Manage My Site Miami,Fl



Organic SEO and PPC Management and Social Network Optimization located in Miami, FLorida. ... Miami, Fl. .

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Our mission is to help local businesses with there site and educate that online world

About Lorenzo (

• 8 Years in Information Systems Management• Studied and experimented with Internet marketing for the last 5 years• 1 year ago, made a decision to do Internet marketing full time• Make a living doing affiliate marketing – Use SEO, Google, Yahoo, and MSN• Lots of time and effort into SEO• Spend $1,000s / day on advertising• Put my own business’s money where my mouth is!– Other traffic opportunities– Pure marketing exercise!• Saw an opportunity to take this specialized skill set and bring it to small business owners• “If it’s Worth Doing…It’s Worth Overdoing”


Why Use Search Engine Optimization?

Higher clicks for each search term

Free traffic














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What Causes Bad Experiences with Search Engine Optimization?

• Often sites are never even “indexed” at all! Google doesn’t even know they exist

• After sites get indexed, they are usually not indexed by the search terms the web site owner would like

• Web site owners have no idea what search terms would really be best to drive traffic

• Fresh content is important, but hard to keep up with and organize

• Backlinks are hard to come by• Domain age• It’s hard work, tedious and time

consuming!• No one really understands how Google decides who

gets listed and in what order.


Why Use Pay Per Click?

• Very Fast– Search engine optimization can take weeks, months or

even years to show results– You can be promoting your site, and getting targeted

visitors in hours (sometimes minutes)

• Provides a path for search engine optimization– How do you know what terms you should optimize for?– Which searches are your money makers?

• When done correctly, can yield highly profitable results


Why Use Pay Per Click? (cont’d)

• Great testing platform and can be highly targeted– Time of day– Geographic area– Keywords and phrases– Content network– Placement campaigns

• Immediate feedback• You know what you’re getting for your money – complete

opposite of the yellow pages, tracking opportunities are plentiful

• Your competition is already using it


Why Do People Have Bad Experiences With PPC?

• They don’t do it for a living!– It’s very powerful, and doing it well is very complex

• Google’s rules, tips/tricks– Relevance– Keyword grouping

• 10 keywords in one big ad group as opposed to thousands in individual adgroups

– Quality score

• Landing pages are not targeted; often ads go right to the home page

• Click through rate– Initial tips and tricks (capitalization)


• Keyword research– If you’re running 10 keywords, I would be running 3,000

• Ad testing

• Conversion tracking

• Tools – too expensive

• Bid management

• Broad match

• Content Network

• Geographic Targeting

• Lead tracking and generation – effective opt-in’s etc.

• Ad scheduling (times of day)

Why Do People Have Bad Experiences With PPC? (cont’d)


How Can We Solve Problems with Search Engine Optimization?

After sites get indexed, they are usually not indexed by the search terms the web site owner would like

• Use traditional “on page” methods

• Use the one known way to influence search engine placement – link building (e.g. “click here” example)

• Web site owners have no idea what search terms would really be best to drive traffic

• Use PPC results

• Build landing pages for each keyword

Often sites are never even “indexed” at all! Google doesn’t even know they exist

• Use well known and proven tricks to get indexed such as article marketing, craigslist, adsense placement, blog pinging etc.


How Can We Solve Problems with Search Engine Optimization? (cont’d)

Backlinks are hard to come by

• Use management company that includes backlink services through article marketing and social bookmarking

• Must use a tool to be effective!

Fresh content • Set up blog

Domain age• Purchase domains (great tools

for searching)

No one really understands how Google decides who gets listed and in what order


How Can We Solve PPC Problems?

• Google’s rules, tips/tricks:– Relevance

• Overall site content • Create targeted landing pages for each search term

category• Can build a silo site first (if appropriate)

– Keyword grouping• Only 3 Keywords per ad group (same KW, different match


– Quality score• Keyword density• Content• Links to privacy, disclosure, about us,

contact us, and external authority links


How Can We Solve PPC Problems? (cont’d)

• Landing pages– Dynamic landing pages– Quality score guidelines– Target the customer’s conversation

• Click through rate– Capitalization

• “Get Your Free Trial Here” can get up to twice the number of clicks as “Get your free trial here”

– Include search term in ad text– Change URL to reflect search term– TEST

• Keyword research – Tools and competitor research


• Ad testing – split test every adgroup every day– What’s the one thing you know for certain about these two

ad titles?

