O'Reilly author webinar "APIs: A Strategy guide": Transforming Your Business with...



For business and product executives, this O'Reilly Author webinar covers what an API strategy can do for you, including the different types of public vs. private API strategies. Courtesy of O'Reilly, a free book chapter is posted here: http://bit.ly/GTW9sF

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Under the Iceberg: Using APIs to Transform your Business

Greg Brail @gbrail

Dan Jacobson @daniel_jacobson

Dan Woods @danwoodscito

Scott Regan @scottregan


@danwoodscito @scottregan

What is an API?

Why does it matter for your business?

You might need an API if…

Under the Iceberg: Public vs. Private APIs

Things to consider for:

design | business | technology | marketing

Your questions!


Consider this:

60%+ traffic

through APIs

More bandwidth through

APIs than all the websitesEntirely API based

product and ecosystem

30% of primetime internet

traffic through streaming

service managed by APIs

API drives all forms of

distribution - website,

apps, partners

Market transition from..

1 Billion Trillions?


Web Site


Business urgency: Get where the customers are!

(Our) Tech definition:

An Application Programming Interface is a way for two computer

applications to talk to each other over a network (predominantly

the Internet) using a common language that they both


Business definition:

A way to get your data to partners and apps.

Essentially a contract.

What is an API?


Public APIs are exploding in number


But Public APIs are the Tip of the Iceberg

Private APIs

Public APIs





The API Value Chain

…you need a second mobile app, or..

..you need to be on lots of partner apps!

…you need to make data available

…your customers or partners are asking for it!

…you want to let partners ‘test the waters’

…you want to scale integration with customers and partners

…your site is getting screen scraped

…your competition has one!

…you need to simplify or improve your technical architecture

You might need an API if..

What is the same?

What is different?

Public vs. Private APIs

Is your API easy to try and use?

Does your API need to be RESTful?

Should you start with less or more?

Considerations for API Design

How will you control API Traffic?

How will you scale the API?

Visibility to understand your customers and channel?

Considerations for API Technology

How can you identify who is using your API?

What types of authentication/authorization should you use?

What is OAuth?

What new security threats might exist for APIs?

Considerations for API Security

What specific type of app or developer segment is your API for?

What do developers need to be successful adopting your API?

How can you reach developers and build a community?

How will you measure and report on success?

Considerations for Marketing your API

APIs: A Strategy Guide http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920021223.do Free book chapter: http://bit.ly/apistrategybookchapter API-Craft discussion group: https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!forum/api-craft More API webinars: http://youtube.com/apigee

I <B API Stickers: tweet @scottregan or @apigee and will mail you one

For more on APIs

THANK YOUQuestions and ideas to:



