MongoDB for Perl Developers


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MongoDB For Perl Developers{ author: “Ynon Perek” }

Friday, March 1, 13


Ynon Perek

Friday, March 1, 13


Mongo Is Awesome

CRUD Operations

The Driver

Coding Time

Friday, March 1, 13

Mongo Is Awesome

Data Store for JSON Objects

Friday, March 1, 13

Mongo Is Awesome

Data Store for JSON Objects

{ “Name” : “Rose Tyler” }

Friday, March 1, 13

JSON Objects

A JSON Object is a collection of key/value pairs

Keys are simple strings

Values can be: Numbers, Strings, Arrays, Other Objects, and more

{  "name" : "Rose Tyler",  "race" : "Human",  "body parts" : [ "head", "legs"]}

Friday, March 1, 13

It’s A Document Oriented Data Store

Friday, March 1, 13

It don’t do joins

Friday, March 1, 13

It don’t do transactions

Friday, March 1, 13

Keeping It Simple

Document Oriented

No Transactions

No Joins

Friday, March 1, 13

Application Architecture


Friday, March 1, 13

What Can Mongo Do For You

Create and store objects

Arrange them in collections

Retrieve them later

Friday, March 1, 13

Q & A

Friday, March 1, 13

CRUD OperationsCreate, Read, Update and Destroy Data

Friday, March 1, 13

Mongo CRUD

Create is called insert

Read is called find

Update is called update

Destroy is called remove

Friday, March 1, 13

Mongo CRUD

db.highscore.insert ({"name":"Tom", "score":94});

db.highscore.find ({"name" : "Tom" })

db.highscore.update ({"name" : "Tom"}, {"$inc" : { "score" : 1 } });

db.highscore.remove ({"name" : "Tom"});

Friday, March 1, 13

Inserting Data

Use the command insert or save to insert a new object

db.collection.insert( obj );

db.collection.insert( array );

Friday, March 1, 13

Inserting Data

Inserting to a new collection creates the collection

Inserting an object with an _id key, it is used as the object’s id (and must be unique).

Friday, March 1, 13

Demo: Insert

Friday, March 1, 13

find and findOne perform read operations

Both take a query

find returns a cursor

findOne returns an object

db.collection.find( <query>, <projection> )

Reading Data

Optional: Fields to fetch

Friday, March 1, 13

Query Document

An empty (or missing) query document returns everything



Friday, March 1, 13

Query Document

Each key/value pair in the query document imposes a condition on the results (objects that match).

db.movies.find({ “genre” : “indie” });

db.books.find({“pages” : { “$gt” : 100 }});

Friday, March 1, 13

Query Document

Each key/value pair in the query document imposes a condition on the results (objects that match).

db.movies.find({ “genre” : “indie” });

db.books.find({“pages” : { “$gt” : 100 }});

Query Object

Friday, March 1, 13

Query Document

A compound query means a logical AND on the conditions.

db.inventory.find(  {     “type” : “snacks”,     “available” : { “$lt” : 10 }  });

Friday, March 1, 13

Quiz: What Is Returned

{ “publisher” : “DC”}

from alterego publisher

Earth Bruce Wayne DC

Earth Peter Parker Marvel

Krypton Clark Kent DC

Friday, March 1, 13

Quiz: What Is Returned

{ “publisher” : “DC”, “from” : “Earth”}

from alterego publisher

Earth Bruce Wayne DC

Earth Peter Parker Marvel

Krypton Clark Kent DC

Friday, March 1, 13

Demo: Query

Friday, March 1, 13


The general form for update is:

db.collection.update( <query>, <update>, <options> )

Which Entries to update

What to do with them

Friday, March 1, 13


Some Update Operators

“$set”, “$inc”

“$push”, “$pushAll”, “$addToSet”

“$pop”, “$pull”, “$pullAll”

Friday, March 1, 13

Update: set

$set modifies a value or add a new value


db.posts.update(  { title: “Why Is Your Cat Unhappy” },  { $set : { “archived” : true } });

Friday, March 1, 13

Quiz: $set

Update owners array of the first cat with white color

If you want to update all objects, use multi

db.cats.update( { color: “white” }, { “$set” : { “owners” : [“John”, “Jim”] } } { multi : true });

Friday, March 1, 13

Deleting Data

db.posts.remove( { “author” : “Father Angelo” }){ “genres” : “pop” })

db.posts.remove({ “tags” : “funny” }, 1);

Friday, March 1, 13

Q & A

Friday, March 1, 13

The Driver

Hello MongoDB

Connecting and Authenticating

Querying/Updating Data

Coding Time

Friday, March 1, 13

Hello MongoDB

Mike Friedman, Kristina Chodorow and rafl



Alternative Driver: Mango

Friday, March 1, 13

Hello Mongo

use strict;use warnings;use v5.14;use MongoDB;use Data::Printer; my $client = MongoDB::MongoClient->new;my $db = $client->get_database('demo'); my $coll = $db->get_collection('highscore');my @objects = $coll->find->all; p @objects;

Friday, March 1, 13

Inserting Data

use strict;use warnings;use v5.14;use MongoDB; my $client = MongoDB::MongoClient->new;my $db = $client->get_database('demo'); my $coll = $db->get_collection('highscore'); $coll->insert({ name => 'Mike', score => 99 });

Friday, March 1, 13

Querying Data

my $cursor = $coll->find({name => 'Tom'}); while ( my $next = $cursor->next ) {  say $next->{name}, " Got: ", $next->{score};}

Friday, March 1, 13

Querying Data

Sort, Limit and Skip results using the cursor

my $cursor = $coll->find()-> sort({score => -1})-> limit(3); while ( my $next = $cursor->next ) {  say $next->{name}, " Got: ", $next->{score};}

Friday, March 1, 13

Update Data

$coll->update( { name => 'Tom' }, { '$inc' => { score => 1 } } );

$coll->update( { name => 'Tom' }, { '$inc' => { score => 1 } }, { multiple => 1 } );

Friday, March 1, 13

Deleting Data

 my $client = MongoDB::MongoClient->new;my $db = $client->get_database('demo'); my $coll = $db->get_collection('highscore'); $coll->remove( { score => { '$gt' => 80 } } );

Friday, March 1, 13

Thanks For Listening

Ynon Perek


Talk to me at:

Friday, March 1, 13
