Missing The Point


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Missing the point



So much has been written about presenting

That it feels they all end up saying the same thing

Presentations make extensive use of stock photography

iStockphoto if you have more money than time,Flickr otherwise.

“Nice to meet you”

Sometimes combined with statistics

Numbers and cuteness out-power graphics

100% of kidsin the Children’s Palace in Pyongyang

have talent

Over-design the message

Over-design the messaged


th m


Verging on the unreadable

(Purple is better

…more remarkable)

(But when all the cows are purple…

…they’re not very remarkable anymore)

And seem to be losing the message to the form

“How did they do that?”

Just like some designs target designers,

it feels some presentations are targeting presenters.

More and more are missing the point.



But what is the point?

“What is the point?”

A genuine and honest presenter…

should aim at nothing less than…

“We just wantedto thank youfor being sopersonable,

genuine,and honestthroughout

the process.”


“Thinking is easy,acting is difficult,and to put one‘s thoughtsinto action is the most difficult thing in the world.”

“In the beginning was the deed.“Faust, Goethe

The purpose of presenting is to get people to ACT.

Which often means you might have to act, too.

You have to inspire not only by slides and words

but also by who you are and what you do

“Give me five, dude”

“And kiss my drop shadow”
