Mongodb Intro



Getting started with MongoDB and Mongoose

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Getting Started WithMongoDB{ author: “Ynon Perek” }

Thursday, January 31, 13


Ynon Perek

Thursday, January 31, 13


MongoDB Overview

Mongo Test Drive

Mongo Data Model

CRUD Operations

Working With Files

Thursday, January 31, 13

MongoDB Overview

Data Store for JSON Objects

Thursday, January 31, 13

MongoDB Overview

Data Store for JSON Objects

{ “Name” : “Rose Tyler” }

Thursday, January 31, 13

JSON Objects

A JSON Object is a collection of key/value pairs

Keys are simple strings

Values can be: Numbers, Strings, Arrays, Other Objects, and more

Thursday, January 31, 13

JSON Examples

{ “name”: “The Doctor”, “age”: 900 }

{ “race”: “human”, “body parts” : [“head”, “legs”, “arms”, “eyes”]}

Thursday, January 31, 13

MongoDB Overview

A Document Oriented Database (No SQL)

Thursday, January 31, 13

Keeping It Simple

Thursday, January 31, 13

Keeping It Simple

No Transactions

No Joins

Thursday, January 31, 13

Application Architecture


Thursday, January 31, 13

Application Architecture




Thursday, January 31, 13

What Can Mongo Do For You

Create and store objects

Arrange them in collections

Retrieve them later

Thursday, January 31, 13

Q & A

Thursday, January 31, 13

Mongo Test DriveCreate MongoLab Account And Start Using The DB

Thursday, January 31, 13

Install mongo Client

Download mongo from:

Extract zip file

Run mongo

Thursday, January 31, 13

Install mongo Client

Choose production release for your architecture

Thursday, January 31, 13

Install mongo Client

Note: Still using Windows XP ? You’ll have to use the previous 2.0 version

Thursday, January 31, 13

Meet MongoLab

Thursday, January 31, 13

Database Dashboard

Thursday, January 31, 13

Create New Database

Choose database name

Choose provider

Choose plan (free is good)

Create a DB user

Thursday, January 31, 13

Database Dashboard

Thursday, January 31, 13

Connecting To The DB

There are two options to work with your new DB

You can use the web console

You can use the command line console

Let’s start with the web.

Thursday, January 31, 13

Demo: Creating Documents

Create a few documents on the web console

Update the data

Delete some of them

Search by fields

Thursday, January 31, 13

Mongo Data Model

Let’s model A blog post in a blog app

What’s The Data ?

How Should You Save It ?

Thursday, January 31, 13

Cool MongoDB Design

{“title”: “Mongo 101”,“author” : “ynonp”,“comments” : [ { “author” : “...”, “content” : “...” }, { “author” : “...”, “content” : “...” }],“tags” : [ “funny”, “informative”],“content” : “...”


Thursday, January 31, 13

Q & A

Thursday, January 31, 13


Create a DB for musical info

Create a collection called albums

Add info for 3 albums you like, including:

Album Name, Artist, Tracks, Release Date, Genres

Tracks is an array of objects

Genres is an array of strings

Thursday, January 31, 13

CRUD OperationsCreate, Read, Update and Destroy Data

Thursday, January 31, 13

Mongo CRUD

Create is called insert

Read is called find

Update is called update

Destroy is called remove

Thursday, January 31, 13

Mongo CRUD

From a developer’s perspective, MongoDB operations are the same through the driver and through the console

In both cases, operations look like function calls or method invocations

We’ll use mongo shell for the rest of this chapter

Thursday, January 31, 13

Inserting Data

Use the command insert or save to insert a new object

db.collection.insert( obj );

db.collection.insert( array );

Thursday, January 31, 13

Inserting Data

Inserting to a new collection creates the collection

Inserting an object with an _id key, it is used as the object’s id (and must be unique).

Thursday, January 31, 13

find and findOne perform read operations

Both take a query

find returns a cursor

findOne returns an object

db.collection.find( <query>, <projection> )

Reading Data

Optional: Fields to fetch

Thursday, January 31, 13

Query Document

An empty (or missing) query document returns everything



Thursday, January 31, 13

Query Document

Each key/value pair in the query document imposes a condition on the results (objects that match).

db.movies.find({ “genre” : “indie” });

db.books.find({“pages” : { “$gt” : 100 }});

Thursday, January 31, 13

Query Document

Each key/value pair in the query document imposes a condition on the results (objects that match).

db.movies.find({ “genre” : “indie” });

db.books.find({“pages” : { “$gt” : 100 }});

