Mag photo analtsis


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By Nicole Riley


This image is a full body shot that is I slight high angle shot which shows my model listening to music and

smiling allowing the audience to see that the magazine is related to music. The expression on her face allows the

image look playful ,this causes the audience to be drawn in and smile when looking at the image. I am thinking of using this image for my front cover because it the type of look I want for my magazine although it isn't a close up of the models face like most magazine front covers its clear

and shows the models full body I will probably cut the image so that it is closer to the model and doesn't’t have

as much excess background. The outfit she is wearing allows the audience to know what type of music genre she does, and allows the image to have a sexy feel because of the skin showing and the dark and dull color's which help

darken the image and allow the more prominent colors such as the red and her skin tone to stand out, as you can see by the red wire that it coming from the head phones

and trailing down her chest over her top and allowing the viewers to clearly see the vibrant red on her bra standing out adding color to the image. The lighting in the image

creates shadowing to her face accentuate her bone structure allowing it to look more sharp and professional . The lighting I used for Ellies photo shoot was hot lighting

creating more of a yellow under tone, the lighting also caused there to be a fade in the lighting in just the right

place for example Ellies face is illuminated in all the right places creating a clear image and allowing the audience

to see who she is where as the point past her face i.e. Her arm the light is fading allowing the picture to blend well with backgrounds and diming the less important feature of her arm which she is holding to keep herself stable.



This image is a mid angle shot that shows my model looking straight into the camera lens giving the the

audience the assumption that she is looking at them, pulling them in and giving them a main focus. The outfit

she is wearing sticks to the three main colors of the magazine ,red, black and white which allows the

audience to see that the photo shoot was well thought out , professional it also allows the audience to see what type of music genre she does by wearing a tartan dress giving her a punk edge and allowing her to look unique. The expression on her face allows the image look more

serious and professional because she has a straight face ,this makes her face look more defined and

structured because of her face being neutral. I am thinking of using this image for my contents because it

has all the key aspects I want such as eye contact medium shot so that it doesn't’t take up to much room on the page allowing writing to be added and it gives you a clear view of who she is. I will also cut the image so that

it doesn't’t have so much excess background. The lighting I used for Katie's photo shoot was hot lighting creating more of a yellow under tone, the thing I did different with Katie is I used only one heat lamp this

causes the light to be less widely spread and just focused on the model and her features illuminating her face and

accentuating her features by creating a more visible bone structure on her face, the lighting also caused there to be a fade in the lighting in just the right place for example

Katie face is illuminated in all the right places creating a clear image and allowing the audience to see who she is where as the point past her face i.e. the background the light is fading allowing the picture to blend well with my

magazine backgrounds and diming the less important parts of the image.

This image is a mid body shot which shows my model looking straight at the camera making the audience automatically have the pull point of their eyes and

being pulled in by the eye contact. The expression on her face allows the image look more serious and professional because she has a straight face ,this makes her face look more defined and structured

because of her face being neutral. I am thinking of using this image for my double page spread because its

the type of look I want for my double page spread because it is a clear image of my model that allows you to see most of her body creating a more sensual feel. The outfit she is wearing allows the audience to know

what type of music genre she does, and allows the image to have a sexy feel because of the skin showing and the dark and dull color's which help darken the

image and allow the more prominent colors such as the red and her skin tone to stand out, as you can see by

her lipstick and her bra allowing the viewers to clearly see the vibrant colors' standing out adding color to the image. The lighting in the image creates shadowing to her face accentuate her bone structure allowing it to look more sharp and professional . The lighting I used

for Ellies photo shoot was hot lighting creating more of a yellow under tone, the lighting also caused there to

be a fade in the lighting in just the right place for example Ellies face is illuminated in all the right places

creating a clear image and allowing the audience to see who she is where as the point past her face i.e. Her hands the light is fading allowing the picture to blend well with backgrounds and diming the less important

feature of her hands.

This image is a high angle full body shot that shows my model looking away from the camera into the

distance, giving the audience the idea that the model is looking at something giving the image a mysteries feel. The outfit he is wearing sticks to dark color's such as grey navy and black ,allowing his skin to

stand out amongst the darkness. However his outfit also hints at what type of music genre he does by

wearing a beanie jeans a top long sleeved top rolled to his elbows allows him to look casual and smart

creating a more indie looking clothing. The expression on his face allows the image look more serious and professional because he has a straight

face ,this makes his face look more defined and structured because of his face being neutral and turned to the side showing the models strong jaw line giving him a more sharp look. I am thinking of

using this image for my double page spread because it has all the key aspects I want such as something different from the other images on the page small enough not to take up to much room on the page

allowing writing to be added and it gives you a clear view of who he is. I will also cut the image so that it

doesn't’t have so much excess background. The lighting I used for Toms photo shoot was different

from the rest because the hot lights cause his features not to be visible to the camera because of

how pale he is this mad me think of alternatives and in the end caused me to use the camera flash, this

however caused the lighting to be widely spread and not to leave much shadowing but it gave of good

enough lighting to illuminate his face and accentuating his features by creating a more visible

bone structure on his face.

This image is a mid angle shot with a tilted frame that shows my model from the side with her looking straight into

the camera lens giving the the audience the assumption that she is looking at them, pulling them in and giving them a main focus. The outfit she is wearing sticks to the three main colors of the magazine ,red, black and white which allows the audience to see that the photo shoot was well

thought out , professional it also allows the audience to see what type of music genre she does by wearing a tartan dress giving her a punk edge and allowing her to look

unique. The expression on her face allows the image look more serious and professional because she has a straight

face with a hint of a smile also adding a little bit of warmth and emotion ,this makes her face look more defined and

structured because of her face being close to neutral. I am thinking of using this image for my double page spread as a side image because it has all the key aspects I want such as

eye contact medium shot so that it doesn't’t take up to much room on the page allowing writing to be added and it

gives you a clear view of who she is. I will also cut the image so that it doesn't’t have so much excess background. The lighting I used for Katie's photo shoot was hot lighting creating more of a glow, the thing I did different with Katie is I used only one heat lamp and put it on one side of her

creating shadowing on her face and accentuating her features by creating a more visible bone structure on her

face, the lighting also caused there to be a fade in the lighting in just the right place for example Katie face is illuminated in all the right places creating a clear image and allowing the audience to see who she is where as the point past her face i.e. the background the light is fading

allowing the picture to blend well with my magazine backgrounds and diming the less important parts of the