• Conversion tracking• Tools – use a ppc management service like us! (tool cost

spread among clients)– $1,000’s /year in tool costs

• Bid management – Mass adjustments using tools• Broad match – Use and track every match type• Content Network – Tracking, site targeted placement• Geographic targeting – USE IT

How Can We Solve PPC Problems? (cont’d)

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Social Networking Sites

• Sites where users dictate the content and/or the popularity/ visibility of that content

• Number of daily visitors is skyrocketing

• MySpace had more traffic in 2007 than Google

• Already, FaceBook has reached Google traffic levels

• YouTube gets twice as much traffic as Google

• These sites are DOUBLING every 6 months; FaceBook adds 1 million visitors/week

• In a typical month– 30% of everyone that goes online worldwide

visits MySpace– 29% visit FaceBook– 35% visit YouTube


Social Networking Sites (cont’d)

• It’s not just kids discussing what they’re going to wear to the prom

– Over 50% of MySpace users are older than 35– FaceBook even has 100k users older than 64

• This is the new frontier

• Traditional marketing will not survive here

• Incredible opportunities for first mover advantage


How to Dominate Your Market

• Understand your customer’s searching behavior– What problem are they trying to solve– What’s the conversation they’re having with themselves?

• Decide how to track conversions (leads, sales etc.)

• Decide on autoresponders and set them up

• Keyword research– Brainstorm core ones– “Spy” on competition– Let loose the tools

• Group keywords by landing page (conversation type)

• Build landing pages following quality score criteria closely, or use silo site


How to Dominate Your Market (cont’d)

• Set up a blog• Set up Adwords campaign• Monitor, test etc.

– Split test every day– Adjust bids every day– Delete non-performing keywords every day

• As soon as we find a “money term” start search engine optimization process

– Examine domain name– Market 2-3 articles per week (or even more!)– Blog postings at least 3 times per week (outsource)– Forum postings– Yahoo answers– Blog postings (other people’s)

• Possibly move most successful terms to Yahoo and MSN• 90 days, then repeat


Services Offered

• Initial consultation– Build a plan to dominate your market

• PPC Services– Manage your web designer to implement

plan (or provide one at extra cost)– Keyword research – both general and competitor analysis –

using all tools– Ad groups set up with no more than 3 keywords in each ad

group, and all keywords categorized by “customer conversation”– Initial ads set up with keywords in the ad text, correct

capitalization etc.– Split testing ads for EVERY ad group, EVERY day– Content network campaign set up and tracking– Site placement campaign set up and tracking– Daily bid optimization– Your campaign reviewed and tweaked EVERY day– Autoresponder set up


Services Offered – SEO

• SEO Services– 4 articles (500–750 words)/month

written (more can be added at $50 per article)

– Article submission to 200–1000 article directories for every article – Builds thousands of links with optimized “anchor text”

• Highly specialized, no duplicate content penalties!

– Link building in forums, blogs and Yahoo answers EVERY day

– Social bookmarking of articles and blog posts EVERY day

– Monthly consultation with web designer to insure appropriate on page elements.

– Set up your blog– 2–4 blog posts per week (your blog)


Services Offered – Other

• For every customer:– Weekly and monthly status reports– Auto responder set up and maintenance ($50/month value)– Free web hosting for up to 3 sites ($30–100/month value)– Unlimited phone and email consultations– Continuously updated expertise – coming soon… Facebook

and the new Internet! Within 3 months, Facebook will be included with SEO services

– 100% money back guarantee– Month to month – no long-term contract


What Will This Cost?

Initial Consultation FREE

Initial set-up fee paid to Worth Overdoing – Building your plan to dominate your market


PPC charges paid to Google, MSN, Yahoo – ROI tracking; theoretically, you pay only for clicks that bring you sales Ask for quoteor leads

Variable (Range: $.05–1.00; average $.25–.50)

Monthly fees paid to Worth OverdoingManage pay-per-click: Under $1600/month in Adwords spendingFrom $1601–4000/month in Adwords spendingFrom $4001–7000/month in Adwords spending> $8000/month in Adwords spendingManage search engine optimization (SEO):

For both PPC and SEO services 10% discount




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