Query Object

Thursday, January 31, 13

Query Document

A compound query means a logical AND on the conditions.

db.inventory.find( { “type” : “snacks”, “available” : { “$lt” : 10 } });

Thursday, January 31, 13

Quiz: What Is Returned

{ “publisher” : “DC”}

from alterego publisher

Earth Bruce Wayne DC

Earth Peter Parker Marvel

Krypton Clark Kent DC

Thursday, January 31, 13

Quiz: What Is Returned

{ “publisher” : “DC”, “from” : “Earth”}

from alterego publisher

Earth Bruce Wayne DC

Earth Peter Parker Marvel

Krypton Clark Kent DC

Thursday, January 31, 13

More Queries

You can use “$or” to have an OR expression

{ “$or” : [ { “type” : “food” }, { “type” : “drinks” } ]}

Thursday, January 31, 13

Sub Documents

If your document has sub-documents, it’s possible to query by a full sub document or look for a partial match

Full sub-document query means subdocument is exactly as specified in the query


{ ISBN : { “ISBN-10” : “1906465592”, “ISBN-13” : “978-1906465599” }}

Thursday, January 31, 13

Sub Documents

A partial query matches all objects that have at least the required field (but may contain more)

Example:{ “language.primary” : “english”}

Value of language is an object, and it has a field called primary

Thursday, January 31, 13


You can use an exact array match by providing the full array in the query

Example:{ tags : [ “funny”, “cute”, “cats” ]}

Thursday, January 31, 13


You can query for an array that has at least one element matching the query


{ “tags” : “funny” }

Thursday, January 31, 13


If you have a subdocument as the element of an array, it’s possible to query by its fields using the dot notation.


{ “” : “Rose Mary Stretch” }

{ “” : “Rose Mary Stretch” }

Thursday, January 31, 13

Query Operators

Complex queries are performed with special operators.

These are reserved words starting with a $

Some of them: $gt, $gte, $lt, $lte, $ne, $in, $nin, $all, $or, $not

Thursday, January 31, 13

Comparator Queries

Value for key a is greater than 10{ “a” : { “$gt” : 10 }}

Value for key b is not 7{ “b” : { “$ne” : 7 }}

Value for key name is greater (dictionary sort) than ‘bird’{ “name” : { “$gt” : “bird” }}

Thursday, January 31, 13

Queries: $in, $nin

Use $in to specify a choice from multiple options

Value for grade is 85, 90 or 100{ “grade” : { “$in” : [ 85, 90, 100 ] } }

Value for fruit is neither apple nor banana{ “fruit” : { “$nin” : [“apple”, “banana” ] } }

Thursday, January 31, 13

Quiz: What Is Selected

{ “reads” : { “$gt” : 10 }, “author” : { “$nin” : [“admin”, “manager”, “boss” ] } }

author reads title

admin 99 How To Use Mongo

Joe 120 How To Make Money

Jim 8 Windows Manual

Thursday, January 31, 13

Queries: $all

Select objects with array containing all elements

Example:{ “tags” : { “$all” : [ “funny”, “cats” ] } }

Thursday, January 31, 13

More Query Operators

“$size” - array has a specific number of elements

“$exists” - field present or missing


{ “friends” : { “$size” : 7 } }

{ “producer” : { “$exists” : false } }

Thursday, January 31, 13


count() - returns how many objects found

distinct() - returns all distinct values for a key


db.posts.distinct( “tags” )

Thursday, January 31, 13

Q & A

Thursday, January 31, 13


Using the previously defined musical DB. Query for:

Albums released after/before 2008

Albums with 7 tracks

Albums by a specific genre

Albums by a specific track name

Display ALL different genres in the DB

Thursday, January 31, 13


Update operations modify existing data in the DB

Mongo supports two update commands: update() and save()

Update is the more general (and complex)

Thursday, January 31, 13


The general form for update is:

db.collection.update( <query>, <update>, <options> )

Which Entries to update

What to do with them

Thursday, January 31, 13


The second argument to update() is an operator object

It tells update what to do with the data

Some keys you can use: “$set”, “$inc” “$push”, “$pushAll”, “$addToSet”, “$pop”, “$pull”, “$pullAll”

Thursday, January 31, 13

Update: set

$set modifies a value or add a new value


db.posts.update( { title: “Why Is Your Cat Unhappy” }, { $set : { “archived” : true } });

Thursday, January 31, 13

Quiz: $set

What happens here ?

