Online Fee Management - A Change in Traditional Fee Collection System



Besides the aforementioned top 5 features of fee management software, there are more features to explore. The software comes with an intelligent, well-structured, and user-friendly interface. It is reliable, safe, quick and easy to use. Users can operate it anytime round the clock.

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Online Fee ManagementA Change in Traditional Fee Collection System


About Fee Management Software

• One of the most essential online filing systems is the fee management software.

• It makes fee collection, storage of payment data, and retrieval faster and easier.

• Just clicking the student name or admission number lets the user access the account from amid the horde of stored data in seconds.

• Entering information of students and receiving fees online systematically has never been so easy!

Fee Management As a Trend

• Technology is evolving, so are functionalities simplified significantly.

• Not many a school today follows traditional management practices.

• Hosted cloud-computing platforms and other technology solutions have changed the very way of how schools function today.

• Newer solutions are introduced providing greater value in controlling day to day activities of the school and managing fees.

Who is Using it?

The fee management software is a boon for the School Management.

• Online collection and management of fees is the standard adopted by leading schools across the world today.

• Smart schools stay competitive using this technology and gain an advantage in etching a distinctive stature in the market.

Q: What about saving 90 percent of manual work?

A: No loads of hassles and no recruitment of additional talented workforce to manage fees. Only a counted few staff, trained to operate and handle the software, need to be recruited by the school. It is paperless management of fees, thus contributing towards saving the environment.

Top 5 Features of Fee Management Software

1. Create new student account and save information; with regular collection of fees, each data is stored against the account

2. Create fee slips for online payment modes; these slips include copies each of student, school, and bank. Separate panel for cash fee collection also exists

3. Manage students’ paid, pending and balance amount; slips can be sent by mail or given right away in print

4. Follow up pending dues; track closed and deleted bills5. Generate day-to-day transaction reports including

consolidated daily/monthly/yearly fees collection reports.


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• Images sourced from Google Image Search
