Millers 7 Accomplishments


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I answered questions for Ask Miller, a column that Mr. Terry Freedman, an educational expert in England created after I wrote an article for him on personal learning networks.

This is the Lively Protester Room. We held a protest in this room against Google because they were shutting down Lively. We invited people from across the world to take part in the first virtual protest. We might have lost the protest, but we won the respect of many people.

I wrote this blog post after our Digi Teen action project. I reflected on how we wrote our wiki, and how we collaborated with other teenagers from across the world.

This is the Student Life Outside Castle. This castle incorporates the concepts of Ecommerce, Digital Law, and Digital Health and Wellness. One of my favorite things that we did in this castle was host a scavenger hunt. We put clues in the bottom floor of the castle that was about the three aspects of digital citizenship.

This is the Digi Teen ning page. Here, we met many friends from different countries. We sent them friend requests, left them messages, and left comments on their blogs. We also communicated with each other about our Digi Teen wikis that we were writing about digital citizenship.

This is the Digi Teen Collaborative wiki. We worked with students from across the world and each posted what we thought was important about our assigned topic, Digital Etiquette(also know as Netiquette). We worked for about two weeks on this project. When it was all done, we had a very informative wiki as our product.

This is a screenshot from the interview with the BBC. We held the interview over Skype, and gave our guest a tour of Digi Teen Island, our virtual world on which we teach people about digital citizenship.