db.cats.update( { color: “white” }, { “$set” : { “owners” : [“John”, “Jim”] } });

Thursday, January 31, 13

Quiz: $set

Update owners array of the first cat with white color

If you want to update all objects, use multi

db.cats.update( { color: “white” }, { “$set” : { “owners” : [“John”, “Jim”] } } { multi : true });

Thursday, January 31, 13

Update: inc

$inc increases a numeric value


{ “$inc” : { “age” : 11 } }

Thursday, January 31, 13

Quiz: $inc

What happens here ?

db.songs.update( { “title” : “Killing Lies” }, { “$inc” : { “plays” : 1 } });

Thursday, January 31, 13

Update: push and pushAll

push() and pushAll() add items to an existing array

If they array did not exists, it is created


db.creatures.update( { name: “The Doctor” }, { “$push” : { companions : “Rose Tyler” } })

Thursday, January 31, 13

Update: addToSet

The $addToSet adds a new item only if it wasn’t already in the array


{ “$addToSet” : { “tags” : “funny” } }

Thursday, January 31, 13

Update: pop

pop removes items of an array

Use a value of 1 to remove the last element

Use a value of -1 to remove the first element


{ “$pop” : { “companions” : 1 } }

Thursday, January 31, 13

Update: pull

Remove a specific item from an array.

Can use $pullAll to remove all matching elements


{ “$pull” : { “companions” : “Rose Tyler” } }

Thursday, January 31, 13

Updating with save()

The second update operation is save()

takes a document:

If the document has an id - update it

If not, insert it to the DB

Thursday, January 31, 13

Deleting Data

remove() deletes objects from a collection

Takes a query and possibly a <justOne> arguments


db.posts.remove({ “author” : “Father Angelo” }){ “genres” : “pop” })

db.posts.remove({ “tags” : “funny” }, 1 );

Thursday, January 31, 13

Q & A

Thursday, January 31, 13


From the previous music database:

Add a new album with 4 tracks

Add a new track to that new album

Set property “plays” on all albums to 6

Increase it by 4 only for “indie” albums

Delete all “indie” music

Thursday, January 31, 13

MongooseMongoDB + Node.JS

Thursday, January 31, 13

What’s That

An Object Relational Mapper for Node.JS

Handles gory details so you don’t have to

Fat Models

Thursday, January 31, 13


Hello Mongoose

Schema and Data Types

Custom Validators

Querying Data

Poor Man’s Joins (Populate)

Mongoose Plugins

Thursday, January 31, 13

Online Resources

irc: #mongoosejs on freenode

Thursday, January 31, 13

Hello Mongoose

var mongoose = require('mongoose');mongoose.connect('localhost', 'test');

var schema = mongoose.Schema({ name: 'string' });var Cat = mongoose.model('Cat', schema);

var kitty = new Cat({ name: 'Zildjian' }); (err) { if (err) // ... console.log('meow');});

Thursday, January 31, 13

Mongoose Objects


Model Model



Thursday, January 31, 13

Mongoose Objects

{ name: String}



var mongoose = require('mongoose');mongoose.connect('localhost', 'test');

var schema = mongoose.Schema( { name: 'string' });

var Cat = mongoose.model( 'Cat', schema);

var kitty = new Cat( { name: 'Zildjian' });

Thursday, January 31, 13

Schema Definitions

A schema takes a description object which specifies its keys and their types

Types are mostly normal JS

new Schema({ title: String, body: String, date: Date, hidden: Boolean, meta: { votes: Number, favs: Number }});

Thursday, January 31, 13

Schema Types









Thursday, January 31, 13

Nested Objects

Creating nested objects is easy

Just assign an object as the value

var PersonSchema = new Schema({  name: {    first: String,    last: String  }});

Thursday, January 31, 13

Array Fields

Array fields are easy

Just write the type as a single array element

var PersonSchema = new Schema({  name: {    first: String,    last: String  },  hobbies: [String]});

Thursday, January 31, 13

Schema Use Case

Let’s start writing a photo taking app

Each photo is saved in the DB as a Data URL

Along with the photo we’ll save the username

var PhotoSchema = new Schema({  username: String,  photo: String,  uploaded_at: Date}); var Photo = mongoose.model( 'Photo', PhotoSchema);

Thursday, January 31, 13

Creating New Objects

Create a new object by instantiating the model

Pass the values to the ctor

var mypic = new Photo({  username: 'ynon',  photo: 'foo',  uploaded_at: new Date()});

Thursday, January 31, 13

Creating New Objects

After the object is ready, simply save it;

