Ora Doclet Oracle Schema Documentation Generator


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OraDoclet – Oracle Schema Documentation GeneratorAlbert Guo



What is OraDoclet

OraDoclet Installation

OraDoclet Usage

What is OraDoclet


The purpose of OraDoclet is generation of the detailed database documentation resembling the JavaDoc style.

It is a custom doclet that functions either with the JavaDoc tool or as a standalone Java application.

The documentation generated has a form of static html files and describes all objects in the given Oracle database schema.

OraDoclet Installation

OraDoclet Installation


a) Java Virtual Machine, version 1.4 or later. http://java.sun.com

b) Oracle Server, version 8.1.6 or later. http://technet.oracle.com

c) Oracle Server Client (optional when using JDBC Thin driver) http://technet.oracle.com

Installation process:

a) Check the runtime environment. Type in shell "java -version“ to see the version number

b) Unpack OraDoclet files into the destination directory

c) The compilation may require the following libraries in the class path:

– %JAVA_HOME%\lib\tools.jar

– %ORACLE_HOME%\jdbc\lib\classes12.zip,where %ORACLE_HOME% is the directory where Oracle client components located

OraDoclet Usage

OraDoclet Usage

The most simple way to use OraDoclet is to run as a normal java application providing the necessary parameters in the command line.

java net.oradoclet.OraDoclet <dbconnect> [<output_directory> [<copyright_notice>]]

java -classpath ".;E:\mylib\Oracle\oradoclet.jar;E:\mylib\Oracle\ojdbc14.jar" net.oradoclet.OraDoclet pdm/pdm@ E:\mylib\oradoclet-0.2\dbdoc PTC

Generation Results
