome to LaunchPad Central!

You have been granted the responsibilities of making sure all activities related to LaunchPad Central (LPC) go smoothly. This includes managing teams, user accounts, and resources.

With great power, comes great responsibility.

Enjoy the ride!

Account Management

This is the first page you’ll come across in LPC. It shows all the users in your group (we call it a sub node).

Weekly Stat Reset

We track metrics on a weekly basis. You can specify which day of the week you want the stats to reset to zero.

Creating Teams

Clicking on the “Teams” tab, then the “Create Team” button allows you to create a new team.


Most likely you will not need multiple groups. We provide a single group by default.

Creating Users

You can either create users individually or in bulk (through invitations).

Creating Users

Individually allows you to assign members to teams ahead of time.

Creating Users

Inviting allows you to send out signup links to everyone with a specific role (i.e. Team Member) in one easy step.

Sample Invitation Email

Managing Resource Hub

Next you can populate the Resource Hub with links and documents you want your people in your sub node to see.

Going Forward

Now that you know the basic administrative function in LPC, you should go through the functionalities for team members so you are familiar with all aspects of LPC.

For any questions you may have in the future:• refer to our Knowledge Base• email us at support@launchpadcentral.com