Thursday, January 31, 13

What Schema Can Do For You

Add validations on the fields

Stock validators: required, min, max

Can also create custom validators

Validation happens on save

var PhotoSchema = new Schema({  username: { type: String, required: true },  photo: { type: String, required: true },

  uploaded_at: Date});

Thursday, January 31, 13

What Schema Can Do For You

Provide default values for fields

Can use a function as default for delayed evaluation

var PhotoSchema = new Schema({  username: { type: String, required: true },  photo: { type: String, required: true },  uploaded_at: { type: Date, default: }});

Thursday, January 31, 13

What Schema Can Do For You

Add methods to your documents

var EvilZombieSchema = new Schema({  name: String,  brainz: { type: Number, default: 0 }}); EvilZombieSchema.methods.eat_brain = function() {  this.brainz += 1;}; 

Thursday, January 31, 13

Custom Validators

It’s possible to use your own validation code

var toySchema = new Schema({  color: String,  name: String}); toySchema.path('color').validate(function(value) {  return ( this.color.length % 3 === 0 );}); 

Thursday, January 31, 13

Schema Create Indices

A schema can have some fields marked as “index”. The collection will be indexed by them automatically

var PhotoSchema = new Schema({  username: { type: String, required: true, index: true },  photo: { type: String, required: true },  uploaded_at: { type: Date, default: }});

Thursday, January 31, 13

Schemas Create Accessors

A virtual field is not saved in the DB, but calculated from existing fields. “full-name” is an example.

personSchema.virtual('name.full').get(function () { return + ' ' +;});

personSchema.virtual('name.full').set(function (name) { var split = name.split(' '); = split[0]; = split[1];});

Thursday, January 31, 13

Q & A

Thursday, January 31, 13

Querying Data

Use Model#find / Model#findOne to query data

// executes immediately, passing results to callbackMyModel.find({ name: 'john', age: { $gte: 18 }}, function (err, docs) { // do something with data // or handle err});

Thursday, January 31, 13

Querying Data

You can also chain queries by not passing a callback

Pass the callback at the end using exec

var p = Photo.find({username: 'ynon'}).  skip(10).  limit(5).  exec(function(err, docs) {  console.dir( docs );});

Thursday, January 31, 13

Other Query Methods

find( cond, [fields], [options], [cb] )

findOne ( cond, [fields], [options], [cb] )

findById ( id, [fields], [options], [cb] )

findOneAndUpdate( cond, [update], [options], [cb] )

findOneAndRemove( cond, [options], [cb] )

Thursday, January 31, 13

Counting Matches

Use count to discover how many matching documents are in the DB

Adventure.count({ type: 'jungle' }, function (err, count) { if (err) .. console.log('there are %d jungle adventures', count);});

Thursday, January 31, 13


Create a Schema called “Album”

Add fields: artist, year, tracks

Create a model and a document

Add validator for year

Save it in the DB

Thursday, January 31, 13


Create 5 albums from years 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012

Query the 3 newest albums

Print the artist name and the number of tracks

Print the artist who has the most albums

Thursday, January 31, 13

Populating Collections

Mongo has no joins

Let’s Fake Them

Thursday, January 31, 13

Start With Relationships

Execute the following to create an initial relationship

Watch the data in the DB:

Album.artist = ObjectId("5106b6e6fde8310000000001")

Thursday, January 31, 13

Use Query#populate

query#populate sends another query for the related object

Album.findOne().exec(function(err, doc) {  // prints undefined  console.log( );});  Album.findOne().populate('artist').exec(function(err, doc) {  // prints Pink Floyd  console.log( );});

Thursday, January 31, 13

Use Query#populate

Full method signature:

Query#populate( path, [fields], [model], [cond], [options] )

cond is a query condition object ( i.e. { age: { $gte: 21 }}

options is a query options object ( i.e. { limit: 5 }

Helps when populating arrays

Thursday, January 31, 13

Mongoose Plugins

A plugin connects to the Schema and extends it in a way

Thursday, January 31, 13

Mongoose Plugins

A mongoose plugin is a simple function which takes schema and options

Demo: lastModifiedPlugin

Thursday, January 31, 13

Mongoose Plugins

find or create plugin:

Thursday, January 31, 13

Mongoose Plugins

Hashed password field plugin:

Thursday, January 31, 13

Mongoose Plugins

Mongoose troops is a collection of useful mongoose plugins:

Thursday, January 31, 13

Thank You

Photos from:

Slides available at:

Thursday, January 31, 13
